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Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:27 am
by babyjax13
I'm tired of waiting, if they don't want to do a write up they should just copy and paste their roster, and we can determaine what the GM's goals were. I say give them till Tuesday, and then just copy/paste the remaining rosters, and don't let those GM's come back in the next game.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:47 am
by LeQuitterNotMVP
babyjax13 wrote:I'm tired of waiting, if they don't want to do a write up they should just copy and paste their roster, and we can determaine what the GM's goals were. I say give them till Tuesday, and then just copy/paste the remaining rosters, and don't let those GM's come back in the next game.
+1. At least my top competition (at least in mind) haven't posted their write-ups. Btw, Zong, where's your write-up?

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:05 pm
by #1knickfan
The problem is that the game just went on too damned long and I've been saying that for months. Its hard for people to keep interest in it when it drags on for so long.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 9:51 pm
by #1knickfan
And I think we should just push on ahead without these guys. With the trade tornament and that new weird GM game they have going on now they are probably going to unsticky our stuff because of the inactivity.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 11:37 pm
by LeQuitterNotMVP
^Yeah, and what's going on with Zong? Our commishioner, of all people, still hasn't posted his roster.

Why is is that our commish always lets the game die at crucial points? Honestly, I'd like bryant08 to take over the game again for the voting process.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 5:57 pm
by babyjax13
Zong, are you there Zong? Can you get this moving Zong? Zong? Where are you Zong?

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2008 7:23 pm
by #1knickfan
Ironically I think he's participating in the league that is probably going to force us to be unstickied.

Here is my solution:

I am the winner with Babyjax coming in second and LBJ4MVP23. I come in first because circumstances seem to show that I came out ahead in my trades with you guys but BabyJax gets second because recent history proves LBJ4MVP23 got shafted in our Balkman deal. :D

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:31 pm
by zong
Posted my writeup, sorry about everything guys, there was a recent incident in Toronto where a giant propane explosion happened in the north end of the city, although I'm not directly affected, the tenants in the apartment im renting in September ARE, and they are involved in this class-action lawsuit which kinda screws me for half of september, so I had to flounder around with a bunch of scenarios at work and at home. Anyway, I promise to be back in full swing by tonight.

I'm determined to see this to the end, I want your opinions on how whether we should determine winners based on people who only posted their write-ups (that they personally posted).

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:47 pm
by LeQuitterNotMVP
I say that only players who posted their write-ups (I guess we could allow CHI and IND to get votes even though they never finished their write-ups.) should be allowed to receive votes. 2 weeks is more than enough time to get a write-up in; if you can't commit to copying and pasting your roster and writing 3 paragraphs about your team, then you shouldn't deserve to win.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 8:31 pm
by babyjax13
I think that everyone should receive votes, otherwise it comes down to about 15 people for the voting process. I think we need to do what we always did with Kingz. Each person gets to vote for 8 teams in each conference from 1 to 8...
8th place votes are worth 1 point, 7th 2 points, 6th 4 points, 5th 6 points, 4th 10 points, 3rd 12 points, 2nd 14 points, and 1st worth 16 points.

Based upon the scoring we rank the teams that received votes from 1 to whatever...I'm not sure if that's the exact scoring that he used, but there needs to be a big difference between 4 and 5 (sort of like home court advantage).

After that we can get a group of 5 or so people to plan the next game. The problem this time around was that there were not enough people in charge that stayed around, so we need to have enough people involved so that if one drops out it won't hurt the system and stop the entire game.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:11 pm
by LeQuitterNotMVP
^Ya, I like Kingz' scoring system.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 4:34 am
by skorff26
LBJ4MVP23 wrote:I say that only players who posted their write-ups (I guess we could allow CHI and IND to get votes even though they never finished their write-ups.) should be allowed to receive votes. 2 weeks is more than enough time to get a write-up in; if you can't commit to copying and pasting your roster and writing 3 paragraphs about your team, then you shouldn't deserve to win.

I still think that we should vote on all 30 teams since I personally wouldn't really want to vote on just a dozen teams or so.

Also, maybe if we used kingz scoring system as babyjax suggested (8th place team west - 1 point, 7th - 2 points,... etc.), and we can vote on all the teams. Then when tabulating scores, teams without write-ups submitted should have a point deducted from their score an example: <Team A is voted in as the #1 team in the west but they didn't submit a write-up, so their score would be 8-1=7, and Team B is voted as #1 in the east and they did submit a write-up, so their score would be 8-0=8>, so this way their is a penalty for not submitting a write-up.

I don't know what everyone else is thinking, but that's what I would prefer

Also if a team does submit a write-up, I will delete the copy and pasted roster that is posted in the write-up section, thus allowing a more detailed description

And one final thing, I just copied and pasted the rosters and I haven't had time to look through them to see if there's any errors (there may be some free agent errors or trade errors since teams didn't take off some free agents that were lost to free agency, an example was grant hill being signed by miami and still being on the phoenix roster thank you LBJ4MVP23 for catching that one), If anyone sees an error, just post it on here and I'll adjust the rosters accordingly.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:17 pm
by babyjax13
Can we start the voting yet?

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 4:49 pm
by bryant08
LBJ4MVP23 wrote:^Yeah, and what's going on with Zong? Our commishioner, of all people, still hasn't posted his roster.

Why is is that our commish always lets the game die at crucial points? Honestly, I'd like bryant08 to take over the game again for the voting process.

I understand zong is going through some troubles with extremely important things like housing, so if we come to a unanimous decision on how voting should be done, we can get this going at least getting our votes in. I'm going to attempt to get some people not involved in the game to judge as well, to get this moving. But zong shouldn't be flamed for this, he's done a great job and shown plenty of commitment and it is totally understandable considering his current situation (which he explained) that he isn't able to commit the same amount of time to the game.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Sun Aug 24, 2008 7:05 pm
by LeQuitterNotMVP
I say we just use Kingz' way of voting for top 8 teams in each conference.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:48 am
by zong
LBJ4MVP23 wrote:I say we just use Kingz' way of voting for top 8 teams in each conference.

I like the idea of Kingz' voting system, but we must lay out some rules and requirements for what we're voting for. Are we voting for best job as GM or best overall team? etc etc.

I also like the idea about those who have not submitted write-ups should have a few points deducted, I think one point is too little.

For those that have ideas, feel free to post them here or email me at, as I have settled all my issues with the apartment so we should be able to finish this before the 1st of September.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 3:53 am
by babyjax13
I think teams without a write up should have an automatic 5 point defecate, that way if one of them was superior (which isn't happening, I'm in the running...jk) they will still have a shot of winning, but if the voting is even then it could be the difference between 1st and 3rd...Also it is a must that we vote on how well the GM did managing the team through transactions/improving the team, after all that is the entire point of the game.

BTW Glad to hear you got the apartment sorted out.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 10:34 am
by Teddy KGB
I think that we should rank the teams according to how we believe that they would play [in playoffs format, with an NBA champion crowned] but then rank the top 10 jobs we think that GMs did. This should take into account the roster they had to start with, salary situation and how dedicated the team appears to the direction it's chosen.

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 12:29 pm
by Mascot
I dont see any reason to have this anymore...Should be unstickied?

Re: GM a Team:Main Page [TRADE DEADLINE 3AM EST]

Posted: Mon Aug 25, 2008 2:14 pm
by Teddy KGB
yeah i think that all pages other than rosters and the voting thread should be unstickied there are way too many stickies on the TB