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Sean Avery first athlete to publicly speak out for gay right

Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 9:14 am
by sule
He recently recorded a video, becoming one of only a few active athletes in American team sports to voice support for gay rights, and is believed to be the first in New York to publicly advocate for same-sex marriage. No active male player in a major American team sport has declared his homosexuality, and homosexual slurs remain in use to insult opponents and officials.

Avery’s 30-second video opens with a close-up of him looking into the camera.

“I’m Sean Avery, and I’m a New Yorker for marriage equality,” he says. “I treat everyone the way I expect to be treated, and that applies to marriage.”

That may be a bit of an inside joke. Avery has twice led the N.H.L. in penalty minutes and is known as one of the league’s most unpopular antagonists.

Avery is shown in photographs wearing his Rangers uniform as music swells and words appear on the screen.

“New Yorkers support full marriage equality,” they read. “Do you?”

Avery ends the video by saying, “Committed couples should be able to marry the person they love. Join me in supporting marriage equality.” ... ref=sports
