
Moar COVID 19 talk.

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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#341 » by rammagen » Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:33 pm

Zenzibar wrote:
Clyde_Style wrote:
Zenzibar wrote:
I see you're a Hillary lover. Same folks who stole billions from the Haitian relief fund, she's so dirty her sht even has stains.

Maybe Epstein's flight manifest books with Clinton's name on it is not enough?
Maybe you need to take your Hillary button wearing ass and GTFO with that recycled BS.

Who said anything about loving Hillary Clinton? I certainly didn't

You were complaining that there is no substantial difference between the parties. Considering the situation we are presently in it is blatantly ignorant to claim the Trump administration and the GOP is not substantively different from the Democrats.

That anyone at this late stage of Trump's term would even have the gall to suggest there is no substantive difference between parties is incredible. If you believe that, you're deranged.

So what about Hillary huh? That's your response?

You don't read anything. You just repeat stupid memes.

Here are two articles to read. Educate yourself instead of repeating stupid accusations.

There are clearly Haitians who dislike the Clintons, but if you actually knew anything you'd understand the systemic issues of how money was used does not fall on the Clinton Foundation which has been rated an A by Charity Watch for some time with confirmation they spend roughly 88% of their funding on their charity missions each year and retain 12% to run the charity. That's a high ratio compared to many charities. The biggest failure of the Clintons in Haiti was building the Caracol business park and not being able to get the numbers of 100,000 employment they were hoping for. It ended up at around 8,000 new jobs. But the overall failure of relief in Haiti was governmental, not the Clinton Foundation. The Pentagon billed hundreds of millions to send troops to patrol the streets and hand out bottled water. There was tons of fraud in Haiti and there has been before the earthquake and ever since.

And the Clinton Foundation was one of the primary forces behind getting pharmaceutical companies to supply at cost billions of dollars of AIDs drugs to African countries.

Here, educate yourself. They probably saved millions of lives in Africa alone by brokering those deals

Read actual reporting for once and stop spreading BS about things you know absolutely nothing about. If you can't take the time to inform yourself then zip it.

I responded to you calmly and logically yesterday when you were complaining about Chuck Woolery being shut down by social media mobs. Well, Chuck was spreading dumb crap and so are you. You want to post stupid lies then you'll have to eat bitter from now on.

Hopefully I can respond, with the topic totally considered.

So as to understand clearly. You linked 2 write ups on why the Clinton's philanthropic deeds should clear them of any previous crimes against humanity? Correct?
The Haitians also count? Were they not robbed into more poverty and despair by this same Foundation? No?

Was Clinton's name not on known pedophile Epstein's plane manifest?

That's all I want to ask.

No need to continue to call me derogatory names my dude. Bully tactics son? Jjja

The Covid will require unity of government and other than you, the Clinton's have a very weak fanbase. Lol

What we do know is that this Covid is highly transmittal with a rather strong genetic constitution. Facts.
Keeping away from crowds and wearing masks until the virus clears out is a must. Facts.

Other than that, what Clinton would do or anyone else is just conjectured.

I get you don't like the Clinton's but the very argument you made here can be made about trump.....
In a 2002 profile of Epstein in New York Magazine, Trump was quoted as saying, “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

The Washington Post also reported that Sam Nunberg, a former Trump aide, said Trump and Epstein "knew each other a long time." "Bottom line," he said, "Donald would hang out with Epstein because he was rich."

So what we have here is speculation saying Clinton because Clinton was on the manifest he is a pedo the same could be said for trump he admitted friendship for over 15 yrs....You claim to to dislike the clintons partly for this reason why are supporting someone who could have been a party of this same person's schemes?

Look the main reason I dislike trump is not republican or dem but because he lies and is a moron for thinking people do not fact check..I served in the US Army I think we deserve better then Lies and hate that he encourages...

how about he would never golf....I am not against people taking vaction but he complained about Oboma golfing then costing the tax payers millions of dollars compared to Obomas 98 trips in the same does anyone defend that..Hypocrisy at it's finest

You complain about charities and have no leg to stand on

my whole point is be fair in evaluation of the person not the party. No one is perfect but people are proven to be less perfect aren't they. Do me a favor and find a reputable source rather then right wing conspiracies and then check the facts before believing anything.

