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Posted: Mon Apr 2, 2007 4:03 pm
by catalyst
Sorry I am a little late on putting this message up

I just wanted to put out a formal welcoming to all Ranger fans and posters.

I think we have the makings of a nice little community of Ranger supporters here on RealGM and we're hoping it grows steadily. If you need a refresher on the board rules and policies, they're found HERE. I trust everyone will abide and be civil so we mods can facilitate discussion rather than police the forum.

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to PM Ddan or me. We're here to help. Looking forward to following the Rangers duke it out for a division title with all of you, here's to a great season.

If we have an intrepid Game thread poster, please let me know and we will include it nightly.

Thanks, and keep it coming