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Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:08 pm
by Stribor
JHFVF07 wrote:No discussion here, if we look at sports as an entertainment, which it is, USA model is WAY better, the "forced parity" brings a better product, even with all their problems (tank).

That is actually not entirely true. You have to look in the context. In USA most people that follow basketball support one of NBA clubs. In Europe we support our city or even neighborhood clubs. I do not care about big clubs, and league a'la NBA can be sustained mainly by american or chinese support, since these are big market in which supporters randomly choose some club in Europe to support. Vast majority of football fans in Europe actually passionately dislike the big 10 or 20 or 30 clubs. What majority of supporters in Europe actually want is strong CAP on spending and reduction of teams from big leagues in the league of the champions. Big 5 markets still have smaller population than the rest of the europe combined, and in each of the other nations people actually mostly dislike the rule of money.

If there ever will be an american style of super rich league having all the best players I would personally prefer it to be in USA or China. At least I could support clubs that are new and did not ruin the tradition of european football as bigs in Europe are doing.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:10 pm
by Sgt Major
Penalties are awesome. What makes football the best sport on the planet is that no other discipline allows that many surprises. In football parking a bus sometimes works and it's amazing when small clubs beat those monstrosities with American or Arab money.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:24 pm
by HabsAndDubs
It’s interesting that European soccer leagues are pretty similar to NCAA football. You have Division 1 that has a ton of different conferences like Europe has national leagues, and every conference has their nearly unbeatable powerhouses, and ultimately most bowl titles are won by the same handful of teams from the same handful of conferences who have so much funding behind them that they’re practically infaillible.

The craziest thing about the Mbappe deal is that despite being backed by unlimited money and being by an incredible margin the best team in their country with the best and most famous players, they still lost €220M last year. Being that they are paying Mbappe €200M/year, they are likely going to lose more this year. None of it matters though, they could lose €1 billion a year and they would still give a select handful of players blank checks to come work for them.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:29 pm
by DaPessimist
Can you really become the GOAT if you play your entire career in the French league?

Honest question.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:31 pm
by HabsAndDubs
DaPessimist wrote:Can you really become the GOAT if you play your entire career in the French league?

Honest question.

If you play your entire career in France it’s like trying to claim that you’re the best basketball player of all time but you played your entire career in spain, dominating everyone except NBA competition

He’ll be soccer Arvydas Sabonis

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:38 pm
by maverick_41
Double posting

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:40 pm
by maverick_41
HabsAndDubs wrote:
DaPessimist wrote:Can you really become the GOAT if you play your entire career in the French league?

Honest question.

If you play your entire career in France it’s like trying to claim that you’re the best basketball player of all time but you played your entire career in spain, dominating everyone except NBA competition

He’ll be soccer Arvydas Sabonis

Agree. He is on a pace of having 4 competitive games per season counting all PSG competitions.

It makes it 20 games in 5 years. Salah plays more in a year.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:49 pm
by Shock Defeat
maverick_41 wrote:
HabsAndDubs wrote:
DaPessimist wrote:Can you really become the GOAT if you play your entire career in the French league?

Honest question.

If you play your entire career in France it’s like trying to claim that you’re the best basketball player of all time but you played your entire career in spain, dominating everyone except NBA competition

He’ll be soccer Arvydas Sabonis

Agree. He is on a pace of having 4 competitive games per season counting all PSG competitions.

It makes it 20 games in 5 years. Salah plays more in a year.
and how many competitive games does Real Madrid or Barcelona have in a year? Bayern Munich?

The only “competitive” league is the premier league but even then, City are so much richer than all the other clubs.

French league could use a second team with unlimited money though, to give PSG a challenge.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 6:54 pm
by norcocredo
As good as Mbappe is, he is overrated as ****. He is not close to the level of Messi or Ronaldo and never will be.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 8:21 pm
by Raps in 4
Stribor wrote:
JHFVF07 wrote:No discussion here, if we look at sports as an entertainment, which it is, USA model is WAY better, the "forced parity" brings a better product, even with all their problems (tank).

That is actually not entirely true. You have to look in the context. In USA most people that follow basketball support one of NBA clubs. In Europe we support our city or even neighborhood clubs. I do not care about big clubs, and league a'la NBA can be sustained mainly by american or chinese support, since these are big market in which supporters randomly choose some club in Europe to support. Vast majority of football fans in Europe actually passionately dislike the big 10 or 20 or 30 clubs. What majority of supporters in Europe actually want is strong CAP on spending and reduction of teams from big leagues in the league of the champions. Big 5 markets still have smaller population than the rest of the europe combined, and in each of the other nations people actually mostly dislike the rule of money.