What the Clinton might have done is not all conjecture based on previous administrations treatment of an outbreak. She was a member of the previous administrations cabinet till 2013 setting the work on a State department response that was followed by Kerry and Obama in 2014, where 2 Americans died. Trump tweeted Obama should have been impeached for 2 Americans what is the cost for 140 thousand and counting American deaths that were preventable.

Don't like the Clinton's but base that dislike in grounded facts not unproven conspiracy theories, and if you dislike them then you should dislike Trump for the same if not more reasons.

Anyone who believes his America first stick does not do the research and believes lies. How could America be first when a majority of people in the US does not conform to his ideal? You want America first and not the rich first about feeding and protecting hungry children, helping the sick rather then cutting benefits now when they need the help the most.

Covid Talk...

now he is wearing a mask, over 140k Americans have died on his watch he should have been enforcing mask rules since March but did not. How can any justify this? These are the same people protecting him who got on the previous admin because 2 people passed from Ebola.

To little to late he could not even do that release without calling Covid 19 the China Virus, borderline racist to spur on the White supremacy people who are mostly his base. Asian Americans have faced personal abuse because of this that ok? I have been screamed at in Market told to go back to where I come from a few times since he has been in office, my affront....1x talking Spanish to an elderly person in a store who needed a translation, another time just walking with a Corona beer t-shirt on. I am Puerto Rican American born in NYC, my father, grandfather and great grandfather and myself served in the US military. We have nothing to prove to anyone about where we come from or our sacrifices for this country.
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#342 » by Zenzibar » Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:07 pm

Hopefully I can respond, with the topic totally considered.

So as to understand clearly. You linked 2 write ups on why the Clinton's philanthropic deeds should clear them of any previous crimes against humanity? Correct?
The Haitians also count? Were they not robbed into more poverty and despair by this same Foundation? No?

Was Clinton's name not on known pedophile Epstein's plane manifest?

That's all I want to ask.

No need to continue to call me derogatory names my dude. Bully tactics son? Jjja

The Covid will require unity of government and other than you, the Clinton's have a very weak fanbase. Lol

What we do know is that this Covid is highly transmittal with a rather strong genetic constitution. Facts.
Keeping away from crowds and wearing masks until the virus clears out is a must. Facts.

Other than that, what Clinton would do or anyone else is just conjectured.[/quote]

I get you don't like the Clinton's but the very argument you made here can be made about trump.....
In a 2002 profile of Epstein in New York Magazine, Trump was quoted as saying, “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

The Washington Post also reported that Sam Nunberg, a former Trump aide, said Trump and Epstein "knew each other a long time." "Bottom line," he said, "Donald would hang out with Epstein because he was rich."

So what we have here is speculation saying Clinton because Clinton was on the manifest he is a pedo the same could be said for trump he admitted friendship for over 15 yrs....You claim to to dislike the clintons partly for this reason why are supporting someone who could have been a party of this same person's schemes?

Look the main reason I dislike trump is not republican or dem but because he lies and is a moron for thinking people do not fact check..I served in the US Army I think we deserve better then Lies and hate that he encourages...

how about he would never golf....I am not against people taking vaction but he complained about Oboma golfing then costing the tax payers millions of dollars compared to Obomas 98 trips in the same does anyone defend that..Hypocrisy at it's finest

You complain about charities and have no leg to stand on

my whole point is be fair in evaluation of the person not the party. No one is perfect but people are proven to be less perfect aren't they. Do me a favor and find a reputable source rather then right wing conspiracies and then check the facts before believing anything.

What the Clinton might have done is not all conjecture based on previous administrations treatment of an outbreak. She was a member of the previous administrations cabinet till 2013 setting the work on a State department response that was followed by Kerry and Obama in 2014, where 2 Americans died. Trump tweeted Obama should have been impeached for 2 Americans what is the cost for 140 thousand and counting American deaths that were preventable.

Don't like the Clinton's but base that dislike in grounded facts not unproven conspiracy theories, and if you dislike them then you should dislike Trump for the same if not more reasons.

Anyone who believes his America first stick does not do the research and believes lies. How could America be first when a majority of people in the US does not conform to his ideal? You want America first and not the rich first about feeding and protecting hungry children, helping the sick rather then cutting benefits now when they need the help the most.

Covid Talk...

now he is wearing a mask, over 140k Americans have died on his watch he should have been enforcing mask rules since March but did not. How can any justify this? These are the same people protecting him who got on the previous admin because 2 people passed from Ebola.

