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On offense, who would you rather have, KG or Big Al?

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 9:33 am
by Spin Move
I was looking at the box score of the minny game, and Big Al had another awesome game. I think this is a real legitmate question, who would you rather have on offense, i dont just mean at the end of the game, if their defense were absolutly equal, and not taking into account leadership abilities or anything else, on the offensive end which player would you rather have right now, KG or Big Al.

Big Al
0.493 0.000 0.697 12.2 1.5 1.1 1.4 2.26 2.60 20.6

0.560 0.000 0.793 10.3 3.6 1.6 1.5 2.13 2.40 19.2

Big AL is scoring slightly more but shooting a slightly lower percentage the FT line and a much lower percentage from the field, he is rebounding more but not getting as many assists.

I think I would have to say I would go with KG on O even though Al J is much better back to the basket because of KG's passing, now we do have to realize that Big Al is facing crazy double teams and has no help and KG has 2 superstars making his life easier, but all in all given KG's higher shooting percentage and assist margin i have to go with him.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 9:42 am
by TheRussBill
KG. His passing alone makes separates him as a player because right now Al can be doubled. KG has superior court vision and athleticism as well as more range than big Al. Als post game and baby hook is what Al has over KG for the future.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 10:04 am
by Bleeding Green
KG can facilitate an offense; with Al there is no ball movement and the offense become stagnant. Jefferson is still obviously a phenomenal offensive talent, but this isn't really fair. Call me when Jefferson averages 6 assists a game for a season.

You can use the 2 superstars making his life easier argument, but what about his previous 11 years in the league?

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 10:16 am
by P2
KG, but Big Al is clearly the better post-up player.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 12:42 pm
by CeltsfaninDC
If you look at what KG did on the TWolves for the last few years you will see his stats were actually better than AJs. Wht he is doing more of now is being a PART of the offense and not having to take all the shots.

The answer is KG.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 1:22 pm
by Fencer reregistered
Over the summer I thought it was a close call favoring Al.

Now that I see the culture of ball movement on the Cs, I have to swing to KG.

As the Tony and Rondo slash more, the advantage of the jump shooter may also increase. Offsetting that is that Al himself will continue to improve, in passing and jump shooting alike.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 1:36 pm
by Relative Autonomy
the thing is there is no reason KG can't play back to the basket more. he just chooses not to. that has been the biggest knock against him his whole career. i know his jumper is pretty automatic but a real low post presence adds something special to the offense and right now the Cs don't have anyone really filling that role the way Big Al does. really i would just rather have KG take half of his shots from the low post and cut back on all those jumpers.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 2:29 pm
by kmgarnett21
i can't believe this question is being asked when KG is the leader for the league mvp and the celtics are 28-3.

but the answer is simple, KG. big al is a real nice player, more along the lines of elton brand stature, but he's no KG.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 3:22 pm
by lojowo
KG in this offense. KG is a much better passer and can shot from the perimeter.

Big Al is getting 17.5 shots (KG 13.7) per game in Minny, he'd lose 2-4 shots a game coming to the C's, so his average would drop closer to KG's

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 3:50 pm
by canman1971
KG, not even a doubt.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 4:02 pm
by Rodya
kmgarnett21 wrote:i can't believe this question is being asked when KG is the leader for the league mvp and the celtics are 28-3.

but the answer is simple, KG. big al is a real nice player, more along the lines of Elton Brand stature, but he's no KG.


Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 4:19 pm
by celtxman
This question is a lot like the overall question that was asked before the trade - who would you rather have? If you choose this based on "now" it really isn't even close, because you learn the skills and how to be savvy over time. It's almost like asking would you rather have the Paul Pierce of his rookie season or the Paul Pierce of now. Well obviously the Paul Pierce of now is less athletic but a far superior overall player.
We really don't know where Al will be in rounding his game in 5 years. He could be great or he could be Eddy Curry - so much depends on heart and desire.
KG will reluctantly move inside and try to draw a foul, but it is definitely clear he has a low level of comfort doing it. So Pierce is that guy who does that job when you absolutely need to get some kind of points and fadeaways aren't working. What KG does so well is find people and he has a remarkable feel for doubleteams and doing the right thing. Al Jefferson is years away from that if he ever gets there at all. But Al is already a far better low post scorer, which is why 80% of people polled in Boston did not want to trade for Garnett.
Basketball is about basketball chemistry and knowing how to play and the Celtics would be good......but not great without the Garnett trade. That's why no one worries about the age of Tim Duncan in San Antonio.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 4:55 pm
by UGA Hayes
I agree with KG on account of the ball movement, but Al has actually got MUCH better in this aspect to the point that he looks like a pretty different player than the one who played in Boston. Its a shame that his team lacks talent around him. You could argue that the T-wolves are the absolute worst in the league at 3 positions which is unfathomable in a league so big.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 5:43 pm
by SuperDeluxe
I, too, think KG is the answer to the question. Big Al, however, has the more potent one-on-one offensive game, and can be extremely fun to watch.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 10:19 pm
by meatball sub
KG...on offense, defense, on the bench, in the locker room whatever. The guys is better than Al in every facet of the game. These threads have got to stop...

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 10:40 pm
by O Poutsokleftis
Are u Boston fans serious? KG>>>>AL by far. I mean if it is not for KG, your team is fighting for the 8th seed, you do realize that.

Stats are deceiving. Look at Zach Randolph...he's killing my team.

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 10:59 pm
by sarah42
the timberwolves are 4-24, and the cs are ....i forget..but only have 3 losses.

if the wovles keep this up, they'll have to relocate before Seattle, the grizzlies or even the hornets.

dear god, that team may actually be the worst team EVER! will they win 10 games this year and avoid that fate? see how much better KG made that team? granted there are a lot of new players in Sota, but, they certainly would have won more games than 4 already!

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 11:47 pm
by Tricky Ricky
Big Al will never be in KGs league

Posted: Sun Jan 6, 2008 12:02 am
by jjwalker
KG is one the 5 best PF EVER! Al is a sober Vin Baker in his prime.

Posted: Sun Jan 6, 2008 4:07 am
by SuigintouEV
kg had like 6 straight 20/5 seasons including a 23/6 season on a 52w team