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30 for 30: Run Ricky Run

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:07 pm
by pimpstyl
Anyone else enjoy the show last night?

Ricky's ideals, relationships with his children and wife, and upbringing were far from what you would expect for an NFL superstar. Ricky's mind is both a masterpiece and a sociological enigma...selfish beyond belief, but with his own mind.

I finally understand why the organization was able to give Ricky a 2nd chance, they knew who he was and must have expected him to 'flake' out and go find himself...the signs were clearly there!!! I'm sure sorry I was mad at the time, I knew nothing about him - had I known who he really was I can't imagine I would have considered anything he had done to be unexpected or wrong.

Re: 30 for 30: Run Ricky Run

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 7:46 pm
by TheOGJabroni
It was well done, IMO. A few interesting things I did not know about Ricky and his personality/childhood. And there were a lot of things I already knew, but it was nice to hear again but also, cleared up.

Re: 30 for 30: Run Ricky Run

Posted: Sun May 2, 2010 12:55 pm
by Scum Freezebag
I thought it was great. It really reaffirms the two things I've always understood about Ricky: 1) he's one of the most fascinating sports figures ever, and 2) I wouldn't trust him with someone as simple as saving my seat on a bus. And that bead of sweat rolled down his father's face at the exact moment he was asked about the nude can't get more perfect timing than that. lol

For all the people who complain that "ESPN sucks!!" and "All they ever talk about is Lebron! hur dur," it's these fantastic 30 for 30 films that should remind us that they produce more than their fair share of high quality sports programming. I'm looking forward to the one about Jordan's baseball sabbatical.

Re: 30 for 30: Run Ricky Run

Posted: Sun May 2, 2010 2:42 pm
by ExplosionsInDaSky
The Allen Iverson one was great. I missed the Ricky one. Anyone know where I can watch it online?

Re: 30 for 30: Run Ricky Run

Posted: Mon May 3, 2010 2:42 pm
by heat4life
Yeah, I give ESPN props for the 30 for 30 short films series. I read somewhere that it actually was Bill Simmons idea and he fought really hard with ESPN to allow the directors to be free with their productions instead of working in a controlled ESPN edited environment.

I have to say, "The U" and "Run Ricky Run" where very good.

On a funny note, was anyone else bothered by the food crumbs on Ricky's "homeless-style" beard while he was speaking? ... :lol: It almost made go through the screen and hand him a napkin...

Re: 30 for 30: Run Ricky Run

Posted: Mon May 3, 2010 8:00 pm
by pimpstyl
heat4life wrote:Yeah, I give ESPN props for the 30 for 30 short films series. I read somewhere that it actually was Bill Simmons idea and he fought really hard with ESPN to allow the directors to be free with their productions instead of working in a controlled ESPN edited environment.

I have to say, "The U" and "Run Ricky Run" where very good.

On a funny note, was anyone else bothered by the food crumbs on Ricky's "homeless-style" beard while he was speaking? ... :lol: It almost made go through the screen and hand him a napkin...

"homeless-style" is very was just straight homeless (no style was involved)! and those crumbs really fit the theme at that point in the show.

...and yeah, props to ESPN/Disney for giving up some's nice to see something profound and interesting...instead of colorful, picture loaded, and screaming (Jim Rome, Around the horn, PTI, whatever Cold Pizza is called this week).

Re: 30 for 30: Run Ricky Run

Posted: Tue May 4, 2010 4:38 pm
by Scum Freezebag
heat4life wrote:Yeah, I give ESPN props for the 30 for 30 short films series. I read somewhere that it actually was Bill Simmons idea and he fought really hard with ESPN to allow the directors to be free with their productions instead of working in a controlled ESPN edited environment.

Oh cool, I didn't know that. Simmons gets most of his publicity for his sarcastic sense of humor (and rightfully so, he's a funny guy) but in general he really is one of ESPN's sharpest, brightest young minds. They'll be smart to keep him happy.

I have to say, "The U" and "Run Ricky Run" where very good.

Watching his documentary it really is amazing to see how much Ricky's body has transformed. During his time in New Orleans, he was so big...almost too big. He had a frame that was great for punishing linebackers, but not so great for out-sprinting cornerbacks. Now he's so much sleeker and aerodynamic. It's not at all uncommon for professional athletes to shed some flab here or gain a little extra muscle mass there, but it's very rare to see an athlete mold himself into an entirely different human being. That takes extraordinary discipline and even more extraordinary genes.

On a funny note, was anyone else bothered by the food crumbs on Ricky's "homeless-style" beard while he was speaking? ... :lol: It almost made go through the screen and hand him a napkin...

Haha, you took the words right out of my mouth. But knowing Ricky, he would probably wax poetic about how he's not concerned with vanity, or how there are bigger concerns in the world than crumbs, or how in 100 years no one will ever remember that he had something stuck in his beard, or some other daydreaming bullsh*t like that. :lol:

pimpstyl wrote:...and yeah, props to ESPN/Disney for giving up some's nice to see something profound and interesting...instead of colorful, picture loaded, and screaming (Jim Rome, Around the horn, PTI, whatever Cold Pizza is called this week).

Jim Rome is an abomination; Cold Pizza has Skip Bayless and is thus unwatchable; and Around the Horn could be good if it stuck to its original premise: starring sports writers from across the country instead of the same four every single day.

Pardon the Interruption, however, I do like and have liked for years. Yes, Kornheiser gets obnoxious, but I think by and large they do the best job of actual sports journalism among ESPN's afternoon programming.

By the way, has anyone seen the Reggie Miller vs. New York one? I missed it the first time around so I'm anxiously awaiting the next showing.