To little to late he could not even do that release without calling Covid 19 the China Virus, borderline racist to spur on the White supremacy people who are mostly his base. Asian Americans have faced personal abuse because of this that ok? I have been screamed at in Market told to go back to where I come from a few times since he has been in office, my affront....1x talking Spanish to an elderly person in a store who needed a translation, another time just walking with a Corona beer t-shirt on. I am Puerto Rican American born in NYC, my father, grandfather and great grandfather and myself served in the US military. We have nothing to prove to anyone about where we come from or our sacrifices for this country.[/quote]

My Guy,

There's is absolutely no excuse the knucklehead/criminal in office. Don't care if he gets hit by a bus.

All that was debated from my point is tgat they're all criminal and its a sad state for the U.S. to have no other choices, than to look to them for fake ass leadership.
Sad, sad, sad.
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#343 » by rammagen » Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:21 pm


My Guy,

There's is absolutely no excuse the knucklehead/criminal in office. Don't care if he gets hit by a bus.

All that was debated from my point is that they're all criminal and its a sad state for the U.S. to have no other choices, than to look to them for fake ass leadership.
Sad, sad, sad.[/quote]

That is why you vote for the best person that represents your beliefs, if you think they are all criminal then I would say look at some of the past leaders in the US. Some of the great ones, everyone has their faults we are all human the idea is to find the person with least faults.
When comparing Hillary to Trump it is pretty clear Trump has more faults.

Again as Clyde pointed research is the key.....While you say Clinton is a criminal there are no facts that back that point that is what Clyde was posting. You said they stole billions from Haitian relief there is no proof, they have never been charged and have been investigated.

Nothing you posted about the Clinton's has any real facts. While you are entitled to your beliefs please base them on facts not theories until then they are your beliefs and I would expect posters like Clyde to keep posting the facts to try to show you that facts do not support your beliefs
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#344 » by HarthorneWingo » Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:17 pm

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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#345 » by HarthorneWingo » Fri Jul 24, 2020 3:46 pm

Trump got the CDC to change its guidelines on reopening schools. From The NY Times today:

The top U.S. public health agency issued a full-throated call to reopen schools in a package of new “resources and tools” posted on its website Thursday night that opened with a statement that sounded more like a political speech than a scientific document, listing numerous benefits for children of being in school and downplaying the potential health risks.

“ Reopening schools creates opportunity to invest in the education, well-being, and future of one of America’s greatest assets — our children — while taking every precaution to protect students, teachers, staff and all their families,” the new opening statement said.

The new statement released on Thursday is a stark departure from the 69-page document, obtained by The New York Times earlier this month, marked “For Internal Use Only,” which was intended for federal public health response teams to have as they are deployed to hot spots around the country.

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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#346 » by HarthorneWingo » Fri Jul 24, 2020 10:05 pm

I can't wait for this to go into effect.

McDonald’s Will Require All Customers To Wear Masks Inside Its U.S. Restaurants
The change, intended to check the spread of the coronavirus, goes into effect Aug. 1.

McDonald’s will require customers inside all of its U.S. restaurants to wear masks or face coverings beginning Aug. 1.

The massive fast-food chain announced the decision Friday in a company letter, framing it as a necessary step in the nationwide effort to check the spread of COVID-19.

The company said it would also install protective panels throughout its dining and cooking areas, and said it has delayed reopening dining rooms for an additional 30 days.

“The latest science suggests droplets have the potential to stay in the air for extended periods of time, increasing the risk of virus spread, especially from asymptomatic carriers,” the letter, co-authored by McDonald’s USA President Joe Erlinger, reads. “As a result, the most recent guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reiterates face coverings are an effective way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“To that end, and in order to protect the safety of our employees and customers, we will ask all customers to wear face coverings when entering our US restaurants effective August 1.”

The company said that in the event a customer decides not to wear a facial covering, it will have procedures in place “to take care of them in a friendly, expedited way,” and that it will make resources available for employees “who want to revisit de-escalation training.” :nod:

That de-escalation might be called for is not an abstract possibility. Earlier this month, Maria Resendiz, a 19-year-old McDonald’s employee in Oakland, California, was physically assaulted by a drive-thru customer after she told him masks were required at the location.

Resendiz’s injuries required treatment at a nearby hospital. She said the assailant also aimed a string of racial slurs at her.