If there ever will be an american style of super rich league having all the best players I would personally prefer it to be in USA or China. At least I could support clubs that are new and did not ruin the tradition of european football as bigs in Europe are doing.

In America, most people support their local club too...

And many cities host minor league or college teams which people support too.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 8:23 pm
by Raps in 4
HabsAndDubs wrote:
DaPessimist wrote:Can you really become the GOAT if you play your entire career in the French league?

Honest question.

If you play your entire career in France it’s like trying to claim that you’re the best basketball player of all time but you played your entire career in spain, dominating everyone except NBA competition

He’ll be soccer Arvydas Sabonis

There is no such thing as a competitive European soccer league. They're all jokes, just to varying degrees. Spain, with Barcelona sputtering, isn't going to be much more competitive than France for the foreseeable future.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 8:45 pm
by Tracymcgoaty
DaPessimist wrote:Can you really become the GOAT if you play your entire career in the French league?

Honest question.

Nope. Fact of the matter is if he stays there and doesn't at least bring PSG one champions league trophy his stats for that club will be looked as inflated. Yeah he scored a lot but it's in a league where PSG basically have monopoly on all the talent. Same thing why i dont take Lewandowskis stats in Bundesliga all that serious. The talent discrepancy is too high.

I've said it before and i'll say it again. What Cristiano and Messi have done is to set a bar that is next to impossible to beat. Messi has 7 balon d'ors for **** sake. Both of these guys were basically 10 levels above everyone else.

Messi is my GOAT. Everytime i watched that guy play it motivated me to just go out and play. What this man does on the field damn near brings me to tears everytime.

There was once a player named Bergkamp one of my favorites ever. His teammates used to joke around that he wouldn't leave footprints on the snow when he played. I look at Messi and thats what i see. when he plays it's like he's floating. It's honestly an experience to watch Messi at his best and i truly feel blessed to have been a kid up until now and watch this man play.

And Cristiano even though his playstyle doesn't appeal to me. This man is **** machine goalscorer.

Mbappe cant hold a candle to these two and i love the guy.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 9:22 pm
by dc
Raps in 4 wrote:
Sgt Major wrote:
Onlytimewilltel wrote:
I do agree that everyone in euro soccer is fighting for something, the issue is that typically all the other teams except the top team or top two teams are fighting for staying in the league, not actually winning it. 8-)

And I agree that tanking sucks and I do hope they keep working on ways to improve it or reduce the incentive (they’ve already done some of that), but at least in US we don’t know who the champion is gonna be for the next 30 years.

Euro league soccer is a joke when it comes to that. I mean look at the salaries in league 1 for example:

How could someone say that this “ain’t true and you’d know that if you watched the games” lol. PSG salaries are freaking almost three times as much as the next team, not even looking at the other poor losers.

Or Bundesliga:

Does there seem to be an enormous discrepancy between Bayern player salaries and everyone else? Heck even Borusia Dortmund are so far beneath, and then the rest of the poor suckers.

It’s a joke. Like I said I don’t like the tanking and hope they keep improving that. But it’s a lot more fair to have an actual rule on how much a team can spend so that all teams in the league are held to the same rules.

It’s dumb that you know exactly who the league winners will be years in advance because those are the only team or two teams that have a chance. I mean Bayern has been the Bundesleaga champion for literally 10 years straight. (I wonder if it has anything to do with having 2 or three times more salary compared to other teams)

PSG won 8 out of last 10 league titles. Shocker!!

No one watches French football except the French, but PSG never fails to entertain the world with bottling in the Champions League.

German league is a bloodbath, look at the 2. Bundesliga table - Schalke, Werder, Hamburger... Those teams won the Bundesliga in the last 20 years. Yeah, Bayern will win the league almost every year, but my point is that European sports is not only about domestic championships - there are international competitions, domestic cups, relegation and promotion battles, fights for the spots that guarantee place in the European cups.. None of that exists in the US.

It doesn't exist in American sports because every team has the opportunity to win the title in American sports.

Fans of European teams are forced to set lesser goals in order to find entertainment in watching their team because they are forever locked out of competing for the title.

