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The Knicks are back

Posted: Sun May 5, 2024 5:13 pm
by HopelessKnick
Just wanted to let ya all know: Super happy with where the Knicks are. Been following the Knicks since the mid 90s so I have seen what a hard working Knick team looks and feels like. The franchise found it's way back to where it once was. Took them a while but just happy where the Knicks are.

I was personally already very content after the 82 games this season. Worked, willed, fought their way to 50 wins and the second seed. Short handed, beaten up, injured ---didn't matter. Could have easily been 55-60 wins without all the bad luck. Remarkable, truly remarkable.
I said that any playoff success for me is the icing on the cake and I'll take it but with JR out I'm not expecting anything. Then the team gives us an epic, classic first round series against the Sixers and comes out on top. Insane---absolutely insane to do it without JR but interestingly enough it wasn't even really surprising and many called it. Testament to a true team. Next man up, no excuses.

I critized Thibs in the past but you have to give credit where it is due. The improvement that Deuce, DD, Hart, Precious, IHart showed and the heart with which the whole team played.Love him or hate him, but if literally every single player on your roster improves their game, then you have to concede that the coaching staff must have had their hand in it.

I critized Rose but you have to give credit. Most of his moves panned out. Got us Brunson which was a top 5 move in franchise history or possible NBA history, drafted Deuce, signed DD and IHart in two big time steals, traded a FRP for Hart which has been another tremendous steal and finally put everything together in trading for OG which has been a franchise altering move. Much props to him. Remained patient despite a lot of pressure and delivered.

On top of that all players are fairly young so the nucleus of this team can stay together for 7+ years at least. Brunson is going to retire a knick and as long as he is here other disgruntled star players will look to join in on the party. The Knicks are back, this time truly back. The Knicks are cool again.

Re: The Knicks are back

Posted: Sun May 5, 2024 6:10 pm
by KnixtapeH20
This is a tired used up phrase... we been back since Thibs took over & changed the culture... it's just heightened now

but appreciate the good vibes either way :party: