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Re: What's your favourite Raptors' team (besides 2019)?

Posted: Wed May 1, 2024 5:38 pm
by 2019nbachamps
I loved the 2020 team. Expectations were so low but they kept winning before the pandemic. They won me over when we kept winning on a brutal west coast trip at the start of the season. They showed grit during the bubble and fell short largely due to lack of professionalism IMO from Pascal (he spent 3 months during the lockdown doing nothing). 2nd favourite was the 2000/01 team that lost in 7 to the 76ers. It was a brutal way to go out but it was our first taste of success after the tough expansion years. In hindsight it was a crappy era but the early years of Bryan Colangelo were exciting since he gave us a false sense of hope, badly needed after the disastrous Babcock era.

Re: What's your favourite Raptors' team (besides 2019)?

Posted: Wed May 1, 2024 5:50 pm
by Raptorfan2012
Kingsway_fan wrote:
deck wrote:2000/2001. The playoff series with the Sixers was epic. Iverson and Vince battling was incredible.

Was a lower bowl season ticket holder then... simply amazing.... actually, alao, any year that had VC was special.

First year also... Mighty Mouse....

Vince era was just special. Yes, Kawhi and Lowry were better Raptors, but Vince just had that super-star aura that we have yet to experience again on this team. It was like every game was a rock-show and you had to be there to see what Vince will do next.

Re: What's your favourite Raptors' team (besides 2019)?

Posted: Wed May 1, 2024 6:15 pm
by ontnut
DelAbbot wrote:
ontnut wrote:
NeoDragonKnight wrote:
The 06-07 team, never witnessed a Raptors team gel like that, especially after such a horrible start, it truly was a cinderalla season. Their ball movement was incredible and BBIQ was very high, and they were super fun to watch with a high octane offense and 2 styles of play they could interchange on situation because of TJ and Jose, they had so many buzzer beaters that year and each time was someone different and in spectacular fashion (Bosh, TJ, Bargs, Mopete's amazing buzzer beater). If that team gelled sooner and Garbo and Parker didnt go down at the end, it would have been a mid to high 50 win team. They played way above the sum of its parts. Its funny, because I remember the team was criticized for being a jump shooting perimeter offense team (pretty much every player could shoot far mid range jumpers or 3s), they were ahead of their time.

Oh man the 360p hurts.

Do you have the feeling that when yt first came out and was full of 360p and it looked fine, but now 360p is unwatchable? Are our eyesights going down with age or did 360p change?

Nah it was always bad. Before YT was popular, I remember specifically saving and going out to buy a 720p HDTV because the picture quality of most content and TV screens was so bad (mostly 360/480p). This was probably around 2007, 08. It was still a bigass CRT style TV that weighed like 100lbs even though it was probably like 30 something inches. At this time, people were putting "High Quality" in Youtube video titles for videos that were 480p. DVDs/Blu ray were probably the main medium that you could watch in 720p.

360p was always unwatchable insofar as you couldn't actually tell any details. When 720p HDTV came out it was such a revelation, you could actually SEE player faces and the ball lol. I remember being floored at how "realistic" people looked because you could finally see actual facial features. But obviously it cannot compare these days to 4k+ these days. 720p streaming (like Rogers streaming service) is the bare minimum these days, and tbh I have a hard time enjoying watching it esp on a 80" TV. It just looks so comparatively poor. 1080p is basically the new bare minimum for me.

Re: What's your favourite Raptors' team (besides 2019)?

Posted: Wed May 1, 2024 6:17 pm
by ontnut
NeoDragonKnight wrote:
DelAbbot wrote:
ontnut wrote:
Oh man the 360p hurts.

Do you have the feeling that when yt first came out and was full of 360p and it looked fine, but now 360p is unwatchable? Are our eyesights going down with age or did 360p change?

A lot of people were in the transition period as well from CRT monitors to flat screen. So these old videos may have looked a little more normal to us back then. At my old office, we were still using CRTs and I remember watching this video on it. Of course it doesnt age well now.

Us gamers kept on with the CRTs as long as we could though because we could get better FPS on them vs the flat screens at the time :D

Re: What's your favourite Raptors' team (besides 2019)?

Posted: Thu May 2, 2024 1:29 am
by torsport
I think it was 00-01 for me. The first year of Lenny Wilkens. Everything was coming together. Team was likeable, fun to watch, we won the first round and then the drama that ended the season...but it was a great ride. The following year, not so much.

Also loved the beginnings of the We the North era. It really unified the fan base, Raps would always be doing fun things in the media and Kyle and Demar were coming into their own.

Re: What's your favourite Raptors' team (besides 2019)?

Posted: Thu May 2, 2024 4:00 am
by elecblue
I think I loved that 2020 team even more than the 2019 championship team. The after-trade-deadline version of the 2019 team had no weakness, there's an answer for any type of opponent. They could play big, they could play small. They had the Kawhi offense that worked, and they had the non-Kawhi offense that also worked. This team won the championship even after losing OG for the entire post season because of appendectomy.

The 2020 team certainly doesn't have the same talent level after losing Kawhi and Green for nothing, but they somehow got a slightly better net rating and higher winning% than the championship team. The chemistry of this team was unbelievable - I will never forget about the scarves. That Boston series was heart-breaking but amazing. The game 6 double OT win was probably my favorite Raptors game of all time.