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Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:24 pm
by KnicksGod
BallSacBounce wrote:
KnicksGod wrote:
Read on Twitter

You're quoting Marc Elias? Well alrighty then game over! He's like the main Democrat lawfare architect.

But glad you brought up Michigan. Here's what's going on there. BTW Wayne County includes Detroit.

Wayne County, Michigan, Election Board Rescind Prior Certification Vote Citing Threats to Their Family…

Yeah certifying under duress is not going to stand up in the SC.

And exactly how did Biden underperform Hillary with minorities in every jurisdiction except 4 battleground cities where he "outperformed" freaking OBAMA. Did he have help? Yeah sure, His Fraudulency is totally legit.

Certifying will definitely hold up.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:30 pm
by KnicksGod
Kampuchea wrote:They are rescinding the vote to certify Michigan?

It's been done I believe.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:33 pm
by BallSacBounce
KnicksGod wrote:
BallSacBounce wrote:
KnicksGod wrote:
Read on Twitter

You're quoting Marc Elias? Well alrighty then game over! He's like the main Democrat lawfare architect.

But glad you brought up Michigan. Here's what's going on there. BTW Wayne County includes Detroit.

Wayne County, Michigan, Election Board Rescind Prior Certification Vote Citing Threats to Their Family…

Yeah certifying under duress is not going to stand up in the SC.

And exactly how did Biden underperform Hillary with minorities in every jurisdiction except 4 battleground cities where he "outperformed" freaking OBAMA. Did he have help? Yeah sure, His Fraudulency is totally legit.

Certifying will definitely hold up.

Lawyers will argue it. We'll see.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:37 pm
by BallSacBounce
Pollster: It's Curious How Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton In Every City...Except These Four.

Was this election stolen? Well, millions feel that way. The turnout numbers are odd in some states, like Wisconsin, which hit 89 percent. Now, is that figure impossible? No. Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel did the math, but it’s highly improbable given the turnout rates in the surrounding areas. It would require 900,000 people showing up for same-day registrations.

How curious that, as Baris notes, “Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”

Robert Barnes, the foremost election analyst, observes in these “big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.” 

Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until, in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted. Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’; Trump’s real leads subsequently vanished.

The protracted, eventual outcome will determine the contemporary relevance of Stalin’s observation. No matter who wins, most pollsters already have lost their credibility and influence.


Even Joe thinks he's illegitimate.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:38 pm
by Kampuchea
KnicksGod wrote:
Kampuchea wrote:They are rescinding the vote to certify Michigan?

It's been done I believe.

I found this :

The Michigan Board of State Canvassers has until Nov. 23 to certify the election. If they don’t, it will go to court.

Dec. 8 is considered the “safe harbor” deadline for certification.

President Donald Trump tweeted repeatedly about the canvassers and called the two Republicans who voted against certification patriots.

Also this:

Trump has also invited leaders from Michigan’s Republican-controlled state legislature to meet with him on Friday afternoon in Washington, according to a person familiar with those plans.

The Republican-controlled state legislature could, in theory, step in to award Michigan’s 16 electoral votes, if the state’s board of canvassers does not certify a winner. Earlier this week, Michigan’s Senate Majority Leader Mike Shirkey (R) said that Biden is the president-elect, and that an effort to award Michigan’s electoral votes to Trump “not going to happen,” according to the news outlet Bridge Michigan.

The Detroit News reported that Shirkey is among those set to meet with Trump. Shirkey’s office did not respond to requests for comment from The Washington Post.

For now, Trump’s interventions seemed unlikely to change the course of events in Michigan. Biden is winning the state by a wide margin, more than 148,000 votes. The state’s board of canvassers is still scheduled to hold a hearing Monday to certify the results.

So Trump is meeting them today to try and convince them to award it to him

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:39 pm
by CharlesOakley
Every time this bootlicker posts, I'm reminded of this Mark Twain post:

it's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled

and this quote:

A learned fool is more a fool than an ignorant fool

― Moliere

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:48 pm
by KnicksGadfly
BallSacBounce wrote:Pollster: It's Curious How Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton In Every City...Except These Four.

Was this election stolen? Well, millions feel that way. The turnout numbers are odd in some states, like Wisconsin, which hit 89 percent. Now, is that figure impossible? No. Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel did the math, but it’s highly improbable given the turnout rates in the surrounding areas. It would require 900,000 people showing up for same-day registrations.

How curious that, as Baris notes, “Trump won the largest non-white vote share for a Republican presidential candidate in 60 years. Biden underperformed Hillary Clinton in every major metro area around the country, save for Milwaukee, Detroit, Atlanta and Philadelphia.”

Robert Barnes, the foremost election analyst, observes in these “big cities in swing states run by Democrats…the vote even exceeded the number of registered voters.” 

Trump’s victories in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin were on target until, in the middle of the night, counting was arbitrarily halted. Miraculously, several hundred thousand votes – all for Biden – were mysteriously ‘found’; Trump’s real leads subsequently vanished.

The protracted, eventual outcome will determine the contemporary relevance of Stalin’s observation. No matter who wins, most pollsters already have lost their credibility and influence.


Even Joe thinks he's illegitimate.

Hey bro, did you donate to the Trump campaign yet? Stop the libs! Give money to save our country! Each dollar stops the Democratic Conspiracy!

