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FINALLY our "brilliant" head coach gets angry!

Posted: Tue Jan 1, 2008 10:56 pm
by Bowens
It's about time. Crash gave props to Coach Sweaty Shiny Head and said he got "pissed off" at the team in the 4th quarter of the Pacer game when we were down 12. Suddenly we came alive, had a furious comeback and won the game in OT. This got me thinking just now...

Do you guys think our veteran players like Mek, Crash and Raymond were so use to Coach B and his fiery temper that this season they themselves have lost the same fire and passion? Maybe Mek and Wallace need that "kick in the ass" to get them going? Surely it seems like Mek has lost that passion he played with in the past and his confidence has suffered. I know it's only 1 quarter of one game, but whenever Mek loses that aggressive play, it would be wise if Coach Shiny Head gets in his face and chews him out. This goes for the entire team.

Bernie might have sucked with the x's and o's, but one thing he knew how to do and do well, was motivate men. And until Sam is able to grab the bull by the horns and not worry about offending his players, we're going to continue to lose. I think he was too worried about not pissing the players off and mainly trying to befriend them, he forgot that he is their coach and not their friend. Get mad Sam!!! Get MAD!!!!

1 prop goes to Sam Vincent. FINALLY.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 2:54 am
by SCBobcat
I think Sam has also finally figured out that Mek is a center and that he was wrong preseason in saying he wanted Mek to play power forward. It took a while for him to figure that out, but he did so props go to him. Now, if we only had a 6'9" athletic, aggressive defender who could guard perimeter PF's, who had the range to pull them away from the post, and who knew the importance of movement away from the ball...Wait a minute, we traded Walter away. Just in time for Sammy to realize he needed to be in the lineup. Crap! No wonder Sam was so mad at the end of that game.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 3:55 am
by watchoutdernow
I think Hermann is still too small to play power forward. Gerald can sometimes play PF because his arm length and leaping ability make up for his height. Hermann has none of that and is a step slower. A true power forward with height and size (David West) will dominate GW or Hermann at PF.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 5:02 am
by Rich4114
Sean May is supposed to be that guy SC. Too bad his career might be over.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 1:40 pm
by BigSlam
Catters had a very interesting theory about the Bobcats being a "holiday resort" last season which created complacency. It's a very valid theory IMO. There is a very fine line between being assertive with players and offending them as there is between creating an enjoyable environment and making it "rancho relaxo".

Sam needs to find his footing with these guy's and get them to play harder.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 7:29 pm
by Bowens
BigSlam wrote:Catters had a very interesting theory about the Bobcats being a "holiday resort" last season which created complacency. It's a very valid theory IMO. There is a very fine line between being assertive with players and offending them as there is between creating an enjoyable environment and making it "rancho relaxo".

Sam needs to find his footing with these guy's and get them to play harder.

What is Catters?

I actually thought that it wasn't a "holiday resort" under Bernie. I thought it was more like a gulag. :lol: Well at least thats the impression I got seeing Bernie ranting and raving like a lunatic on the sidelines every game. This season has been a "holiday resort" under Vincent. But under Bernie, NO WAY was it a resort, because that team last year OVERACHIEVED. It's a miracle we won any games with Bernie's kindergarten offensive game plan. Bernie was tough on the players, and that made Mek tough and it made our defense tough. Vincent has been soft and it's made us one of the worst defensive teams in the NBA. Hopefully last game with SV getting pissed off, he now understands he cannot let up on this young team.

Posted: Wed Jan 2, 2008 10:09 pm
by Rich4114
Well when you go into a season forfeighting rebounding because you're planning on being a running fast paced team, but then don't actually play a running style offense.... things will end badly. There's a reason we are one of the lowest scoring teams in the NBA and last in rebounding. All off-season they planned on getting their points off of transition, which they've decided starting opening night not to do anymore. Still can't understand that.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 3:20 am
by Bowens
Well I guess Coach Shiny Head's new get tough strategy has now fallen by the wayside. Good job COACH! :roll:

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 3:37 am
by sabonis
i also posted this in the nazr thread:

what I really dont get is this:

your coach says "we need another presence inside with okafor", gets nazr for herrmann. and then a week later he says "we need to play small, we need a small guy who can play the power forward". well, what about herrmann ?!?? that really is a dumbass move if nazr is gonna be a benchwarmer

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 3:47 pm
by zoned unc
our head coach doesnt know his #$%# from a hole in the ground. Phil Ford would be 10 times better.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 5:50 pm
by Walt Cronkite
You are hysterical

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 6:28 pm
by zoned unc
thank you! but really i think i may be serious.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 7:05 pm
by fatlever
bonnell has really been hammering vincent lately in his blogs. i'm kinda digging it. bonnell has called him out several times.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 7:30 pm
I guess Bonnell has to burn that one last bridge with the organization so he can go back to complaining about the organization not granting him interviews, which in turns allow him to be lazy and type up basketball blogs filled with his description of that day's colonoscopy.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 8:05 pm
by fatlever
yeah, i figure sam is pretty close to cutting bonnell off.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 9:27 pm
by Bowens
I can't believe there is only one beat reporter who covers the Cats. One! Is the Charlotte Observer that pathetic they can only afford one person to cover the team? And to top it off he only writes like 5 boring lines that any of us could have written. What a lazy ass.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 9:44 pm
by BigSlam
........and he's a Knicks fan!!

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 10:22 pm
by Bowens
BigSlam wrote:........and he's a Knicks fan!!

Guess that explains it, he couldn't cut it in NY so they dumped him on us. :-?

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 12:51 am
by spectre_
fatlever wrote:yeah, i figure sam is pretty close to cutting bonnell off.

A lot of us felt that Bonnell was on the outs with Bobcats' management end of last year/this offseason.

Think Jordan is happy Vincent is so vocal to the media?

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 1:13 am
by Richmond Tigers
Its good to see Mek get a rocket. I dont think Sammy V gettign angry all the time would fire up Mek I think only when he needs to use it, like when the game is close. I remember in highschool my teachers used to yell and threaten me it scared the **** out of me at the start but eventually it became water off a ducks back. THe teacher lost my respect and I behaved worse. I know comparing that with a millionaire nba player and his coach is proposterous but some of the same parralels could be drawn