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Table, Tennis Advantages.

Posted: Wed May 2, 2012 4:28 am
by Enriquell
Looking for someone to play on a regular basis. I am 24 and have my own table (stiga) but want to get back into the sport, that i enjoyed so much as a youth. So i want to know about table tennis advantages who have better knowledge about this so please share here.

Re: Table, Tennis Advantages.

Posted: Wed May 2, 2012 9:42 am
by DelaneyRudd
Well, I recommend just keepin' at it kid. I mean Table Tennis isn't easy. It takes a lot of heart. A lot of dedication. If you want to be great you need to put every god damned atom of your body into smashing that little ball. That ball is a pee wee. A scallywag. He will destroy your culture, your family, your manhood if you let him past you. You need to harness the power to SMASH that little homo into pieces. Just channel all energy from your spine into your shoulder into your hand and POWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! And then repeat it. And again. The capitalist will try and use trickery to defeat you. Do not fall for it. He will tempt you with things contrary to the revolution. The revolution will keep you safe. The revolution will protect your heritage. This is the moment you are living for and don't blow it.

Re: Table, Tennis Advantages.

Posted: Sat May 5, 2012 2:10 am
by kenneyy88
Enriquell wrote:Looking for someone to play on a regular basis. I am 24 and have my own table (stiga) but want to get back into the sport, that i enjoyed so much as a youth. So i want to know about table tennis advantages who have better knowledge about this so please share here.

You should go to a local club