“I get it about the situation we’re in with COVID and that people are stressed but that’s not an excuse for workers at fast food restaurants to risk their lives,” she told the San Francisco Chronicle. “We’re not burgers and fries. We’re humans. Two McDoubles and a small fries, that’s not something that’s worth getting injured over.”

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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#347 » by Fat Kat » Wed Jul 29, 2020 10:14 am

Read on Twitter
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#348 » by HarthorneWingo » Thu Jul 30, 2020 4:33 pm

News just broke that Herman Cain died from COVID. RIP
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#349 » by Fat Kat » Thu Jul 30, 2020 11:33 pm

HarthorneWingo wrote:News just broke that Herman Cain died from COVID. RIP

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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#350 » by HarthorneWingo » Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:19 am

I wonder if any of those in the photo caught it as well. Louie "Gomer" Gohmert, another anti-masker got it too. Shazam!
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#351 » by thebuzzardman » Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:23 am

Covid hitting the midwest now. Going to take out a lot of fat people there.
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#352 » by HarthorneWingo » Fri Jul 31, 2020 3:16 am

thebuzzardman wrote:Covid hitting the midwest now. Going to take out a lot of fat people there.

The NY Times reported on a handful of new studies (not yet peer reviewed) which conclude that there's an aerosolized component to the virus in addition to the droplets. For example, there was an incident at a restaurant where one infected person caused the infection of many others there based the position of the contagious individual to the air conditioner and those who he infected, who were more than six feet away.

Also, the studies conclude that mask not only protect others around the mask-wearer, they also protect the mask-wearer. So that's new.
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#353 » by Clyde_Style » Thu Aug 6, 2020 12:23 am

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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#354 » by Fat Kat » Sat Aug 8, 2020 3:36 am

HarthorneWingo wrote:I wonder if any of those in the photo caught it as well. Louie "Gomer" Gohmert, another anti-masker got it too. Shazam!

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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#355 » by Clyde_Style » Sat Aug 8, 2020 4:00 am

I'm fresh out of demon sperm.

Can anybody hook a brother up?
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#356 » by HarthorneWingo » Sat Aug 8, 2020 6:21 am

Fat Kat wrote:
HarthorneWingo wrote:I wonder if any of those in the photo caught it as well. Louie "Gomer" Gohmert, another anti-masker got it too. Shazam!


Now that's what I call a "Walk Of Shame." Everyone of these ignoramuses should be interviewed on their deathbeds.

If we could just turn this into a TV game show.

"Welcome to 'Hoax or No Hoax'!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry Karen. Looks like it wasn't a hoax after all. Let's hear it for Karen everybody! Thanks again, Karen, the nurse will escort you to the wheelchair and, as a complimentary gift from the Show, we will foot the bill for the ambulance to drive you to .... THE HOSPITAL OF YOUR CHOICE! See folks? Everybody's a winner on "Hoah or No Hoax!"

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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#357 » by HarthorneWingo » Sat Aug 8, 2020 5:11 pm

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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#358 » by Clyde_Style » Sat Aug 8, 2020 7:31 pm

This is grim. And in line with what I expected.

The Trumper who was bragging about herd immunity because of NY's decline didn't understand that a short-term decline in one region has been offset by other regions raging out of control. So, in effect, the South will now re-infect the North.

Compound that with flu season and it will become a forest fire.

Note how the doctor confirms Russian agit prop is pushing the no mask meme.

One prediction he makes is many of this anti-science faction of the American population will refuse to take covid vaccines. Think about that for a second. It could literally mean the vaccinated population will protect itself while the anti-science part of society will continue to get infected for years to come. Talk about thinning the herd. Fine, cull yourselves.

I will concede though that I will have great skepticism about any vaccine anouncements until Biden is in charge. Since everything Trump does is out of political self-interest, anything they try to promote this Fall to boost their vote count will be compromised decision making.

Plus, Giliead is getting sweetheart deal's from Trump to sell $1 doses for several thousand dollars each. Talk about wasting tax payer money and corruption.

Meanwhile, Oxford says they will give their vaccines away.

So, considering there are multiple possible cures that may have a different scientific basis for treating covid, I think we may have to hang back until 2021 before things settle and we can know what the right vaccine options are. Until then, Trump will fck everything up like he always does.
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#359 » by HarthorneWingo » Sat Aug 8, 2020 9:58 pm

Clyde_Style wrote:

This is grim. And in line with what I expected.

