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Re: Gregg Zaun TERMINATED for sexual harassment!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 2:45 am
by JaysRule15
Yeah, sacrifice this thread to the baseball gods to bring us good luck, schad.

Re: Gregg Zaun TERMINATED for sexual harassment!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 1:39 pm
by Skin Blues
I watched a bit of the first two, and they were brutal. The production quality of a high school mid-term assignment, and not much of anything in the way of actual content. Just really sad and pathetic, overall. How somebody could work in TV for that long and have no idea about the existence of actual microphones and tripods is amazing. And there's no real insight, it's like he's reading the MLB Network ticker, and not straying from the script at all. As for the saving grace of it being uncensored, he bleeped the word "bitch". LOL.

Re: Gregg Zaun TERMINATED for sexual harassment!

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 11:33 pm
by Fenris-77
johanliebert wrote:
Fenris-77 wrote:The Manalyst huh? That's pretty awful, verging on Analrapist bad. He must have some pretty low IQ yes-men.

id like to note that your are the one who brought the term analrapist into the discussion. also ken reid gave him that moniker. stop the fake outrage.

Who's outraged? I've always thought Zaun was a d-bag, and his moniker is pretty d-baggy. If the shoe fits... Anyway, it's not impacting my quality of life either way. It did seem like the right place fora Tobias Funke joke though, I stand by that.

Re: Gregg Zaun TERMINATED for sexual harassment!

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:28 am
by polo007
Read on Twitter

And, he said, if he did hurt anyone — and, obviously, he did — he is sorry.

“Yeah, (my) world changed all of a sudden. And you know what? It’s not a bad thing,” said Zaun. “I’ve got a wife who I love to pieces and I have a four-year-old daughter who I want to see grow up in a world where she doesn’t have to put up with all that crap.”

And by “crap” he means feeling uncomfortable in a work environment because of her gender.

The 47-year-old former catcher, who retired from pro ball in 2011, said his family has stuck by his side, as have most of his friends. That, he said, has been the one blessing that has come out of the affair.

“I’m not a choirboy, never have been, never will be,” said Zaun, who landed in hot water previously with some ill-advised observations he posted on Twitter about some women in a Toronto bar. (He said that was a misunderstanding)."

“But the one thing I can tell you is, I know who I am as a person. I know what happened and I know what didn’t happen and I can honestly say that this has been a huge, huge learning experience for me. Humbling, for sure. But the one thing is, I know who my friends are and that’s one of the things that you can’t put a price on.”

Zaun is reluctant to talk about the days immediately following his dismissal. And he doesn’t want to give the impression he’s some kind of victim — although, again, there are things he would like to say in his defence, but believes there’s no point.

He does insist, however, that “never in a million years” would he purposely try to make someone feel uncomfortable (although that’s what he was accused of doing).

“That’s not who I am,” Zaun said. “And people who know me the best, they know that’s the truth.”

Re: Gregg Zaun TERMINATED for sexual harassment!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 2:07 am
by YogiStewart
dude did 'roids.
dude told a story about hazing while he was on Baltimore and pretty much said we should still be hazing.
dude was highly inappropriate at work.

and that's the laundry list that we know of. byebye zauny

Re: Gregg Zaun TERMINATED for sexual harassment!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 2:49 pm
by Al_Oliver
YogiStewart wrote:dude did 'roids.
dude told a story about hazing while he was on Baltimore and pretty much said we should still be hazing.
dude was highly inappropriate at work.

and that's the laundry list that we know of. byebye zauny

Agreed, no need to give this piece of $hit any oxygen at all... I don't think he even understands or realizes what he's done wrong

Re: Gregg Zaun TERMINATED for sexual harassment!

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2019 3:13 pm
by YogiStewart
Al_Oliver wrote:
YogiStewart wrote:dude did 'roids.
dude told a story about hazing while he was on Baltimore and pretty much said we should still be hazing.
dude was highly inappropriate at work.

and that's the laundry list that we know of. byebye zauny

Agreed, no need to give this piece of $hit any oxygen at all... I don't think he even understands or realizes what he's done wrong

of course he doesn't. the world's wronged him.

Re: Gregg Zaun TERMINATED for sexual harassment!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 2:59 am
by hst420
Yeah, so the question remains, do you kill a baby Zaunie? Or let him live to grow up knowing he leaves people cringed and uncomfortable in his wake?

Re: Gregg Zaun TERMINATED for sexual harassment!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:41 pm
by rarefind
I have friends at SN... Zaun did some **** man.