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Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:55 am
by gigantes
Rich Rane wrote:
gigantes wrote:
MrDollarBills wrote:
Trump literally extorted one of our allies in order to get dirt on a political opponent. And admitted it without hesitation.

Anyday now, Madame Speaker. Get this man's criminal behavior in the front and center of the public's consciousness and the newscycle.

And... done.


Also, I wonder how much AOC's recent comments might have changed the game. Even little Greta Thunberg might have had a sizable hand in rapidly changing the climate.

The only concern here is that an impeachment or attempted impeachment will galvanize the centrist base come the next election, or something unfortunate like that.

Any person claiming to be centrist and voting for Trump because of an impeachment inquiry needs to explain their vote. An impeachment inquiry was launched because they felt the POTUS was breaking the law and that's a bad thing because...

Problem as I see it-- the body of "centrists" in the USA aren't really political centrists. They're moreso non-extreme right-wingers. IME the extremist right-wingers are the ones who love to call themselves "conservatives" in this country.

IMO this all kind of dates back to the USA being founded by white supremacists. Sure, those guys were a cut above other wealthy, spineless cowards, and sure they tended to be principled folks with genuinely decent intentions, but it also seems like the long-term American citizen kind of ran with their mythology and conveniently ignored all the demons, setting the table for the crazy "centrist" situation we now have.

If there's another first-world country out there in which its centrists share all the right-wing values of the USA's "centrists," I'm not sure which one it would be. Just sayin'.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:24 am
by MrDollarBills
Today feels like the dam just broke.

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Even Chuck Todd stopped his bull ****. WTF!!!

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:39 am
by MrDollarBills
Rich Rane wrote:
gigantes wrote:
MrDollarBills wrote:
Trump literally extorted one of our allies in order to get dirt on a political opponent. And admitted it without hesitation.

Anyday now, Madame Speaker. Get this man's criminal behavior in the front and center of the public's consciousness and the newscycle.

And... done.


Also, I wonder how much AOC's recent comments might have changed the game. Even little Greta Thunberg might have had a sizable hand in rapidly changing the climate.

The only concern here is that an impeachment or attempted impeachment will galvanize the centrist base come the next election, or something unfortunate like that.

Any person claiming to be centrist and voting for Trump because of an impeachment inquiry needs to explain their vote. An impeachment inquiry was launched because they felt the POTUS was breaking the law and that's a bad thing because...

The centrists are just garbage people who support far right wing positions quietly while pretending to being above the fray.

The Democrats have to operate for the good of the country and the wishes of their base. You cannot conduct government being afraid of Trump's racist, 30% of the country base. Trump is the most unpopular president in the history of this country. a lengthy impeachment proceeding will galvanize liberals and independent moderates who are tired of this **** show, and it will expose the US Senate for what it has done to break the legislative branch.

This is a bad, bad day for Trump and the GOP and frankly the impeachment inquiry should not only cover Trump, but it needs to be extended to the Attorney General as well and others. Drag them all.

Expose every thing. Control the news cycle. Nixon impeachment style hearings where subpoenaed witnesses are questioned by an appointed counsel. None of these bull **** Q and A sessions where Republicans get to have 5 minutes to ask stupid questions to kill time. Time for the House Majority to start dismantling this **** and by this time next year force that ass hole SC Justice Roberts to slam the opening gavel in Trump's impeachment trial in the Senate. Take it all the way to October 2020, there are plenty of crimes to cover, Mueller left them with the perfect playbook. Make the Senate Republicans look like toadies if they don't dare jump ship.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 2:46 am
by MrDollarBills
gigantes wrote:
Rich Rane wrote:
gigantes wrote:And... done.


Also, I wonder how much AOC's recent comments might have changed the game. Even little Greta Thunberg might have had a sizable hand in rapidly changing the climate.

The only concern here is that an impeachment or attempted impeachment will galvanize the centrist base come the next election, or something unfortunate like that.

Any person claiming to be centrist and voting for Trump because of an impeachment inquiry needs to explain their vote. An impeachment inquiry was launched because they felt the POTUS was breaking the law and that's a bad thing because...

Problem as I see it-- the body of "centrists" in the USA aren't really political centrists. They're moreso non-extreme right-wingers. IME the extremist right-wingers are the ones who love to call themselves "conservatives" in this country.

IMO this all kind of dates back to the USA being founded by white supremacists. Sure, those guys were a cut above other wealthy, spineless cowards, and sure they tended to be principled folks with genuinely decent intentions, but it also seems like the long-term American citizen kind of ran with their mythology and conveniently ignored all the demons, setting the table for the crazy "centrist" situation we now have.

If there's another first-world country out there in which its centrists share all the right-wing values of the USA's "centrists," I'm not sure which one it would be. Just sayin'.

Centrists will sit there, watch god awful far right wing behavior, and chastise liberals for incivility when people have had enough of the racism, sexism, and bigotry.

Any time some dude, and it's 99% of the time going to be a dude, comes around saying "Well, I don't support Trump but I think Antifa is a big problem too", you automatically know that they're **** ing trash.

