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Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 12:53 pm
by shrink
In the KFAN interview, Wittman mentioned McCants again, but did it in an interesting way. He said he was frustrated with McCants always shooting three's, because he was one of the few people on the team that can break people down and get to the basket, and the team needs that. I suppose you can say thats "calling someone out," but I think that the bar should be higher for players with more talent.

People may say that's not fair, and they may be right. But framed like that, half of it is a compliment, and the bottom line is that Wittman wants McCants to develop for the team, and for himself, and he believes he has that kind of ability in him. I don't think saying it like that is bad -- simply challenging a player that he compliments as talented.

Posted: Wed Jan 9, 2008 8:30 pm
by shrink
Do people still think calling out McCants was a bad move by Wittman and McHale?

I think some players respond to it, and some don't, and they made the right call on Rashad.

Posted: Wed Jan 9, 2008 8:37 pm
by theGreatRC
Rashad plays off emotion, so yes, it was a good call.

Posted: Wed Jan 9, 2008 8:40 pm
by 4ho5ive
Did anybody see his post game interview last night? They talked about it (Witt calling him out) and he seemed like he responded to it the right way, instead of holding a childish grudge he seemed to understand what Witt was getting at.

I take back what i said earlier Witt, good judgment call

Posted: Wed Jan 9, 2008 8:40 pm
by revprodeji
Good call. Like RC said, he is an emotional player.

When Shad is pissed he drives, I really like that aspect of his game.