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Re: All-Time Offensive Guards Discussion

Posted: Thu Feb 5, 2009 8:51 am
by studcrackers
he was a tackle

Re: All-Time Offensive Guards Discussion

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 7:24 pm
by Shaqsquatch
Larry Allen. Simply the best. He was big. He was the strongest. And he was mean. I played the position. Recruited to play it in college. Guard is the ultimate offensive enforcer position. Your job is to punish nosetackles and intimidate, bully and beat down middle linebackers, turning football's most celebrated hunters into the hunted. If youre a coach and your offensive guard(s) isnt one the strongest players on the squad and doesnt have a bully attitude ( on the field) he needs to be replaced pronto. Left tackles can get away with being athletic teddy bear types....guards need to be nasty. I never saw anyone do it better than Larry Allen.
First offensive play for Dallas in the 95 superbowl vs Pittsburg....Allen pulls to the left.. meets up with Greg Loyd and knocks him like ten feet backwards - through the air mostly- onto his back and Emmit runs for a 1st down. Its the 1st play on offense at the Superbowl and Larry just beasted and feasted on your meanest, toughest player, damn! Talk about sending a message to the other team! Wow.