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Posted: Thu Apr 5, 2007 9:00 pm
by B Mac
Ground ball to Marte then to home then to Casey for the DP. You can do it Roberto.

Posted: Thu Apr 5, 2007 9:01 pm
by L&H_05
It doesn't get any worse than this... Pierzinsky is the scum of MLB, and he's going to do us in..

Posted: Thu Apr 5, 2007 9:01 pm
by GreenDemon
Yeah this should really be a fun ending and I am not being sarcastic at all.

Posted: Thu Apr 5, 2007 9:01 pm
by GreenDemon

Posted: Thu Apr 5, 2007 9:01 pm
by L&H_05
Should have hit him in the head... Make it count at least..

Posted: Thu Apr 5, 2007 9:02 pm
by LoveThemCavs
Roberto, you idiot. If you're gonna hit Pierzynski, drop him to his damn knees. Drill him in the junk.

Posted: Thu Apr 5, 2007 9:02 pm
by B Mac

Posted: Thu Apr 5, 2007 9:04 pm
by LoveThemCavs
I'll get to work on the next series thread. Don't want to dwell on losing to a bunch of bums like Chicago. Still won that series, wanted 2 of 3 and got it. Would have been nice to sweep, but wasn't meant to be.

Posted: Thu Apr 5, 2007 9:05 pm
by B Mac
What was Hernandez thinking throwing to second for a second time after he almost threw the ball away twice before that? The chances of picking a runner off are so small its not even funny. I can understand keeping him close but was that really neccesary?

In a game that started off so promising in having Buerhle get what he had coming to him how can my other most hated White Sux get the winning RBI on that junk?

Posted: Thu Apr 5, 2007 10:49 pm
by LoveThemCavs
B Mac wrote:What was Hernandez thinking throwing to second for a second time after he almost threw the ball away twice before that? The chances of picking a runner off are so small its not even funny. I can understand keeping him close but was that really neccesary?

In a game that started off so promising in having Buerhle get what he had coming to him how can my other most hated White Sux get the winning RBI on that junk?

Yea that throw to second really put the fork in this one. They likely score anyways with runners on first and second with no outs. However, both teams didn't get the job done in earlier situations just like that. It made no sense to throw that ball. I wish Buehrle didn't get hit by Garko. I know White Sox fans like him still, but I'm not afraid of any of their starting pitchers. Most of our hitters hit Buehrle pretty well too. Their bullpen is pretty dang good though and it showed today. Their problem is going to be whether they get burned out or not from having to go to the pen too early consistantly. Just wish we saved a few runs from opening day for this game. On to the next one, bring on Seattle.

Posted: Fri Apr 6, 2007 10:15 pm
by RaptorKenny
sorry if this question was answered (didnt look through all 15 pages)
But why isnt Trot Nixon playing?
Is he injured?

Posted: Fri Apr 6, 2007 10:23 pm
by LoveThemCavs
Trot is going to be a platoon player for the Tribe. He will only be playing when the Indians are facing a right handed pitcher. He isn't injured.

Posted: Fri Apr 6, 2007 10:26 pm
by RaptorKenny
LoveThemCavs wrote:Trot is going to be a platoon player for the Tribe. He will only be playing when the Indians are facing a right handed pitcher. He isn't injured.

I have been a fan of trot
and... he's on my fantasy team :lol:

Couldnt watch the game, is the playing condition (snow) really bad?

Posted: Fri Apr 6, 2007 10:31 pm
by LoveThemCavs
No problem, I guess just make sure the Indians are facing a RHP if you're going to put Trot in your lineup. Well it was bad before 4pm. Now they stopped it twice after starting the game up because the flurries were getting into the Mariners hitters eyes. It's pretty clear right now, so hopefully we can get this game in before the Snow gets going again. We really don't have much room to work with Seattle to make any games up. I think that's why they haven't just called it.