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I've had it with Big sexy

Posted: Fri May 4, 2007 7:40 am
by RockyBalboa
Batting .150 It seems like game after game ( 0-3, 0-4, 0-4, 1-5, 0-4) I can't take this anymore. It was always good for a .250 av with 40-45 hr and 115-130 RBI, but this is just dog sh*t.

Posted: Fri May 4, 2007 9:26 am
by bennith13
He is a less good version of Jay Buhner. He would be good if we were not depending on his bat so much. I mean if we had players like Edgar, JR, and Arod around him.

Posted: Fri May 4, 2007 3:00 pm
by Basketball Jesus
If I were Bavasi, I

Posted: Fri May 4, 2007 3:16 pm
by Ex-hippie
We've only played 23 games. Have some patience. A lesser version of Buhner is just fine with me.

Posted: Fri May 4, 2007 3:47 pm
by Basketball Jesus
The problem is, even with that shiny HR total last season, Sexson wasn

Posted: Fri May 4, 2007 8:24 pm
by Ex-hippie
Fair enough -- but if the knock on a player isn't so much that he isn't a good player, but rather that he's overpaid -- then what is the point of trading him if it means having to eat part of his salary? Say he costs $14 million per year but only produces $10 million of value; in that case, it would be rational to trade him away for nothing, since his contract has a negative value. If the M's trade Sexson and can promise me they'll spend his salary on someone who's really worth $14 million, I'm all for it. But what's the point of trading him and also eating, say, $4 million of salary? How have you helped your team in that case? That's just treading water.

Posted: Fri May 4, 2007 8:29 pm
by Sweezo
Trading Sexson for $10 million in cap space means we sign another Jeff Weaver, Miguel Batista, etc. I'd rather just wait for the next GM to take over instead of trying to do anything with Sexson right now.

Posted: Sat May 5, 2007 7:55 am
by RockyBalboa
Jay would hit around .240

(tonight)... 1-5

Posted: Sat May 5, 2007 7:00 pm
by NateMustGo
Sexson is a slow starter , but its only been 24 games. His number's will be there in the end! Is he overpaid ? Yes, but all MLBP are overpaid. At the end of the season after he has hit 35-40 HR's and drove in his 100+ RBI's we should discuss this but not now. :noway:

Posted: Sat May 5, 2007 9:38 pm
by myELFboy
I'd rather overpay for Sexson than the other players we have overpaid for like, oh I don't know, Jeff Weaver.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 7:37 am
by Blaze the Nugz
Tuesday- 1/4 with a Home run
Wednesday- 2/3 with a double, single, 1 RBI

Looks like he might have finally gotten comfortable.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 2:05 am
by bennith13
He has been here for 3 years. If he is not comfortable by now he never will be.

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:09 pm
by Anjonez100
bennith13 wrote:He has been here for 3 years. If he is not comfortable by now he never will be.

thank God someone finally isn't looking through rose-colored glasses.

Sexson is absolutely HORRID. We have been on one of the worst free agent signing mishap streaks ever. Thank God Vidro is proving as I said all along that he will be a 300 + hitter.

Please PLEASE let's dump Sexson. Broussard is lights years ahead production wise. I don't care if Broussard hits a few less HR's, he has almost the same pop as Sexson, but is a much more patient, consistent hitter. We get 3 times more production from Broussard at about 1/10th the price, making him about 30 times more valuable.

Please, let's trade Sexson to the Yanks for a minor league prospect. They take on all former stars...

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:36 pm
by Sweezo
Anjonez100 wrote:-Thank God Vidro is proving as I said all along that he will be a 300 + hitter.

Who cares? He has a high average...but he doesn't walk, he swings at everything, hits into too many double plays, doesn't hit for power, and doesn't drive anyone in. And he can't play anywhere in the field because his legs are broken.

It's sad when Ichiro has to try to steal every base he can in order to prevent Vidro from hitting into a douple play every time Ichiro gets on base.

Please, someone, show me a statistic other than batting average that makes Vidro look good...

