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Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Sun Dec 7, 2008 8:41 pm
Rangers general manager Jon Daniels said the club has not been given a directive to significantly cut payroll, but he acknowledged the team could make a deal or two that would look that way.

"I wouldn't say we're in cost-cutting mode, but we're certainly conscious of all our expenditures," Daniels said. "We're going to look at all the ways to improve our club. For the most part, we've been focused on trying to add players who fit with our long-term plan. Those are younger players."

Daniels said the club is monitoring free agency, but he doesn't anticipate being a major player. The Rangers have made no offers to unsigned major league free agents, and they are not involved with Japanese free-agent pitchers Kenshin Kawakami and Toji Uehara.

With more than $51 million committed to seven players and the desire to keep payroll at about the same level as last year ($67 million), some trimming may be necessary.

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Re: Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Mon Dec 8, 2008 6:33 am
by studcrackers
from what ive heard if they want to sign a bat or a pitcher they'll have to get rid of either blalock or padilla or milwood

i realize attendance was way down last year but man hicks is going overboard

Re: Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Mon Dec 8, 2008 5:28 pm
by catalyst
I would rather have a team with some upside and youth than a bunch of geezers wasting time and collectin huge checks. Rangers are in the middle right now, but if trading the older pitchers can open opportunities for younger guys to grow, then I am all for it.

Re: Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Mon Dec 8, 2008 9:19 pm
by studcrackers
how are we in the middle? like the article states we have 7 guys making 51 million and only 16 million's tied up in the rest of the team, that would indicate we are a very very young team

Re: Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Mon Dec 8, 2008 11:33 pm
by cmavswin
studcrackers wrote:how are we in the middle? like the article states we have 7 guys making 51 million and only 16 million's tied up in the rest of the team, that would indicate we are a very very young team

The Rangers paid $11,000,000 for 171 innings and a 4.74 ERA for one guy

than paid another $10.3 mil to another for 168.2 innings and a 5.07 ERA then got a 23-18 record for both to boot.

That's a whole lot of money for a bunch of below average pitching. My hope is they can take one of the above with Blaylock and Cat and turn them into a pitcher and a third baseman never happen but I can dream.

Re: Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Tue Dec 9, 2008 4:19 pm
by catalyst
studcrackers wrote:how are we in the middle? like the article states we have 7 guys making 51 million and only 16 million's tied up in the rest of the team, that would indicate we are a very very young team

I meant in the middle age wise, not salary wise

Re: Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Tue Dec 9, 2008 4:28 pm
by studcrackers
and i mean that age wise too, pretty sure we were one of the 5 youngest teams in the league last year, esecially with our influx of rookies

Re: Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Tue Dec 9, 2008 9:16 pm
by catalyst
I guess I meant the potential trades of Millwood, Padilla, and Blalock. These guys are not spring chickens. And I was surprised at the age of Laird

Re: Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Tue Dec 9, 2008 11:23 pm
by studcrackers
for as long as blalock's been around i think most would be shocked he turned 28 2 and a half weeks ago

Re: Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:45 pm
by catalyst

He is not aging well, given the ribs, back, shoulder, and hammy. 2005 he played 161, 2006 he played 152. The last 2 have 58 and 65. I am not confident of him being 120 game 1st baseman. Makes me wonder why Tx exercised.

Re: Rangers Cutting Payroll?

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:42 pm
by studcrackers
b/c he's going to be the dh, and for 6.5 million it's a fairly reasonable contract. he finished the season on fire one scout said he was the best hitter he saw in the 2nd half. he's pretty much keeping the seat warm for justin smoak who if he continues raking in the minors will be the starting 1st baseman and move chris davis to dh

the worst thing that can happen w/blalock is we just let him walk after the season, if he does great and we're out of it in july we can ship him for a couple prospects