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The official Hard Knocks thread

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 7:52 pm
by PhilipNelsonFan
I have HBO, so I'm able to watch each episode in this series, thankfully. Here are some thoughts:

-I really like Marvin Lewis. He seems relatively loose and willing to help his team. He may not be as fiery as others prefer, but he's not an awful coach.

-Tank Johnson. "That 4-11 season made people kinda mad. I wasn't even here but I'm mad about it." Yes. Good. You should be mad.

-Goddamn, Roy Williams is a p***y.

-I don't like Reggie Kelly. I don't think he's an NFL-caliber starting TE. I don't respect him as a blocker very much. But it's hard to watch him go down like he did, and that will bite the Bengals in the ass. Utecht and Coffman are not able to fill that hole just yet.

-...and then we see Utecht's concussion. TE is already one of the Bengals' thinnest positions, and while Utecht should be ready for the regular season, this is not good.

-The Katie Blackburn interview has gotten an awful lot of press for being a sign of the franchise. But if they'd, you know, SIGNED HIM BY NOW, this wouldn't be a huge issue.

-Dhani Tackles the Globe > Any Chad Johnson TV Show

-That pigment disorder makes J.D. Runnels look hard.

-"Child please."

-"I'm pissed off to the highest of pisstivity." I agree with those who say there's "just enough" of Chad in this show.

-God, Mike Brown, I hate you.

-Ah, J.D. Runnels' cut scene. First of all, yes, it's completely a d**k move to cut a man at 5:30 a.m. Second, "we always cut players on ability" is a terrible way to say that. Is there really not a better way? I'm not really high on any of the fullbacks on the roster, least of all Jeremi Johnson at this point.

Re: The official Hard Knocks thread

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 11:42 pm
by Cohiba13
Being from USA's hat, this was almost impossible to find online. But I did. Here is my take.

- I have been down on Marvin the last two year, but I liked him on the episode. He gets them to compete, has a little fun, and makes sure everybody remembers last season.

- When Ocho is healthy, there is not another personality in sports I find as entertaining. Dude cracks me up.

- Jeremi Johnson is a fat boy. They are professional athletes, come to camp in half decent shape.

-Mike brown :evil:

- Roy Williams is definitely playing football for the pay checks nowadays.

- Say what you will about Reggie Kelly, that is the type of guy you want in your locker room. A real selfless football player. The Anti-Chad if you will.

But it is a sweet show for those who can't get enough Bengals football. I look forward to the rest of the episodes.

Re: The official Hard Knocks thread

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 6:03 pm
by Cohiba13
Watched the 2nd episode this morning.

- Carson has such a dry sense of humour. He is funny though.

- Must be nice to be able to eat garbage all day like Chad does, and still be in that great shape.
-Why go out and be bored at a club if all you want to do it tweet.

- A couple of years in the NFL weight room will do Coffman good. Not strong enough and doesn't have the technique to be a blocker right now.

-Tanks kids are cute as hell. and LOL at the google question.

-Dhani Jones' treatment looked painful.

- I know the Raider ****ed us, but pay the man for his slot and get him in here.

Re: The official Hard Knocks thread

Posted: Sat Aug 22, 2009 5:24 am
by PhilipNelsonFan
Caught the newest episode last night, just before bed. I've been at work for 14 hours, though, so forgive a little fuzziness.

-What an awesome way to open the newest episode. Carson is hilarious. Kyle Cook hopefully gets more screen time, as he has gone from virtual unknown to starting center. The whole offensive line deserves some time.

-The segment with Tank Johnson's kids and his bunk bed was cute and humanizing. He doesn't seem that awful.

-Chris Henry, on the other hand... :nonono:

-Roy Williams continues to be a giant wet vagina and should be reminded of that every time he steps on a football field.

-Marvin's not very good for motivational speeches, but he's a very good one-on-one instructor and I liked how he ripped into his team after the loss to the Saints.

-Again, just enough Chad, and varying degrees of Chad. He is being handled well by the editors.

-Best moment of the episode, without a doubt, was when Marvin Lewis pulled a "child please" joke on Mike Brown. The entire room cracked up, and Mike Brown was noticeably confused and disturbed by the joke. Lighten up, Mikey, you get to run a football team into the ground for a living.

-Shamelessly copied and pasted from another message board:

Katie Blackburn (the Bitch) is Mike Brown's daughter.

So, guess who will take over the team when that worthless gently caress dies.

Also, Mike Brown pays himself about 2 million a year to be the general manager, instead of hiring a real one.

Of course, Jerry Jones does the same thing, but for some reason, he has a clue and Mike Brown, son of one of the greatest football men to ever live, is a loving football idiot.

In addition, the Bengals employ a policy of nepotism and buddy-deals. My point:

Mike Brown, principal owner and President/General Manager

Katie Blackburn, VP, Mike's daughter

Troy Blackburn, VP, Katie's husband

Pete Brown, VP, Mike's brother

Paul Brown, VP, Mike's son

Bob Bedinghaus, Business Affairs, Former County Commissioner who negotiated a sweet (for the Bengals) stadium deal while he was Commissioner

Jared and Andrew Brown, Tickets, not sure, but the name is Brown

Eric Brown, Stadium Director, not sure, but the name is Brown

Jack Brennan and Geoff Hobson PR, former sports writers for the local paper

Jim Lippincott (the penguin looking guy that cuts dudes at 5:00 AM), made the jump from Athletic Director at a local high school straight to the NFL. Is quite involved in the draft, and we can see how that works out.

David Lippincot, Coaching Asst., prolly looks like his dad, Jim

Blackburn, of course, has been "negotiating" Andre Smith's contract, and we all see how well that's going. The fact that he isn't in camp after TWO PRESEASON GAMES HAVE BEEN PLAYED means any Bengals win predictions should be edited down by two.