When someone's response to racism, nazism and fascism is to tell the people against it to chill out, or that they should debate people who want to kill them/ethnically cleanse them, they are complete garbage as humans and most likely sympathize with those views.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 3:17 am
by MrDollarBills
Speaking of centrists:

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I despise Tulsi Gabbard. Hawaii needs to take the trash out during the next primary.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:20 pm
by gigantes
Yeah, it's too late to be scared of impeachment. The nation is arguably in crisis like never before, and it's mind-blowing to think how far down the hellhole we had to go before we reached such a perfectly appropriate response.

The even bigger issue of course is recapturing the WH and the senate in 2020. If that doesn't happen, it's dreadful to think about how bad the consequences could be. But, first things first.

One thing that seems kind of bizarre to me is the idea that impeachment will evidently revolve around the Ukraine stuff, when in reality there's a smorgasbord of items to choose from, going back to before the election.

And AFAIK the congressional 'gang of eight' who are by law privileged to see all documents the POTUS is allowed to see*, -still- haven't seen the full Mueller report, and Barr is still ignoring their subpoena.

* Just read about this one today. Apparently the house & senate majority & minority leaders, and the house & senate intelligence committee chairs and ranking members (totaling eight) have full rights to see anything the WH can see. In theory, anyway.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:26 pm
by Rich Rane
I can't believe they thought releasing the "transcript" would help Trump.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 8:45 pm
by MrDollarBills
Rich Rane wrote:I can't believe they thought releasing the "transcript" would help Trump.

Oh, it gets worse for Donnie Sniffles:

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Wait until House Intel gets their hands on this. I'm pretty sure the Judiciary committee will be interested in reviewing it as well.

Also, the acting DNI threatened to resign if the WH tries to make him stonewall the House investigation. I don't blame him one bit, going to jail for Trump is a fool's mission

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 9:34 pm
by Rich Rane
MrDollarBills wrote:
Rich Rane wrote:I can't believe they thought releasing the "transcript" would help Trump.

Oh, it gets worse for Donnie Sniffles:

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Wait until House Intel gets their hands on this. I'm pretty sure the Judiciary committee will be interested in reviewing it as well.

Also, the acting DNI threatened to resign if the WH tries to make him stonewall the House investigation. I don't blame him one bit, going to jail for Trump is a fool's mission

House Intelligence Committee has gotten a look at it.
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Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 3:15 am
by MrDollarBills
Rich Rane wrote:
MrDollarBills wrote:
Rich Rane wrote:I can't believe they thought releasing the "transcript" would help Trump.

Oh, it gets worse for Donnie Sniffles:

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Wait until House Intel gets their hands on this. I'm pretty sure the Judiciary committee will be interested in reviewing it as well.

Also, the acting DNI threatened to resign if the WH tries to make him stonewall the House investigation. I don't blame him one bit, going to jail for Trump is a fool's mission

House Intelligence Committee has gotten a look at it.
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Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 1:31 pm
by Rich Rane
Don't think I'll be taking a nap on the return flight today...
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Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2019 2:30 pm
by MrDollarBills
Rich Rane wrote:Don't think I'll be taking a nap on the return flight today...
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This is unraveling at break neck speed. Bill Barr is so **** ed he might as well resign today. If he gets hauled before the Senate and Kamala Harris questions him under oath he's toast.

The House is interviewing the acting DNI right now.

As much crap that I have given Pelosi, I can't help but wonder if she knew something like this would send things over the edge like this. We are in Nixon territory right now. Crazy af to see this unfold.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Wed Oct 2, 2019 9:15 pm
by gigantes

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Thu Oct 3, 2019 1:24 pm
by Prokorov
none of this matters much when trump just gets relected in 2020. the fact that being impeached he would still unanimosly get the repulican nomation in 2020 tells you all you need to know. people who support him dont care if he broke the law, they probably are in favor of it. these are ignorant racist greedy people. he will still get huge support from big corporations because he basically prints money while taking all the heat off of them. its perfect for his huge donors, big oil, etc...

like think about it, its such a dumpster fire that he can repeal like 15 laws that regulated dumping and removed sanctions or fines for pollution for nelgigence in drilling for oil and no one can talk about it cause every day its something new thats absurd to even focus on that.

he is going to win in 2020 because this country is still made of 40-45% racists and those who arent profit too much to care. that and the democratic party is such a huge mess itself too many people throw away votes on good candidates outside the 2 party system

trump 2020 is a lock, impeachment or not. and this country is F'd the worst is to come dude is going to start wars next

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Thu Oct 3, 2019 4:23 pm
by MrDollarBills
Let's let things play out. I don't think Trump's reelection is guaranteed at all. He's losing it dude, did you see his performance yesterday?

Even if Impeachment goes to the Senate and the Republicans fall on their swords for him in the face of mounting evidence they can mess around and lose the Senate. Even if Trump gets reelected if Dems control both side of the legislative branch it's the end for him.

