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Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 8:50 pm
by HarthorneWingo
Im Coming Home wrote:Yesss

BallSac is back, and he's bringing conspiracy theories now. Can't wait to dunk on him some more, it'll be fun.


Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:19 pm
by j4remi
GONYK wrote:
j4remi wrote:
GONYK wrote:
Read on Twitter

Lost seats in the House.
Lost state legislatures that will handle redistricting.
Have to win GA run-offs to get enough Senators for Joe Manchin to be the deciding vote on legislation for the foreseeable future.

:banghead: This is the triumph of low expectations despite the fact that all the people celebrating had much higher aspirations right up until the polls closed.

It might also be the downfall of overinflated expectations.

If the polling was always wrong, and this was really a 3-4 pt race all along, people wouldn't have expected 55 seats in the Senate and expanding the House.

That doesn't change the impact of downballot failure. I could have used the material conditions of the country to set expectations above what we got. I could have pointed at Trump's crappy approval ratings too. The horse race guys gave cover for Dems not to accept critiques about strategy, so I'm cool with tossing those guys out the window but it's not erasing the end results of this election. Between the constraints of the Senate, the loss of leverage in the House and the conservatism pervasive in the Judicial branch...strategies that involve actually wanting to accomplish things through the system as it stands took a massive hit for the Dems.

Getting rid of Trump was crucial but it wasn't the be all end all. If material improvements were anything beyond a tertiary concern, I can't see a person celebrating when the conditions Biden walks into are going to be daunting even if everything falls perfectly from here on out.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 9:24 pm
by j4remi
Oscirus wrote:and to top it all off, every single clown that managed to **** this cycle up are back in the same positions they were in prior to this

That's absolutely where my critique falls here. The same screw ups keep failing upward (word to Tom Perez). This isn't me demanding that progressive values or anything like that. But if you're going to forcefeed us centrists, the least you can do is stop letting mediocrity dominate the lead roles and then blame progressives for 2 decades of failure that keeps getting covered up by "our presidential candidate won the popular vote."

I don't like Hakeem Jeffries but if he runs against Pelosi for House leadership, I'll back him for the simple fact that he's not Nancy Pelosi. Heads should roll over losing seats in the House...and I say that understanding that Progressives gained some leverage over the rest of the party since we gained a few and the blue dogs lost all their swing candidates this cycle :lol:

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:10 pm
by Clyde_Style
Im Coming Home wrote:Yesss

BallSac is back, and he's bringing conspiracy theories now. Can't wait to dunk on him some more, it'll be fun.

just checked in and saw the end of the last thread. That snowflake is derpier than ever

What I want to know is where are their fcking kneepads. Wingo is getting impatient

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:14 pm
by Clyde_Style

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:16 pm
by Clyde_Style
HarthorneWingo wrote:
Im Coming Home wrote:Yesss

BallSac is back, and he's bringing conspiracy theories now. Can't wait to dunk on him some more, it'll be fun.



Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:16 pm
by Fury
Ball sack should get banned for making **** up without any evidence

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:19 pm
by Clyde_Style
Im Coming Home wrote:
GONYK wrote:
Read on Twitter

Manchin is a fake democrat, so unfortunately while we'd have the 'majority' if we pull off Georgia, we won't actually have it.

Manchin sucks, but you can likely get him to vote with the Dems on the key issues. He likes to pawn off votes to the Republican side to curry favor with the conservative voters when he can afford to.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:24 pm
j4remi wrote:
GONYK wrote:
j4remi wrote:
Lost seats in the House.
Lost state legislatures that will handle redistricting.
Have to win GA run-offs to get enough Senators for Joe Manchin to be the deciding vote on legislation for the foreseeable future.

:banghead: This is the triumph of low expectations despite the fact that all the people celebrating had much higher aspirations right up until the polls closed.

It might also be the downfall of overinflated expectations.

If the polling was always wrong, and this was really a 3-4 pt race all along, people wouldn't have expected 55 seats in the Senate and expanding the House.

That doesn't change the impact of downballot failure. I could have used the material conditions of the country to set expectations above what we got. I could have pointed at Trump's crappy approval ratings too. The horse race guys gave cover for Dems not to accept critiques about strategy, so I'm cool with tossing those guys out the window but it's not erasing the end results of this election. Between the constraints of the Senate, the loss of leverage in the House and the conservatism pervasive in the Judicial branch...strategies that involve actually wanting to accomplish things through the system as it stands took a massive hit for the Dems.

Getting rid of Trump was crucial but it wasn't the be all end all. If material improvements were anything beyond a tertiary concern, I can't see a person celebrating when the conditions Biden walks into are going to be daunting even if everything falls perfectly from here on out.

I think this election more than proved that Trump was insulated from normal political metrics like approval ratings and material conditions. 200k+ Americans died from a pandemic he bungled and his approval rating remained the same.

I think there is a difference between "Dems aren't as good across the board as they were before gaining the Presidency" and "Dems are in an objectively terrible spot". The former is true, the latter is debatable and depends on how they conduct themselves going forward.

I also think "Dems are not where we expected them to be all summer" is not truly a legitimate take, since that expectation was built on bad data.

