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Trade idea: LA/NY = Kwame for Curry

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 10:08 am
by MikeyMike
Kwame Brown + 1st rounder + 2nd rounder


Eddy Curry

I think this is a fair trade for both teams because both guys are about the same age, have reached their potentials, one dimensional, and address unique team needs.

By doing this trade Isiah saves a little face because he gets an expiring and 2 picks...even though only one is a 1st rounder. (He gave up 2 1st rounders for curry plus some trash in Sweetney/fillers)

Kwame definitely sucks when it comes to scoring and catching the ball....however, he plays excellent man to man defense and is an average rebounder. Not to mention his expiring contract is nice, and probably be re-signed for much cheaper.

Lakers take on Curry because he can score in the post and give Kobe room to operate....Lakers have Bynum at C, but Curry could be a nice back up in limited minutes a night.

Isiah and Magic are homies, they are in different divisions (east and west)

Am I nuts?

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 10:31 am
by sonny
LA trades a 8M expiring, their entire 2008 draft for a backup to their future center that played more than 32mpg in December?

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 11:29 am
by MikeyMike
Lakers are very shallow at PF/C depth wise.

They've got Bynum, fine. But he's still very young and the Lakers would be wise not to play him too minutes for fear of him burning out.

Kwame is a FA after this season...

Mihm is injury prone, and guess what, injured as I type this...

Turiaf is injury prone and undersized..

Odom is a hybrid PF who plays more like a guard...

And thats it. Lakers have Marc Gasol but he's playing over in Europe right now.

Lakers definitely need some depth at PF/C.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 11:52 am
by Lake Dynasty
Lakers need a PF more than a Center. Mark Gasol will be brought next year and plus the Lakers could just their picks to pick PF next year as well

To summit up, NO but thanx for the offer

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 12:05 pm
by duetta
Isiah has destroyed Curry's trade value around the league. His best move would be to look to export Randolph, assuming he has any value.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 2:07 pm
by Knick 4ever
Curry should have been traded after last season. His value was up, but I don't know if we can get anything for Curry right now. Clyde said it best, the only player with value on our roster is Lee.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 7:01 pm
by exkonvict
I'd take Curry over Kwame, but reading the Knicks board makes me think otherwise... Am I crazy?

Re: Trade idea: LA/NY = Kwame for Curry

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 7:12 pm
by moocow007
MikeyMike wrote:Kwame Brown + 1st rounder + 2nd rounder


Eddy Curry

I think this is a fair trade for both teams because both guys are about the same age, have reached their potentials, one dimensional, and address unique team needs.

By doing this trade Isiah saves a little face because he gets an expiring and 2 picks...even though only one is a 1st rounder. (He gave up 2 1st rounders for curry plus some trash in Sweetney/fillers)

Kwame definitely sucks when it comes to scoring and catching the ball....however, he plays excellent man to man defense and is an average rebounder. Not to mention his expiring contract is nice, and probably be re-signed for much cheaper.

Lakers take on Curry because he can score in the post and give Kobe room to operate....Lakers have Bynum at C, but Curry could be a nice back up in limited minutes a night.

Isiah and Magic are homies, they are in different divisions (east and west)

Am I nuts?

With Bynum around why would they want Curry? I would think with some displeasure with Odom that the Lakers might actually be interested more in Zach Randolph as an inside offensive pairing to the defensively strong Bynum.

How about Zach Randolph for Kwame, Chris Mihm and the 2008 1st?

Re: Trade idea: LA/NY = Kwame for Curry

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 7:26 pm
by exkonvict
moocow007 wrote:-= original quote snipped =-

With Bynum around why would they want Curry? I would think with some displeasure with Odom that the Lakers might actually be interested more in Zach Randolph as an inside offensive pairing to the defensively strong Bynum.

How about Zach Randolph for Kwame, Chris Mihm and the 2008 1st?

I'd take that in a heartbeat.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 8:18 pm
by MikeyMike
Agreed. Where do I sign up?

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 8:25 pm
by midtown
Id do that trade in a NY sec.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 8:57 pm
by DevilsAdv
Lakers say hell no! Lakers don't need a guy who plays no D.

Knicks fans should be banned from EVER posting any trade idea.