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Travis Minors first half grades

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2008 3:29 pm
by travis minor

Starting pitching
Nolasco got off to a rough start but has since then been lights out
Scott Olsen has pitched well imo
Andrew Miller... send him down please, he needs more experience in the minors
Mark Hendrickson....
Ryan Tucker, up and down, mostly down, has potential, i think he has closer stuff, but i think he should be sent down to get some more "seasoning"
Josh Johnson, Pitched well in his first start, excited to see what happens in the second half
Chris Volstad, What can you say, he was brilliant his first start
Anibal Sanchez: N/A
Sergio Mitre: N/A
scrubs sent down to the minors: Hurk/Hopper. for good reason

Pitching is improved from last year. I gave them a C+ because hendrickson and miller have been dreadful. I think overall the starters can only get better in the second half. Nolasco has pitched like an ace, Scotty has been more or less consistent, and his record should be alot better. Lets see what we get from JJ, Volstad, Anibal, and or Mitre in the second half.

Relievers: C-
I won't go individual to individual here. They started off hot, but since then have not been that great. Kevin Gregg has been up and down, and you ideally would like your closer to be consistent. I think the Gardner injury hurts more than some would think. This part of the team needs to improve in the second half.
Highlights: Waechter, Pinto (for the most part)
Dielights: Tank, Lindstrom

Catcher: D
No offense from here at all. They've dont a decent job of handling the staff though.

1B: C+
Mike Jacobs, good offensive numbers, mediocre defensive ones. His batting average thankfully has been going up recently. Hopefully we can catch lightning in a bottle in the second half with his bat, it would be huge. Cantu has done a good job here when asked also.

2B: A+
Uggla has had a superstar year. Not only with the bat but with the glove as well. When he went out for a couple games Andino filled in marvelously

SS: A-
Hanley Ramirez should be in the top 3 in the NL MVP voting as far as im concerned. Just a couple too many Defensive plays that he doesn't make, that he should that keep me from giving him an A+

3B: B
Cantu has given us more than we could ever expect. He looks like Miguel Cabrera with the bat. Unfortunately he looks like Miguel Cabrera in the field sometimes too.

Hammers back. Reluctant to give a grade because of all the time gonzo has played. Gonzo did exceptional filling in, but at this point in his career hes no Hammer.

CF: B (and rising)
Finally Cody gets to play everygame. Nobody on the bench is going to take his time away anymore, im excited to see the numbers hes going to put up. More than solid defensively also.

RF: C-
Hermida. Looks like a clutz sometimes on the field. His talent says he should be hitting more than .255 in the 2 hole. Last year he his .296, and thats the average the team was looking for behind Hanley.

Team grade: B

Obviously i would take a game and a half back at the allstar break at the begining of the season. Lets see what we get from the starting pitching the second half of the year