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:49 pm
by KnicksGod
BallSacBounce wrote:
KnicksGod wrote:
BallSacBounce wrote:You're quoting Marc Elias? Well alrighty then game over! He's like the main Democrat lawfare architect.

But glad you brought up Michigan. Here's what's going on there. BTW Wayne County includes Detroit.

Wayne County, Michigan, Election Board Rescind Prior Certification Vote Citing Threats to Their Family…

Yeah certifying under duress is not going to stand up in the SC.

And exactly how did Biden underperform Hillary with minorities in every jurisdiction except 4 battleground cities where he "outperformed" freaking OBAMA. Did he have help? Yeah sure, His Fraudulency is totally legit.

Certifying will definitely hold up.

Lawyers will argue it. We'll see.

The thing is that votes and certifying votes -- judges don't go near that stuff.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:54 pm
by BallSacBounce
KnicksGod wrote:
BallSacBounce wrote:
KnicksGod wrote:
Certifying will definitely hold up.

Lawyers will argue it. We'll see.

The thing is that votes and certifying votes -- judges don't go near that stuff.


Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 5:56 pm
by dakomish23
BallSacBounce wrote:
dakomish23 wrote:
BallSacBounce wrote:Here's the situation: Mexican Standoff

73.million Patriotic Americans against a stack of fraudulent ballots and a platoon of Biden cardboard cutouts.

Gee, who will win?

Do it. You “free thinkers” will get your ass kicked again like during the first civil war.

Republicans won the last one, lol WTF.

But that's not what I mean anyway.

What I mean is that there are real people behind this that cannot be ignored vs the "Air Masters."

My term, it's never been uttered elsewhere. Air Masters meaning social media titans Twitter and Facebook, MSM, YouTube etc.

You guys control the airwaves. But, just like as in traditional warfare you cannot just send the airforce in and bomb people into submission you have to have boots on the ground. And you don't have them.

Oh, it will be entirely peaceful. There is no reason to get unruly. Enough people show up saying this fraudulent election, with proof, can not stand and it will not.

Republicans were the liberals back then. The party switch happened and we ended up here.

There is nothing about this that will end peacefully. Maybe not a major war, but the violence is coming

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:16 pm
by 3toheadmelo
Read on Twitter

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 6:20 pm
by dakomish23
Read on Twitter

Nothing to see here. Just casually talking about throwing out votes. I will piss on the grave of each one of these traitors

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:02 pm
by BallSacBounce
dakomish23 wrote:
BallSacBounce wrote:
dakomish23 wrote:
Do it. You “free thinkers” will get your ass kicked again like during the first civil war.

Republicans won the last one, lol WTF.

But that's not what I mean anyway.

What I mean is that there are real people behind this that cannot be ignored vs the "Air Masters."

My term, it's never been uttered elsewhere. Air Masters meaning social media titans Twitter and Facebook, MSM, YouTube etc.

You guys control the airwaves. But, just like as in traditional warfare you cannot just send the airforce in and bomb people into submission you have to have boots on the ground. And you don't have them.

Oh, it will be entirely peaceful. There is no reason to get unruly. Enough people show up saying this fraudulent election, with proof, can not stand and it will not.

Republicans were the liberals back then. The party switch happened and we ended up here.

There is nothing about this that will end peacefully. Maybe not a major war, but the violence is coming

It won't come from the Right.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:22 pm
by BallSacBounce
You do not wish to see. Did anyone watch that Oct 28 video by the security firm?

No? Ok, here are a few issues he highlights, there are plenty can switch votes manually at an operator level, it is connected to the internet so it is hackable, our United States Election data is sent overseas before returning and God only knows what they do with it!, you can set the signature optical recognition down to 40% so basically everything gets passed.

Here it is again...

And here is a video where the director of the company that owns the software we used admitting "someone" manufactured 1 million phantom votes in Venezuela for Hugo Chavez and says this happens all the time in other countries due to a lack of proper election security. The firm was founded in Venezuela, did you know that? It's not a US firm, WTF are they doing handling our election data?

Read on Twitter

Oh, it's so coming.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:24 pm
by robillionaire
"fantom" really reliable sources here for sure, random illiterate twitter Karens

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:29 pm
by HarthorneWingo
This twerp loves getting punched in the face over and over again.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:31 pm
by BallSacBounce
No one can watch those two videos and the Dr. Shiva one and come away saying this doesn't deserve to be looked into.

We all want free and fair elections, right? Well, most of us do anyway.

We all (most) deserve transparent, rock solid accountability and fairness in our elections. That's all we are asking for. Let the chips fall where they may.

If there is no there there then "There is nothing to fear but fear itself" and we can welcome Biden/Harris with our full support. We deserve to have full confidence in our elections.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 7:33 pm
by BallSacBounce
robillionaire wrote:"fantom" really reliable sources here for sure, random illiterate twitter Karens

The source was Smartmatic itself. The twitterer was the delivery person.

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 8:21 pm
by Im Coming Home
BallSacBounce wrote:
robillionaire wrote:"fantom" really reliable sources here for sure, random illiterate twitter Karens

The source was Smartmatic itself. The twitterer was the delivery person.

Watch on YouTube

Re: 2020 Presidential Election Thread presents: The Aftermath

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2020 8:44 pm
by Clyde_Style
TBH, the bigger story of the moment is not election fraud tactics that will not work, but the GSA executive who is holding up the transition. This one person is causing real chaos. She's a Trump loyalist.