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Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 12:42 pm
by dagger
There is an interesting divide in the fanbase and media about where this team is at. The media guys like Shillner and Matheson say there is little improvement this batting order needs, except maybe a right handed bench bat with a little more pop. They will all co me alive any day now.

A lot of fans, myself included, see this as a weak/underperforming lineup that is perhaps exactly what we see - a middle of the pack team with a decent three-man rotation and two questionable: Kikuchi who risks going into another second half decline and Manoah who is God know's what right now. But Ryu's situation is a potential counter to that (he pitches again tomorrow for BUF), as is Chad Green's potential for the bullpen (he pitches in a real game on Saturday). So the media continues to see glasss half full, but really, the problems this offence has are recurring: Springer is regressing a bit, Bo is really good, Belt is what he is, decent as a platoon guy, Vlad is very good but nothing like what we expected, Chapman is pretty much hitting to his norm - not clobbering the new outfield fences - and everyone below those guys are underperforming except Merrifield and maybe Jansen who was never a premium bat but sometimes makes a timely contribution. At the plate, Kirk is a big disappointment, Espinal is a big disappointment, Varsho is a big disappointment, Biggio when he plays is what he has always been. Merrifield and Kiermeier are decent.

Offensively, everyone just hits away most of the time. If they manage to get two men on with no outs, the lineup then hits .143. Runners aren't moved over. They die on first and second. Versions of this happen too often.

I get the feeling that Atkins will waste some more prospects for the usual ending - the team will scrape into a playoff spot and lose the first round. Very Maple Leafs-like. I'm thinking a bolder approach will be needed this winter which at least makes available Vlad in a trade, even if nothing gets done. No one ought to be untouchable, especially among position players.

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 12:45 pm
by WuTang_OG
Disappointed in varsho cant hit

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:55 pm
by linery88
Boogie! wrote:
linery88 wrote:
Potential wrote:One of the worst offenses in mlb history only scored 1 run in the 20 innings? Shocking!

They found something..they really did against TB-20,and they trashed it.Its so obvious that Belt should be 4th,and Vlad should be at the 3 slot.Cant stick to the same lineup that wins.They dont know what they are doing.They are putting it all on Vlad,and Vlad is feeling it,and the HR derby thing was a good idea,but its not all about just Vlad.
Unwatchable even when we win,except for just before the A.S break.
Fix it nerds..fix it !

This argument still makes no sense to me. Vlad isn't performing upto expectations period. Has nothing to do eith where he was hitting. In fact the reason they dropped him to 4th was because he was slumping. If he was consistently mashing he would've stayed at 3rd. Shifting the lineup around isn't gonna do ****.

After they beat TB 20-1 they decided to take Belt out of the lineup the next game,and put Chapman in his slot,and lose,and score only 3 runs.
This is an example of how stupid this team can be run.Both Belt,and Vlad were fine 4,and 3 respectively.Belt gets hurt,and goes on the IL,after Vlad drives him in,after they move Belt to 3.Its stupid to risk Belts knee after offseason surgery,or risk the possibility that Vlad may have to drive Belt in if he is on 2b again,and they need to score,and keep Belt in the game.
I wish they would stick with one lineup that has yielded results,instead of constantly shifting.They use the same lineup they beat TB with,and sweep the Mets in Ny.It was so easy to watch them bat in that series,for some reason.Vladdy,and Belt were getting hits or walking more with that lineup.Vladdy was coming out of his slump with a late inning bomb blast in Ny,then they switch,and shift it again after a 4 game win streak. :banghead:
I wish whoever was setting the lineup would post here,so we could argue with them.This is an opinion,and idea to help this offence be more consistent,based on previous good results with it,since thats how they seem to operate with regard to the lineups.They are making the fans more expert than they themselves are,and they are putting more pressure on the pitchers-IMO.
Moving Belt to 5th,and keeping Vlad at 4,and putting Merrifield at 3 makes more sense to me because Belt being on base means he has to run more,and risk his knee,but they wont do it-IMO.

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:40 pm
by Madvillainy2004
Chapman and Whit swinging first pitch lmao you gotta take till you get a strike with his command.

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:45 pm
by Jago88
Mind blowing that Snell got away with that performance with 1 run

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:51 pm
by Randle McMurphy
This is a disgrace. You don't deserve to win any game with situational hitting this bad.

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 6:58 pm
by Corinne
Are guys not calling out there on defense? What's going on lately?

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:07 pm
by Randle McMurphy
Is there a reason Luplow wasn't pulled for Belt now that Snell was out of the game? Or just the latest example of bad managing?

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:12 pm
by Randle McMurphy
Now we're pulling Bassitt at 90 pitches so Mayza can pitch to RHBs? They were clearly gonna pinch hit for Carpenter.

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:18 pm
by Madvillainy2004
Super heads up play by Mayza to cover first to get the double play.

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:45 pm
by Corinne
Has our Oddly-Shaped Catcher returned to form? :pray:

My bad it's only one game, I'm just glad to see him have a good one :lol:

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 7:45 pm
Kirk's first homer since June 5th

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 8:16 pm
by Mehar
WuTang_OG wrote:Disappointed in varsho cant hit

In all fairness to Varsho, even though he has been a terrible hitter and one of the worst hitting Starting Outfielders in MLB up to this point- his defensive numbers are very good. It was not his fault the Jays gave up what they did for him, knowing that his 3 years of hitting data in Arizona was underwhelming. He still provides this team a very good defensive CF for 3 more seasons after this, at a cost-effective salary since he is under Arbitration up until the 2026 season.

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Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 8:23 pm
by WuTang_OG
Mehar wrote:
WuTang_OG wrote:Disappointed in varsho cant hit

In all fairness to Varsho, even though he has been a terrible hitter and one of the worst hitting Starting Outfielders in MLB up to this point- his defensive numbers are very good. It was not his fault the Jays gave up what they did for him, knowing that his 3 years of hitting data in Arizona was underwhelming. He still provides this team a very good defensive CF for 3 more seasons after this, at a cost-effective salary since he is under Arbitration up until the 2026 season.

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The defense is good but he needs to hit. The order cant afford to have that poor production.

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 8:56 pm
by Mehar
I do not disagree, and one of the reasons I was not a fan of the Varsho trade with his 3 years of mediocre hitting numbers. You might as well just signed back Bradley Zimmer, and kept both Gurriel and Moreno (or traded them both in a package for a much better player)- if all you were getting was good defense and terrible hitting from Varsho.

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 9:11 pm
by Hottie McShotty
10 left on base and 1 for 7 with RISP today. Get us someone who can hit FFS! So frustrating to watch.. :banghead:

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 11:25 pm
by duppyy
Time for a new hitting coach ?

Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 2:55 am
by polo007
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Re: Toronto Evolved Dinosaurs (53-41) vs San Diego Monks (44-50) July 18-20

Posted: Fri Jul 21, 2023 12:04 pm
by linery88
duppyy wrote:Time for a new hitting coach ?

Yankees fired their hitting coach because they have not been scoring,even though they have a good excuse lol.
We need a new H.C.,and new lineup coach.