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Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:49 pm
by L&H_05
Do you guys like it ?

I love the concept, and it's nice to have it geared towards the Tribe.. But, the broadcast is horrible.. The audio and picture always seems to go out before each game, and many times during the broadcast...

Personally I think the broadcast was far superior on FSN..

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2007 10:59 pm
by B Mac
I hate FSN's coverage of the Cavs. Its absolutely dreadful. The coverage of the Indians on FSN was better than STO's is now though. FSN needs to find a way to translate their quality on the coverage of the Indians onto the Cavs and then let STO know how to make their broadcasts look better.

I cant stand Underwood though. That guy is the definition of a major tool.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:04 am
by Icness
Do you have any suggestions or feedback on the broadcasts? I have very strong connections with a couple of higher-ups at STO and can pass them along.

And the Indians will NEVER be back on FSN, not so long as the people running Fox are in place. Those people ask you to build a great bridge, and then burn it to spite you.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:19 am
by B Mac
Name dropper... lol

Actually I was thinking more about STO's broadcast after I posted here on it. I was thinking how much I really like the new additions, for example the graphics or special effects they do during the games. The zoom feature (sto-mo?) has been great so far and I really like the outline of the strike zone and the pitch tracker.

A few random additions I think would be nice...

I would like it if STO would add in some sort of surround sound to their broadcasts. Dolby would of course be the ideal scenario but I dont get much of anything from STO. Its a shame to let my new setup go to waste.

I would also like more in game interviews or insights. I think they are starting to do that with Brian Anderson, but I would like some more. Im not sure exactly how much access STO could get but if they could talk to players during the game that would be great. Im sure there is probably some sort of restriction on that, however.

Ive also always been a huge fan of putting mics on players during games. I absolutely love to hear in game chatter and what players are talking about. I dont know if players like having their every word being recorded or not, but I would think that a few of them wouldnt mind doing it every once in a while. STO would of course edit what it was that would be heard by the fans so its not like fans will hear them using foul language, making fun of players, giving away signs, etc...

Is it too much to ask for a better theme song? Pleeeease.

Of course more camera angles could never hurt as well.

Finally, if we never have to see that fantasy baseball commercial with that annoying ass voiceover again I will die a happy man.

Im sure I have more ideas, but those are just a few off the top of my head. What do you guys think about those?

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:22 am
by Icness
I'll forward them along. Most of them anyways, lol.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:37 am
by B Mac
Thanks Icness. You'll have to let me know what they think about those ideas. I would love to have one of my ideas end up on tv.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 12:53 am
by LoveThemCavs
I'm on the STO wagon. I love it. I hate FSN. They don't even show half the Cavs games here. I think STO messes up on the audio sometimes for me, but overall I'm satisfied with it. Atleast I don't have to worry about IF they'll be on TV or the Reds anymore.

Posted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 1:23 am
by L&H_05

I like where BMac was headed with some of the additions.. I too would enjoy better sound quality, and the Mic's would be a neat touch..

However, I'll just keep it simple.. The random technical difficulty is a pain... Obviously they don't want to have that, and I'm sure they do the best in their power to correct those matters...

By chance-- If you get the opportunity, see if they're going to have anymore vintage games on.. They were doing it prior to the season, but most of the re-broadcast games were the ones from last season, or the 03, 04, 05 season... I think they showed one 1996 game..

I know I would really enjoy seeing some re-broadcasts of games from the mid-to late 90's as opposed to these less than stellar early 2000's teams..