Dems are in a position to potentially control the WH and Congress.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:25 pm
j4remi wrote:
Oscirus wrote:and to top it all off, every single clown that managed to **** this cycle up are back in the same positions they were in prior to this

That's absolutely where my critique falls here. The same screw ups keep failing upward (word to Tom Perez). This isn't me demanding that progressive values or anything like that. But if you're going to forcefeed us centrists, the least you can do is stop letting mediocrity dominate the lead roles and then blame progressives for 2 decades of failure that keeps getting covered up by "our presidential candidate won the popular vote."

I don't like Hakeem Jeffries but if he runs against Pelosi for House leadership, I'll back him for the simple fact that he's not Nancy Pelosi. Heads should roll over losing seats in the House...and I say that understanding that Progressives gained some leverage over the rest of the party since we gained a few and the blue dogs lost all their swing candidates this cycle :lol:

I more or less support this either way.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:36 pm
by thebuzzardman
GONYK wrote:
Read on Twitter

Ruh roh

Hopefully there will be jail time all around

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:43 pm
by Clyde_Style
24 hours ago people had their panties in a bunch over the GOP stealing the election

How y'all doing now?

Since then:

Evangelical leader Robert Jeffress said it's over, Biden won

The Republican AG of AZ said, "it does appear that Joe Biden will win Arizona"

Pat Toomey, GOP Senator from PA, said Trump needs to start the transition process NOW

State Governors are coming forward and telling Trump to start the transition process NOW

10,000 more mail-in ballots in PA arrived after Nov. 3. They will only increase Biden's lead there

The fear mongering over getting state electors to change their vote to Trump is a full-on turd sandwich going nowhere fast

The Republican's fraud "witness" is fugazi

The judge in PA got Trump's lawyers to confess in court there is no fraud

The GA hand recount has begun and will sign, seal and deliver Biden's current 14,000 lead there give or take a few

MSNBC now says that people within Trump’s own inner circle are “embarrassed by what they are witnessing right now” from Trump, and that his ongoing desire to contest the election is “unsustainable.” Meanwhile Politico says that Trump’s own Republican allies are already preparing for President Biden, and that what we’re seeing from them right now is mere “performance art.”

Trump cultists continue to expose their stupidity and it will only bury Trump deeper in conspiratorial BS that gets him nowhere

So everybody please put your big boy pants back on and get on with it. Biden won. Nothing is changing that.

Meanwhile, while everyone was crapping their undies, what Trump is really doing is cashing in any way he can before he has to leave.

If you think him shuffling around personnel in the Pentagon is about attempting a coup, get a clue! It's all about baksheesh. Trump is selling off weapons to the highest bidder. Those off-shore accounts of his are swelling while he gets you to worry about the election. Even a delusional narcissist knows he can't stay in the WH, so everything from hereon out is a cash grab.

I repeat, filter everything coming out of the WH as a smokescreen during this final pilfering of public resources to line the pockets of these grifters. They're stealing money, not votes. Get it?

Read on Twitter

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 10:49 pm
by Oscirus
j4remi wrote:
Oscirus wrote:and to top it all off, every single clown that managed to **** this cycle up are back in the same positions they were in prior to this

That's absolutely where my critique falls here. The same screw ups keep failing upward (word to Tom Perez). This isn't me demanding that progressive values or anything like that. But if you're going to forcefeed us centrists, the least you can do is stop letting mediocrity dominate the lead roles and then blame progressives for 2 decades of failure that keeps getting covered up by "our presidential candidate won the popular vote."

I don't like Hakeem Jeffries but if he runs against Pelosi for House leadership, I'll back him for the simple fact that he's not Nancy Pelosi. Heads should roll over losing seats in the House...and I say that understanding that Progressives gained some leverage over the rest of the party since we gained a few and the blue dogs lost all their swing candidates this cycle :lol:

Theres pretty much no accountability in the dem party. Its just fail act out that you couldn't do nothing cuz of the evil republicans, fail some more, blame the progressives, put the same people in power, repeat. Meanwhile the conservatives have taken over the court for years to come, this dumb ass "liberals are the good guys" narrative have pretty much convinced the republican voters to go into hiding when it comes time to answer polls so now the polls are off, oh and to top it all off the conservatives own the senate for the forseeable future. I cant think of one thing that this current power structure has done that will help the party in the future. :banghead:

As for Hakim, naah im good on him. The only thing he's good at is listening to his neighborhood and putting a minority face on whatever the centrists want to do. Honestly he'd unfortunately be a less competent pelosi just with fresher paint.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:01 pm
by Fat Kat
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Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:08 pm
by Clyde_Style
Fat Kat wrote:
Read on Twitter

Stuporman finally snapped?

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:11 pm
by HarthorneWingo
Fat Kat wrote:
Read on Twitter

Claire McCasskill? :lol: She's a DINO. She should just become a Republican. If the Utah man a progressive, then maybe I could understand it.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:12 pm
by HarthorneWingo
Clyde_Style wrote:
Fat Kat wrote:
Read on Twitter

Stuporman finally snapped?

I wouldn't shed a tear.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:18 pm
by Oscirus

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:36 pm
by HarthorneWingo
Good News: Centrist Dems looking to replace Pelosi

Bad News: Centrist Dems want to replace her with an even more Centrist Dem.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2020 11:44 pm
by Oscirus
So bernie wants to be sec of labor which Id imagine that the senate would allow just to get him out of their hair, i guess warren wants treasury but im not sure she'll get that, and pete wants to be the un ambassador.

Onto other news. Even though I dont believe this, current explanation for trump firings