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Pineda suspended 10 games for stupidity

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:15 pm
by isiah_thomas
Post has learned that Pineda was suspended 10 games #Yankees

so he's going to miss his next two starts, Go Yankees!

Re: Pineda suspended 10 games for stupidity

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:09 pm
by Dr. Detfink
I agree with Cashman. Embarrassed comes to mind. Even if Pineda got demolished 16-0 I'd take that over this ridiculousness.

Re: Pineda suspended 10 games for stupidity

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:36 pm
by Vides990
The only thing Cash-man should be embarrassed about is his lack of plan and his inability to build a team. In regards to Pineda, it clear all the pitchers do this now because of how slick the baseballs are now that they use brand new ones all the time. I mean, take a look at Bucholz, 30 degrees the other night in Chi town and his hair is drenched like he just got out of a pool in 120 degree July heat, you want to tell me he doesn't have pine tar and crap in it? Since Cone brought this up I've noticed it on other pitchers too, the rule needs to change, and Cash-man needs to stop throwing HIS players under the bus.

Re: Pineda suspended 10 games for stupidity

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:51 am
by Butch718
There's a lot of ridiculous statements being made regards to this incident. You're hearing a lot of fans saying that he disrespected the game by being so obvious about it. But hiding it really well means he isn't disrespecting the game? So basically people are stating that you can break the rule just as long as you're good at hiding it. Idiot logic 101.

I'm not even defending Pineda here. But I think the logic that it's okay to use pine tar just as long as you aren't so obvious about it is absolutely ridiculous. You should either be able to use it or not.

That being said the Red Sox screwed themselves here. They have pitchers that use pine tar. It's kind of ironic that their pitching yesterday couldn't locate the ball worth for sh*t. Probably because were scared of getting caught and looking like absolute hypocrites. It's also hilarious to see Red Sox fans up in arms over Pineda yet had absolutely no problem when their own pitchers did it during the post season.

Re: Pineda suspended 10 games for stupidity

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:50 pm
by moocow007
What's done is done.

Does the suspension include pitching in the minors? If not, it's not that that big a deal since they can just have him pitch in the minors on his scheduled pitch days the next 2 times through the rotation. If it does include not being able to pitch in the minors then there's a concern that the off days can throw him off going forward.