A few weeks ago I was wondering what the hell was going on and why wasn't Pelosi moving on anything. Then boom next thing you know all hell breaks loose...let things play out before resigning to defeat. Things are only getting worse for not only Trump, but Pence as well who has now been implicated in this Ukraine scandal. Also, I think there will be overwhelming Dem and Independent turnout in 2020 to get this guy out.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Mon Oct 7, 2019 11:08 am
by MrDollarBills
So Joe Tsai is in open support of The Chinese government's behavior.

I mean I'm not surprised but the way the NBA is running to suck the Xi's dick after Morey expressed his opinion as an American citizen, because we have freedom of speech, is disgusting

Honestly though as an American our country's human rights record is so bad between activity in the ME, at the border, and here at home with police killing Black men and women for sport with impunity, we really don't have a leg to stand on

What a dumpster fire all of this is.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Mon Oct 7, 2019 2:39 pm
by MGrand15
This whole Morey-China situation makes me uncomfortable. Different reasons than most.

I feel like there's a large segment of NBA fans that WANT the NBA to fail and cave to China. They're still mad about the Charlotte All Star game. They're mad that the NBA is OK with political statements and tries to act like a "woke" league. They want the NBA to break and choose money over politics so they can crap on everything else the NBA's done.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Mon Oct 7, 2019 2:57 pm
by gigantes
List of Politicians Condemning NBA and Adam Silver for Response to Daryl Morey's Controversial Tweet regarding Hong Kong. (the formatting is a bit wonky; bear with it, please)

It's heartening to see prominent politicians supporting Daryl Morey during this tumultuous situation.

Senator Ted Cruz: "As a lifelong @HoustonRockets fan, I was proud to see @dmorey call out the Chinese Communist Party’s repressive treatment of protestors in Hong Kong. Now, in pursuit of big $$, the @nba is shamefully retreating."
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Presidential Candidate Andrew Yang: "The Chinese government banning the Rockets is a terrible move. "
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Presidential Candidate Julian Castro: "China is using its economic power to silence critics—even those in the U.S. The United States must lead with our values and speak out for pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong, and not allow American citizens to be bullied by an authoritarian government. "
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Senator Brian Schatz: "This is a mistake that they should fix quickly."
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Senator Josh Hawley: "Chinese govt has a million people locked in concentration camps & is trying to brutally repress Hong Kong demonstrators - and NBA wants to “bridge cultural divides”? Cultural divides?"
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Senator Rick Scott: "It’s clear that the @NBA is more interested in money than human rights. Tonight’s statement from Commissioner Silver is an absolute joke. The NBA is kowtowing to Beijing to protect their bottom line and disavowing those with the temerity to #standwithHongKong. Shameful!"
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Congressman Tom Malinowski: "An important story: China is using its economic power to censor speech by Americans in the US. And the #NBA, which (correctly) has no problem with players/employees criticizing our gov't, is now apologizing for criticizing the Chinese gov't. This is shameful and cannot stand."
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Presidential Candidate Beto O'Rourke: "The only thing the NBA should be apologizing for is their blatant prioritization of profits over human rights. What an embarrassment."
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Whoah, now. I guess this is the closest thing we have these days towards political unification.

But, seriously. F-ck the Chinese Communist Party, and shame on you, Silver, for bending over for them.

Another interesting development is the sheer number of Rockets fans already sick and tired of Tilman Fertitta. That took all of, what... four months?

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Mon Oct 7, 2019 3:21 pm
by gigantes
Joe Tsai's statement on the Morey situation is exactly the kind of kowtowing nonsense I was concerned about.

The Hong Kong protests aren't about sovereignty, Joe. They're a response to the CCP bullying its own citizens for no worthwhile reasons.

Re: Official Current Affairs & Politics Thread II

Posted: Mon Oct 7, 2019 3:53 pm
by TheNetsFan
MGrand15 wrote:This whole Morey-China situation makes me uncomfortable. Different reasons than most.

I feel like there's a large segment of NBA fans that WANT the NBA to fail and cave to China. They're still mad about the Charlotte All Star game. They're mad that the NBA is OK with political statements and tries to act like a "woke" league. They want the NBA to break and choose money over politics so they can crap on everything else the NBA's done.

I just heard about this Morey tweet briefly on my way in, but I didn't even think about the Charlotte situation. I don't think people want the NBA to bow to China so they can crap on past actions, but it is hypocritical for them to pick and choose when to take a stand versus turning a blind eye.

I believe leagues/teams would best be served staying out of the political and moral arenas. If you go full WWE (see Saudi Arabia), and just always operate according to what is best for the bottom line, you've de-humanized the company, and nobody cares one way or the other. It's best to avoid precedents (political stands and suspensions for off-court transgressions), because what may be good PR initially, could backfire when inevitably, somebody you do mega business with (China now, Kobe rape allegations in the past) has similar skeletons in their closet. Tilman Fertitta tried to spin it that way when he tweeted "...we are not a political organization," but as you reminded me with the Charlotte situation, the NBA definitely has been. When you've taken human rights stands in the past, it's shameful to bury your head in the sand to something worse because it affects your bottom line.