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Re: Not Stressing About Strasburg

Posted: Sun May 8, 2016 5:26 pm
by Neddy
Ranma wrote:I wouldn't mind Strasburg on our team, but I'm wary of the contract he'll get this winter as the only premier pitching talent available in free agency. As you noted, there are concerns with his long-term health and durability. I don't expect us to be in play for him, in all honesty, but I supposed it wouldn't hurt to check in with him. However, his agent is Scott Boras.

I'm hoping the dearth of available pitching will make Kazmir a desirable enough commodity to opt out of his contract with us, thus giving us a 1st-round compensatory draft pick after we give him a qualifying offer (with him turning that down as well).

yeah health is a concern, his injury history is a red flag, and his funky delivery is only rivaled by Alex Wood.

but if our team doctors clear him, I don't see too many opportunities where we can make such incredible improvement with similar investment. since we are grossly underpaying Maeda even if he was to meet most or all of his incentives, (he is already underpaid and surely be far below his market price in a couple more seasons, then becomes one of the biggest bargains in all baseball by the end of his contract) we can bet on a player like Strasburg and take on the risk and the price. Urias will be making rookie money and Ryu's contract is also a bargain, I don't think the financial investment is going to be spent foolishly, as long as we continue to erase Ned Colletti's pile of **** contracts along the way.

Re: Around the MLB

Posted: Mon May 9, 2016 12:15 am
by Quake Griffin
Oh oh oh....i forgot.

one more one more.

Greg Holland.
Coming off tommy john surgery.
I'm surprised we haven't signed him and stashed him away. We need to make that move like yesterday.

Holland could be waiting until he heals to show case himself or something...but remember he was the Royals closer before Wade Davis stepped up in his absence. I know there's still gotta be life in that arm of his.

Re: Around the MLB

Posted: Mon May 9, 2016 1:18 am
by Neddy
from what I understand, Greg Holland is all but set to return to his beloved Royals. KC being a small market team, took Greg off their roster while he is healing but it was all discussed prior to him being released and he is going back to the only team he has ever known as a pro.

but if KC fumbles, I would not mind one bit to get him into the fold and suit him up for our pen comes 2017.

Re: Around the MLB

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 12:39 am
by Quake Griffin
I'll look into the Holland matter further just to be thorough.

With that said, Strasburg is off the market just as soon as I made that post.
7 years for 175, I think those are King Felix numbers.

Who says Boras clients have to reach free agency???
Complete shocker.

Re: Around the MLB

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:08 am
by Neddy
Quake Griffin wrote:I'll look into the Holland matter further just to be thorough.

With that said, Strasburg is off the market just as soon as I made that post.
7 years for 175, I think those are King Felix numbers.

Who says Boras clients have to reach free agency???
Complete shocker.

lol just came in to talk about Strasburg's signing. the Nats did the smart thing, and now that he is off the market, suddenly Brett Andersons and Mat Latos' of the has-been re-treads are looking like the top SPs among who is available.

Macho Man

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 11:26 am
by Ranma
Jay Jaffe, Sports Illustrated (5/11/16)
Of course, Machado put himself on the map as a shortstop prospect, albeit one who was expected to move to third base at some point given his size (6'3", 185 pounds) and the presence of Hardy. Between the time he was drafted with the No. 3 pick in 2010 and his Aug. 8, 2012 major league debut, Machado played just two regular-season games at the hot corner at Double A Bowie in June 2012, roughly two months before being recalled. To say that he's taken to third base well would be an understatement. Even including the four-month head start that the rest of the field got on him in 2012, his 64 Defensive Runs Saved in that span trails only Nolan Arenado (+71) for the lead at the position, and his 54 runs above average via Ultimate Zone Rating is tops, 14 ahead of Josh Donaldson and 16 ahead of Arenado. Machado has taken home two Gold Gloves (2013 and '15) plus a Platinum one ('13) as the best defender in the league at any position, and his highlight reel of defensive gems can compete with any in the game. Here's an montage celebrating last year's Gold Glove win:


Even given his age and the timing of his arrival, Machado is sometimes the forgotten man in the ongoing Mike Trout/Bryce Harper debate over the game's top young superstar. Machado, younger than Trout by 11 months and older than Harper by about three, doesn't have an MVP on his mantle yet, but he already has the most defensive value of the trio without a move to shortstop; since 2012, he has 8.3 defensive WAR (DRS plus the position adjustment for third base and shortstop) to Trout's 2.1 (he was in the red in centerfield DRS in both 2013 and '14) and Harper's 1.2. Still, even with last year's breakout (.286/.359/.502 with 35 homers, 20 steals and 7.1 WAR) and this year's hot start, it's a stretch to suggest he's achieved parity with the pair:


That's the majors' top five in WAR since the start of 2015. Even with this year's MLB-leading 2.6 WAR and the aforementioned advantage in defensive value, Machado is nearly two wins behind the pair and is "only" in a virtual tie for 10th in OPS+ in that span.

Now at Shortstop, Manny Machado Continues to Grow as Offensive Force

Re: Around the MLB

Posted: Sat May 14, 2016 4:32 pm
by Quake Griffin
YEAH, saw he took over at SS and immediately and immediately thought of our discussion here.

I heard Ranma mention Sonny Gray and a lot of Dodger fans think we have the potential to go after him. It makes sense seeing as how Farhan is in our front office.

I was just wondering what you guys think of his peripherals not being that great? You think he will come back to earth (after 2 good years in Oakland) or that he's your classic FIP beater?

