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Hot Stove 2010-2011

Posted: Sun Dec 5, 2010 4:05 pm
by catalyst
What would it take for Rangers to get Greinke? I know he is odd, but can really bring it. An opportunity like this is why a team builds up its minor leagues to fill spots of need when they present themselves. Rangers have used home grown talent to fill 1st, 2nd, SS, Closer, PT CF, LF, and Hunter. I count home grown when they call up a player who has been in the minors. That includes Feliz, Moreland, Andrus.

I think the discussion starts with Scheppers and Beltre. That may turn many off. I am a believer that you trade for the proven. Think what the lineup would be if Lee is re0-signed.


I do not see room for Scheppers for the next 3 years. That is a great pitching group there.

Let us know what you think as the hot stove league heats up from Orlando this week.

Re: Greinke

Posted: Wed Dec 8, 2010 4:02 pm
by catalyst
Rangers in Lee Discussions
Rangers in Greinke Discussions
Rangers in Beltre Discussions
Rangers to trade O'Day and Davis to Cubs?
Rangers to trade Young to Rockies?
Rangers after Carl Crawford?

I love the hot stove league. These are all rumors. Go find them yourself

Re: Hot Stove 2010-2011

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 7:44 pm
by catalyst
1 and 6 gone.

Pursuit of Greinke and Garza under way