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Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:37 am
by Bullsville
BullSoxChicago'sFinest wrote:Get a clue man, there's a reason Hinrich was picked to stay and Gordon is gone

Yeah, but with Gordon gone, who is going to teach the young players how to grab their package after a big play (or in the middle of a big dunk)?

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:39 am
by JackFinn
BullSoxChicago'sFinest wrote:The whole point of a captain is for off the court.

Like what?

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:08 am
by babythug23
What is it that captains can only speak to refs at some point in the games? Only captains are suppose to talk to refs in timeouts or something like that.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:12 am
by Susan
JackFinn wrote:
BullSoxChicago'sFinest wrote:The whole point of a captain is for off the court.

Like what?

Keeping the starters' warm ups in order.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:45 am
by Polynice4Pippen
BullSoxChicago'sFinest wrote:
Polynice4Pippen wrote:There's actually a real chance that none of our "captains" will even be on the floor down the stretch for many close games. So why would anyone on the team look to them for leadership then? Rose and Noah as captains should've been very simple. It's a new day, a new era. Sorry Kurt and Lu.

The whole point of a captain is for off the court. This isn't some team 'vote for the best player' award. LOL these guys will be saved if they're in a tight spot at the end of a game and a player labeled 'captain' handles the ball?

Like I said, it'll be great at the end of games having two captains sitting on the bench cheering and the third either disappearing during yet another 4th quarter or blowing wide open layups (take your pick of who plays with Rose and Salmons). Captains should be the guys who carry the load. But like BigUps said, it's pretty irrelvant. Deng and Hinrich have the long tenure on the team and Lindsey the most NBA service time so the players voted them a lifetime achievement award. We'll quickly see though, when games are on the line it'll be Rose, Salmons and Noah, probably Miller as well, who the rest of the team looks to, much like last years playoffs.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:14 am
by mcmaximus
Deng, Hunter, & Hinrich Captains?! That's just wrong.
1. What does Lindsey Hunter do on the floor to be called a Captain? He should be in a suit and tie, so we can call him asst coach.

2.Deng? What has the walking wounded done to deserve that honor?

3 Hinrich? So, last year. His position has been replaced, by last yrs 1st pick in the draft.WTH? He might not remain on the roster the whole season. Trades and all.

Why not Miller, Salmons and Rose? They were most responsible for the teams turnaround, from worst to playoffs. They led the charge in playing winning team basketball. They should be Captains.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:17 am
by Bullsville
mcmaximus wrote:Deng, Hunter, & Hinrich Captains?! That's just wrong.
1. What does Lindsey Hunter do on the floor to be called a Captain? He should be in a suit and tie, so we can call him asst coach.

2.Deng? What has the walking wounded done to deserve that honor?

3 Hinrich? So, last year. His position has been replaced, by last yrs 1st pick in the draft.WTH? He might not remain on the roster the whole season. Trades and all.

Why not Miller, Salmons and Rose? They were most responsible for the teams turnaround, from worst to playoffs. They led the charge in playing winning team basketball. They should be Captains.

You would have to ask the players, they are the ones who named Kirk, Deng and Hunter captains.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:27 am
by HomoSapien
I was a bit disappointed that Miller wasn't selected. He's got the best combination of experience, playing ability, and importance to the team. He also seems to have some great leadership qualities and takes the time out to work with young bigs. I'm pretty surprised he wasn't selected.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 3:33 am
by nitric0
Rose isn't a captain? Lmao it's his damn team FFS

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:04 am
by DanTown8587
babythug23 wrote:What is it that captains can only speak to refs at some point in the games? Only captains are suppose to talk to refs in timeouts or something like that.

I know that rule is a hockey rule, there is no way that is an NBA rule. If that were the case, the players wouldn't get to choose their captains.

nitric0 wrote:Rose isn't a captain? Lmao it's his damn team FFS

I guess "his team" didn't feel he was a captain yet? I don't know.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:36 am
by Scott May
HomoSapien wrote:I was a bit disappointed that Miller wasn't selected. He's got the best combination of experience, playing ability, and importance to the team. He also seems to have some great leadership qualities and takes the time out to work with young bigs. I'm pretty surprised he wasn't selected.

I can see Brad's fondness for fly fishing, hunting, pick-up trucks, and country music as not being exactly the best grease for the social skids of an NBA team.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:37 am
by AKfanatic
Am i missing something here? Six pages with a lot of complaining about whom the PLAYERS voted for? It's not like Vinny or Pax or Reinsdorf picked the team captains. It was in fact the PLAYERS, you know the guys that spend time on and off the court with the guys they voted for? The same guys that lean on each other for advice about the game and life. How many times did Drose mention Kirk in quotes last season? Who was it he said he was trying to learn the defensive end by watching? I'd trust the players choices on this one. Does anyone honestly believe that since Hunter was ELECTED as a captain that he feels it's "his" team? Don't hate just because the cool kid didn't win the election for class president, especially when said cool kid probably voted for one if not all of the guys people seem to think don't deserve it.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 4:47 am
by JackFinn
Assuming each player made 3 selections:

Kirk - 3 votes
Luol - 2 votes
Lindsay - Lindsay's vote
Couldn't care less - 21 votes
Samuel L. Jackson - 11 votes
Batman - 5 votes
Zeppelin rules - 1 vote
Zeppelin sucks - 1 vote

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:54 am
by fleet
nitric0 wrote:Rose isn't a captain? Lmao it's his damn team FFS

I believe I had issue with your posts in the epic Amare/Black Jesus fiasco threads. Not this time.