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 1:51 am
by Basketball Jesus
Sweezo wrote:Please, someone, show me a statistic other than batting average that makes Vidro look good...

Well, that all depends on if you find a .273 EqA good. Honestly that's 30 points higher than I expected.

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 5:22 am
by PhilipNelsonFan
Richie Sexson's salary is 10th highest in the league. :o

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 6:38 am
by Anjonez100
Sweezo wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

Who cares? He has a high average...but he doesn't walk, he swings at everything, hits into too many double plays, doesn't hit for power, and doesn't drive anyone in. And he can't play anywhere in the field because his legs are broken.

It's sad when Ichiro has to try to steal every base he can in order to prevent Vidro from hitting into a douple play every time Ichiro gets on base.

Please, someone, show me a statistic other than batting average that makes Vidro look good...

Here's the thing Sweezo, if we had someone that could protect our #3 hitter, Vidro would be scoring a lot more runs. Every time he gets on base , Sexson strikes out.

I mean seriously, we've been defending the guy for 3 yrs. As someone else put it, if he isn't comfortable in 3 yrs, he'll never be. The guy is hitting below the Mendoza line and is just not cutting it. I haven't even started on Beltre.

How many more 0 for 4's with the occasional inopportune home run do we have to put up with? The guy is just sorry. He had a couple good years w/ cleveland/arizona, but he is just horrid. If I were the manager, I'd pull a Jerome James on him. James makes 5 million, but he rides the bench while project players like David Lee get burn in his place. Why? because Lee is more productive, that's why. If we give Ben Broussard the same at bats we give Sexson, how many runs would Vidro get then? How many games could we have won?

We need to dump Richie Sexson, chalk it up as a misread/blunder/whatever, and get a prospect for him. Broussard can easily fill in...

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 5:18 pm
by Sweezo
That entire post does nothing to defend your position that Vidro doesn't just went back to attacking Sexson.

BTW...Vidro's not hitting third. He's been hitting second for quite some time now, and about the time that he started hitting second is about the time that Ichiro started running for his very life.

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 8:14 pm
by Anjonez100
Sweezo wrote:That entire post does nothing to defend your position that Vidro doesn't just went back to attacking Sexson.

BTW...Vidro's not hitting third. He's been hitting second for quite some time now, and about the time that he started hitting second is about the time that Ichiro started running for his very life.

I don't care how many double plays Vidro hits into, his average is over 300! That means he is getting on base. It's up to the people after him to bring him in. We only have a couple of people getting on base consistently, and Vidro is one of them. To segue from the thread's topic to reasoning why one of our only .300 hitters sucks is rather oxymoronic.

The point of the thread is that Sexson is the one that sucks. I wish we had a manager that had a quicker fuse. If we had Piniella in there, do you think Sexson would be getting playing time right now?

Let's see, Broussard is hitting over .300 (granted in limited time). Vidro is hitting over .300. Sexson is hitting below .200. I am going to do a little math and say we'd be better off putting Broussard (who has consistently hit the ball well ever since he's been here, mind you) in Sexson's spot, give him the at bats he deserves, and see if our record doesn't benefit. He certainly can't do any worse than our 12 million a year bust..

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 6:01 pm
by Ex-hippie
Anjonez100 wrote:-= original quote snipped =-
I don't care how many double plays Vidro hits into, his average is over 300! That means he is getting on base.

And that, right there, illustrates what is wrong with so many people's thinking about baseball. It's this bizarre, completely irrational focus on batting average, without any attention to other things that make players valuable (power, walks, ability to take pitches, defense). Fact is, Vidro has an OPS in the 750 range, which is adequate for a middle infielder but wholly inadequate for a DH. Sexson's OPS is around 660, not good by any stretch, but not much worse than Vidro. At least he plays a position (and plays it well) and is likely to improve the rest of the way, considering his career track record. Mark it down, Sexson will out-OPS Vidro the rest of the year.

But you shouldn't feel too bad, since others (such as Bill Bavasi) seem to share your point of view.