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Bears considering moving Hester to offense

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 2:44 pm
by Darth Celtic ... ry_id=3249

I said it last year, make him the 3rd down running back. he can run draws, catch screen passes, and move out to WR in the slot and really move the defense around to our favor even if he doesn't touch the ball. He can be our 3rd rb, and we'd be set. This frees up space for another DB, and in a pinch, hester can still come in and play CB.

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 3:15 pm
by MickeyDavis
I talked with Devin a little bit over the weekend about this. I was surprised that he wasn't very enthusiastic. He really wants to get playing time at CB. I think he'll change his tune.

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 3:24 pm
by Darth Celtic
u lucky bastard..........and yeah, the article states he wants to stay at CB. Issue is, he's too good not to play some offense.

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 3:40 pm
by MickeyDavis
Lovie has to use him in what ever way possible to get the ball in his hands. I can't imagine not using him at least a little bit on offense. I think Deion will talk some sense into him.

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 3:43 pm
by Darth Celtic
yeah, he can play slot and run the quick slant, outside and run the deep post, and line up at RB for the screen or draw on 3rd downs.

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 4:57 pm
by straightguji
I want to see at least 1 or 2 WR screen plays a game where Grossman throws him the ball and just let him juke out his defender one on one.

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 5:51 pm
by chibearsfan
Hester needs to realize he has no coverage skills and should move to offense where he could thrive. It would be fun to see him at RB.

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 7:10 pm
As much as Hester is a threat to the defense with his speed, he is an equal threat to us with his fumbling.

I would be up for a few plays a season on offense where he does a WR sweep, or runs some decoys, but if he wants to stay a DB leave him there.

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 8:15 pm
by y 2 a B
Pretty much agree with most of the stuff in this thread..

I think Hester would be a great guy to use some "trick" plays. I know he was originally drafted as a cornerback, but I think he does have some skills to play in some formation of the offense.

chibearsfan wrote:Hester needs to realize he has no coverage skills and should move to offense where he could thrive. It would be fun to see him at RB.

Wasn't he drafted as being a cornerback, but instead Lovie changed it around and put him in the special teams position?

I couldn't imagine going after a cornerback that has no coverage skills.

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 8:44 pm
by SportsWorld
I could care less where he plays as long as he stays injury-free.

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 9:21 pm
by dacheezwhiz
ive always wanted him on offense in a percy harvin at florida like role
anywhere we need him but not too often
he could be a great change of pace/trick playmaker

Posted: Tue Apr 3, 2007 10:18 pm
I couldn't see him as a running back personally unless he adds some muscle. Remember, part of being a running back is to pick up blitzes and make tackles, and I don't think Hester has the ability to do that just yet.

Posted: Wed Apr 4, 2007 2:56 am
by Joe Jackson
willeatfire4playoffsinmil wrote:I couldn't see him as a running back personally unless he adds some muscle. Remember, part of being a running back is to pick up blitzes and make tackles, and I don't think Hester has the ability to do that just yet.

willie, you've been eating too much fire.

If you're going to choose your running backs based on their tackling ability,
you can no longer be our offensive co-ordinator.

Where did you get that defeatest attitude at anyway?
Telling our RB "get ready to make lots of tackles, we're gonna turn it over plenty."

Posted: Wed Apr 4, 2007 5:01 am
by Jello Biafra
I'd love to see him running reverses and wide receiver screens. There would be some scores for sure.

Posted: Wed Apr 4, 2007 1:54 pm
by Darth Celtic
yeah, even using him on misdirection plays where we fake the reverse handoff and give it to benson up the middle instead could loosen up the defense. He doesn't even need to get the ball that much.