He has struggled to start the year as well.

Gray Matter

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 1:49 am
by Ranma
To be honest, I was never really high on Sonny Gray, but I jumped on the bandwagon with those who are high on him deferring to popular opinion. I still think he would help our rotation, especially on his cheap deal right now. I am a little surprised with his struggles right now but I didn't think he'd be able to maintain his excellent numbers throughout his career either. He'll recapture some of his previous form to be better, but I was never sold on him being an ace.

Re: Around the MLB

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 4:07 am
by Quake Griffin
That's my view of Sonny.

But Peter Gammons made it seem like they're going to want an incredible haul for him.
I can't in good faith give the A's an ace type deal for Sonny Gray.

We're not the D-Backs.

Trading for Sonny Gray

Posted: Sun May 15, 2016 4:35 am
by Ranma
I wouldn't be opposed to trading Jose De Leon for Sonny Gray, but I agree with you that I'm not at all in favor of giving up a huge haul for him, especially in light of his struggles. I'm sure somebody will pay that premium price even if it's not the D-backs level of stupidity just because quality starting pitching is both coveted and rare in the marketplace. Hopefully, it won't be us to pay such a hefty price.

Hector Olivera Suspended

Posted: Thu May 26, 2016 9:47 pm
by Ranma

Shades of Willie Mays Hayes

Posted: Sat Jun 4, 2016 4:42 am
by Ranma

Re: Around the MLB

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 7:01 pm
by Kilroy
MLB reaching hard to bury Rose's probably unbreakable record... No way hits in Japan should count and I don't want to hear about it every time Ichy hits another one... It's silly.

Why stop there... Rose probably hit quite a bit in little league too...

Dodgers' Phone Lines are Always Open

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:17 am
by Ranma
Jonah Keri, CBS Sports (6/17/16)
Wilson will make $20.5 million in his final year before free agency and might not throw a single pitch. Weaver will make $20.2 million in his walk year and is pitching so poorly that he might get bumped to the bullpen even when the alternatives aren't pretty. That's nothing compared to what the Angels owe the other two: The Angels agreed to pay Hamilton $63 million over three years when they chucked him to the curb last spring, while Pujols is owed a jaw-dropping $140 million over the next five years ... not counting the rest of this season's $25 million salary. The only other player owed anywhere near that much is Trout, who's owed $122 million from 2017 and 2010, but also counts as the only reasonably-paid player signed to a long-term deal.

It gets worse. The Angels have nothing resembling a major league-caliber starting catcher or major league-caliber starting left fielder, on the major league roster or close to it. They're employing a replacement-level second baseman. They're paying big money to a shortstop who's an all-world fielder but can't hit a lick, and they gave up a front-line pitching prospect to get him.

That was something the Angels could ill afford. This isn't just a team with a thin farm system. It's one that was rated by multiple sources as the worst farm system in the league. In discussing the Angels' dearth of talent before the start of the season, prospect expert Keith Law didn't mince words: "I've been doing these rankings for eight years now, Law wrote, "and this is by far the worst system I've ever seen."

Mike Trout May Be the Best Player in MLB, But the Angels' Future May be the Worst

Re: Dodgers' Phone Lines are Always Open

Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2016 11:45 am
by Quake Griffin
Ranma wrote:Jonah Keri, CBS Sports (6/17/16)
Wilson will make $20.5 million in his final year before free agency and might not throw a single pitch. Weaver will make $20.2 million in his walk year and is pitching so poorly that he might get bumped to the bullpen even when the alternatives aren't pretty. That's nothing compared to what the Angels owe the other two: The Angels agreed to pay Hamilton $63 million over three years when they chucked him to the curb last spring, while Pujols is owed a jaw-dropping $140 million over the next five years ... not counting the rest of this season's $25 million salary. The only other player owed anywhere near that much is Trout, who's owed $122 million from 2017 and 2010, but also counts as the only reasonably-paid player signed to a long-term deal.

It gets worse. The Angels have nothing resembling a major league-caliber starting catcher or major league-caliber starting left fielder, on the major league roster or close to it. They're employing a replacement-level second baseman. They're paying big money to a shortstop who's an all-world fielder but can't hit a lick, and they gave up a front-line pitching prospect to get him.

That was something the Angels could ill afford. This isn't just a team with a thin farm system. It's one that was rated by multiple sources as the worst farm system in the league. In discussing the Angels' dearth of talent before the start of the season, prospect expert Keith Law didn't mince words: "I've been doing these rankings for eight years now, Law wrote, "and this is by far the worst system I've ever seen."

Mike Trout May Be the Best Player in MLB, But the Angels' Future May be the Worst

I know they got us 3-1 this year
But reading stuff like this makes me tear up with joy.

eff the Angels and eff Artie.

I want Simmons though and always have.
I'd kick Seager to 3rd right now and take him amidst our hitting woes....RIGHT NOW.

John Oliver Warned Us About "Financial Advisers"

Posted: Wed Jun 22, 2016 10:54 am
by Ranma


Giolito Set to Debut

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 7:56 pm
by Ranma

The Mouse House to Buy Stake in Digital Arm of MLB

Posted: Fri Jul 1, 2016 4:51 am
by Ranma

Darwin Barney Pitching for the Tribe

Posted: Fri Jul 1, 2016 11:35 pm
by Ranma

Re: Around the MLB

Posted: Sat Jul 2, 2016 7:00 pm
by Neddy
after all that commotion, Lazarito signed with the A's for 3 million dollars. good grief.