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Mulder Update

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:45 am
by bigboy1234
ST.LOUIS -- When Cardinals left-hander Mark Mulder went to team physician George Paletta's office on Tuesday morning to undergo tests on his surgically repaired left shoulder, he honestly believed the tests were going to prove everything was OK with his shoulder and he just needed more time to get back to original form.

He was wrong.

Mulder's MRI revealed complete healing of the labrum, but only partial healing of the rotator cuff. As a result, Mulder will undergo additional surgery to remove damaged tissue in the rotator cuff.

Horrible News Link

It's going to be so much fun having out two best pitchers our for two consecutive years!

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:55 pm
by mizzoupacers
Fox had an interview with Mulder as part of their postgame coverage, and Mulder says it won't have any impact on next season. But I don't know, it sounds like pretty bad news to me. From here on I'm pretty much going on the assumption that Mulder isn't going to do much for us next season and then will be gone before 2009. Anything at all good that we get out of him next year will be all gravy as far as I'm concerned.

That trade with Oakland is going to go down as one of the all-time terrible Cardinal trades. We get basically one season out of Mulder, and he was probably only at about 70 or 80 percent even in 2005, and we give up not only one of the best pitchers in MLB and a solid bullpen guy but also an outfield prospect who the A's just called up that everyone is excited about.