The Trumper who was bragging about herd immunity because of NY's decline didn't understand that a short-term decline in one region has been offset by other regions raging out of control. So, in effect, the South will now re-infect the North.

Compound that with flu season and it will become a forest fire.

Note how the doctor confirms Russian agit prop is pushing the no mask meme.

One prediction he makes is many of this anti-science faction of the American population will refuse to take covid vaccines. Think about that for a second. It could literally mean the vaccinated population will protect itself while the anti-science part of society will continue to get infected for years to come. Talk about thinning the herd. Fine, cull yourselves.

I will concede though that I will have great skepticism about any vaccine anouncements until Biden is in charge. Since everything Trump does is out of political self-interest, anything they try to promote this Fall to boost their vote count will be compromised decision making.

Plus, Giliead is getting sweetheart deal's from Trump to sell $1 doses for several thousand dollars each. Talk about wasting tax payer money and corruption.

Meanwhile, Oxford says they will give their vaccines away.

So, considering there are multiple possible cures that may have a different scientific basis for treating covid, I think we may have to hang back until 2021 before things settle and we can know what the right vaccine options are. Until then, Trump will fck everything up like he always does.

I probably should go back and double check this but, I as recall, the expert in the article said that the vaccine will (1) only control symptoms, and (2) may not prevent you from getting it again.

So the vaccine, at least at this early stage, is no panacea.

I have a friend in the neighborhood - we get our dogs together a lot and commiserate over the Orange Douche - and she’s NYC school teacher in Queens serving a special needs high school student population in a dilapidated building. Many to most of the children live in homes with grandparents. I have a feeling that sending kids back to school even here in NYC where the numbers are low.
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Re: Moar COVID 19 talk. 

Post#360 » by Clyde_Style » Sat Aug 8, 2020 10:06 pm

HarthorneWingo wrote:
Clyde_Style wrote:

This is grim. And in line with what I expected.

The Trumper who was bragging about herd immunity because of NY's decline didn't understand that a short-term decline in one region has been offset by other regions raging out of control. So, in effect, the South will now re-infect the North.

Compound that with flu season and it will become a forest fire.

Note how the doctor confirms Russian agit prop is pushing the no mask meme.

One prediction he makes is many of this anti-science faction of the American population will refuse to take covid vaccines. Think about that for a second. It could literally mean the vaccinated population will protect itself while the anti-science part of society will continue to get infected for years to come. Talk about thinning the herd. Fine, cull yourselves.

I will concede though that I will have great skepticism about any vaccine anouncements until Biden is in charge. Since everything Trump does is out of political self-interest, anything they try to promote this Fall to boost their vote count will be compromised decision making.

Plus, Giliead is getting sweetheart deal's from Trump to sell $1 doses for several thousand dollars each. Talk about wasting tax payer money and corruption.

Meanwhile, Oxford says they will give their vaccines away.

So, considering there are multiple possible cures that may have a different scientific basis for treating covid, I think we may have to hang back until 2021 before things settle and we can know what the right vaccine options are. Until then, Trump will fck everything up like he always does.

I probably should go back and double check this but, I as recall, the expert in the article said that the vaccine will (1) only control symptoms, and (2) may not prevent you from getting it again.

So the vaccine, at least at this early stage, is no panacea.

I have a friend in the neighborhood - we get our dogs together a lot and commiserate over the Orange Douche - and she’s NYC school teacher in Queens serving a special needs high school student population in a dilapidated building. Many to most of the children live in homes with grandparents. I have a feeling that sending kids back to school even here in NYC where the numbers are low.

OK, I guess there is going to be a lot to wait on re: Vaccine vs. Treatments.

There is still uncertainty over how anti-bodies behave, thus complicating testing and possibly formulating effective vaccination.

If there should be a scenario where there is never a true vaccine, but only improved treatments, that'd certainly suck. Then you're still dealing with whether or not you want to gamble with your health.

For the way this pandemic was handled I really regret Clinton was not in charge instead of Trump. We'd have something resembling a national plan and most likely a heavily flattened curve heading into flu season and the ability to contain it while working on a cure. And the economic fall-out would have been mitigated significantly without the massive job losses. So much about this is a tragic showcase for incompetent governance. No matter what, Clinton would have been massively better.

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