Preface this by saying I have always been a Rose guy since before the draft.
I'm a little concerned about Rose not being named Capt by his teammates. I can't imagine this happening to Chris Paul in his second season. Tis a tad troubling when your floor general of the future is swept aside. By the likes of Hinrich Deng and Hunter. They might make earnest law firm Partners if they had law degrees, but I'm not sure they are supposed to be rain makers. Rose is supposed to be a rain maker, not a handy project. Perhaps this is why Derrick has to scratch and claw his way onto Team USA. People are like...nice kid, great jets, terrific talent. Only doesn't walk into a gym and say, this place is mine. Not that Hinrich Deng and Hunter do either. Not at all. Which only makes me more concerned about kid SAT.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:44 am
by pduh01
I actually have no complaint with this year captains even though personally I would have choose Hinrich and Noah as co-captains or even Hinrich/Miller/Noah as captains.

But I am fine with Hinrich/Deng/Hunter as captains.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 7:02 am
by Angry Jimmy
I think those are good choices, and kind of what I expected.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:58 am
by kingkirk
Cant believe at the reactions here. How can we even beginning to question the decision, SEEING AS IT WAS THE PLAYERS THEM SELVES THAT VOTED!!!!!!!

The players themselves obviously lok for guidance on and off the court from these guys hence th decision. No doubt Kirk is captain, been here for years, plays with heart, his game is Chicago basketball. Deng was captain last yr, we may not see it because were pissed off with the extention/lack of playing last season but the players obviously gravitate towards him, how many of us actually attend every Bulls practice, video sessions, team meetings etc?? And Lindsey?? Well the guy has yrs of experience playing the position our franchise guy does, is his mentor, will be a coach someday and not to mention he has his rings.

I like the decisions. If the players see these guys as there leaders, there vocal motivators and sources of information and ways to conduct themselves on and off the court, im perfectly fine with the decisions.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:39 pm
by AirP.
These captains still tell you what's wrong with this team. The young and more TALENTED players are still defering to average and lesser NBA players because of their "vet" status. It's this mindset that sometimes limits what our younger players do because they'll "defer" to the vets more then they need to.

Rose needs the captain status(since the captains are the only players who can talk to the refs about calls). He needs to be pushed towards being the leader on this team and with that, take more ownership of the team and become more vocal on the court. This team needs to become Derrick Rose's team, put him at that status and tell him it's up to him to get the most out of his players.

One of the biggest problems with a young team is the leadership on the floor, we really don't have any. Sure we'll see someone talk about to someone about a play, but there's NOBODY out there to get in Tyrus' face for taking a horrible shot or getting in multiple player's faces telling them we need to get rebounds. A coach can only push players so far(then sit them), it's a whole different circumstance when it's your teammate you're going to battle with trying to push you. This team desprately needs someone on the court doing that. Derrrick Rose is willing to put in the work and has the skill level where NOBODY should question him getting in anyone's face.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:49 pm
by DuckIII
AirP. wrote:These captains still tell you what's wrong with this team.

No it doesn't.

The young and more TALENTED players are still defering to average and lesser NBA players because of their "vet" status.

You mean how like Rose "deferred" to Hinrich last year by taking his starting position and playing about 11 minutes more per game? Or how everyone defers to Lindsy Hunter by letting him never play?

It's this mindset that sometimes limits what our younger players do because they'll "defer" to the vets more then they need to.

I've never, ever seen this from any of our youngs guys, even when our young guys were Deng, Kirk, Duhon and Gordon. Thabo and Tyrus, and even Noah for awhile, were relegated to lesser roles because of coaching decisions that they couldn't control, but I've never thought of any of our younger players over the years as deferrential on the court.

As for Rose's aggressiveness, that's on him.

Re: Captains to be announced today

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:54 pm
by coldfish

As for Rose's aggressiveness, that's on him.

I'll take it a step further. If a franchise has to push a player towards leadership, you got a huge problem. I think Rose should be captain, but I say that with the full knowledge that only Rose can take it to the next level.

The true elite players of the league generally don't defer to the likes of Ben Gordon, Kirk Hinrich and Luol Deng. Maybe a little bit their rookie year, but you can generally see them chomping at the bit. MJ, Bird, Magic and more recently Paul, Lebron, etc. grabbed leadership. They didn't have it handed to them.