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Could Marion for Odom talks heat up again ?

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 2:44 am
by lakeshow248
Alright I know your saying here we go again but check it out anyway.

On the year check out the head to head numbers

Marion 15.8 ppg 10reb 2ast 51.5 fg % 31.7 3pt % 67 ft % 2stl 1.7 blks
Odom 14.1 ppg 8.9reb 2.3 ast 48.8 fg% 26.4 3pt % 67ft %

the Lakers would have too add Chris Mihm and his contract but it works then financially.

The Advs and Disadvs for Suns.... Advs they get a more true powerforward in Odom who is 3 inches taller and whose wingspan is better suited for guarding bigger post guys a la Dirk, Duncan, David West which frees up Amare putting less pressure. His ball handling skills would also work in that system--being able to push it up him self would also help the club when Nash is sitting. His assists numbers would go way up to at l least 4 to 5 a game.

Disadv for Suns....Odom not as good as finsher at hoop as Marion but still if Nash is passing he could get easier looks which would defiently make up for the FG % slight difference.

Over all I think Odom would help against the teams they have to beat Dallas, Spurs, New Orleans and the LAkers: and they also get a decent big in Mihm who could help Amare out w/ the Centre load having a true 7-0 footer.

A lineup of Nash, bell, Amare, odom, hill /W barbosa, banks, Mihm, Skinner, Diaw be nice.

On the Lakers side of Advs and Disadv.

Advs for Marion being a laker is they could move him to his true SF positon giving them a better finisher with his cutting to the hoop from Kobe and Fish while helping the defense at the three w/ his stls and blks off the ball.

Disadv... outside shooting wouldn't improve be the same as Lamars' and they would have to reley on Turiaf and Brown at PF or put Walton or Marion their some games. I like Turiaf though his cutting to the hoop from Kobe passes some games are great and his outside shot improved.

Overall--It helps both teams but matching up in same conference deters trades sometimes. Marion was unhappy w/ out touches earlier in the yrs but he'd get lots here. I just like the idea of a good defender at the three and Ronnie getting 30 min a game.

Another great thing w/ this trade is Kwame's contract is still tradeable for a Pf and they get to keep both Farmar and J Crittenton. Thats' a win win all around. Dont get me wrong Odom's D in post is not great but it's better than Marions when he has to guard the other teams big guys. The three inches and long arms of Lamars would make a difference but Marion would also make a diff in LA land.

Fish, Farmar, Sahsa
Kobe, Critt
Bynum Kwame
Turiaf, Walton
Marion, ARiza, Vlad

key is they would have a chance to strength team further w/ Kwame's contract and one of Farmar or critt or they could stand pat--a lot of options are created w/ such a move......I just think Suns are pannicing a little right now New Orleans, Spurs, Dallas and Lakers have showed them up inside recently and moving Marion--for Odom would give them simialar offensive number but add more size and yet more ball handling for them....I think it's doable.....

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 2:50 am
by One Love
Kobe loves Marion and our defense would be sick... Any links or is this optimistic thinking... I would pack LO and drive him to the airport in a heartbeat for The Matrix...

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 2:57 am
by lakeshow248
Just some thinking w/ them having virtually same offence numbers and just talk i heard about the Suns having trouble w/ defence on the inside vs. the top tier teams. Not saying Odom would sure up their Def but his rebounding against the big guys like Duncan, Dirk and David West could help and it would also give Amare a break going man to man vs this guys everynight on the D end...... I think Odom would also be helped by this move.... his game is best on the run and pushing it as we seen in Miami that great yrs he's a win win in my opinion expect the irony of helping a team in our conference too much....and i think the Lakers have been reluctant to trade Lamar because he does rebound so that i mean unless they were to get a PF back I think the FO thinks they can't afford to let turiaf be the starting PF but I think if they could keep Kwame and trade Lamar it could work giving Ronnie a shot at it.....

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 3:56 am
by B-Scott
Im not sure we match up with Dallas and the Spurs better with Marion over Lamar.

Marion can't create his own shot and that hurts him against Duncan. Lamar can take Duncan off the dribble. The same with Nowitski

I think LO gives both more problems. These are the 2 teams that will be there in the 2nd round

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 4:12 am
by kno
Trade thread please.