Right, people need to realize Euro Football/Soccer can't be compared to American sports. They're totally different sporting landscapes. It's not even comparing apples to oranges. It's apples to watermelons.

Euro soccer/football is a multi-league Universe (UEFA). So you can have multiple in season tournaments and such and it would be very interesting. NBA is proposing that kind of stuff to copy it, but what is the point of having such a tournament when you are a single league universe and you already have your own tournament (the NBA playoffs) every year? There is no such point if you're not competing vs. other leagues or exist in their same universe.

In Euro football, the totem pole and order of established/dominant teams more or less being permanently up there is FIRMLY ACCEPTED by fans and players. So it's ACCEPTED by fans and players that a good prospect on a small/mid-level club is eventually going to be gobbled up by one of the bigger clubs. This is taboo among NBA fans, who expect that a "budding star" is going to stay loyal to his small market team and build a foundation and eventually a contender with said club. In Euro soccer, it's a surprise to everyone when a player would rather stay longer with his small club.

If the NBA was like UEFA, Giannis would have been FULLY EXPECTED to be in a Laker uniform by the time his 6th/7th season rolled around. It would've been a surprise if DIDN'T play in LA by then.

It's also firmly accepted that small teams are obviously never going to compete with the big ones. They're never going to win their league or the UCL. They know their place in the pecking order. And many clubs have a several decades long following among families of fans, and it's just "in their blood" that they're going to follow said club. So those factors combined mean that a relegation system can work. A team looking to break into the 1st division for the first time is essentially "winning the championship" by their standards. They know they're never going to win the 1st division league, so winning a relegation battle or knocking a rival into relegation essentially is as good as a championship to them and it's something compelling to watch.

Americans would never give a squat about a relegation battle. How many people watch minor league baseball? Nobody is going to closely follow the Baltimore Orioles as they try to avoid being relegated to the minors. They would just turn their attention to a different sports league altogether. As you said, American sports trades all this relegation/in season tournament stuff in for the possibility of every team having a realistic shot at winning a real championship. It's a totally different sporting landscape.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Sun May 22, 2022 9:54 pm
by bbalnation
If an employee that is helpful to the growth of an organization fiscally, doesn't have access to stocks, shares, or a % of ownership of organizations..

It makes sense to me that the employee receives compensation in different ways: ie more $

Negotiations happen constantly, everyday, in business contracts: in many industries.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 5:38 am
by Pinpilinpauxa
Tracymcgoaty wrote:
Pinpilinpauxa wrote:
Tracymcgoaty wrote:
I've never heard that Mbappe has been on a GOAT trajectory. It's never been mentioned by anyone i've ever heard. Fact of the matter is what Cristiano and Messi has done is ridiculous and wont ever be replicated. I dont see Mbappe getting to that level.

I believe at the age of 23 Messi had 2 balon d'ors.

Messi to me is the GOAT and nobody will ever reach that level of play. And i love Mbappe but he is nowhere on that level for me and wont ever be.

He is very good as an striker, maybe the best since Ronaldo (Brazilian R9) but he isnt even close to what Messi was.

Messi was unstopable in the 1 vs 1,2,3... and the best final passer since Michael Laudrup. Mbape is a killer super fast as Ronaldo was (maybe faster but not as skilled and strong) but not as trascendent in the game as Messi i dont think he has the potencial to become as good as Messi.

Can he become better than Cristiano Ronaldo? Maybe but Cr7 was a beast athlete, a super complete player and the hardest worker and the best competitor i have ever seen. He gave a runn to Messi a much better player because he is a goat hard worker.

In my opinion he's not even close to what prime R9 was lol. We talking about Messi going 1v3. R9 pre knee injuries was going 1V5. Defenders had to manhandle him.

Did you saw him at Barcelona and first year at Inter at his prime? He was amazing pure strength, speed and skills.

He had amazing goals like the one vs Compostela or the one vs Valencia but he wasnt a pure 1vs1 player like Messi. Of course he was awesome an a pure joy to watch such a great player but he needed space and he used his power and speed more than Messi. Messis "regates" (Driblings? No idea how its said in English) were from other planet, he didnt need space he just had the ball glued to his feet.

As a Real Sociedad "socio" for more than 30 years i sufered both

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 5:44 am
by GSP
Havent read through the thread but whats the Nba equivalent of this? Twitter was flooded with this and i dont even follow or look for soccer posts. Was it like Bron decisioning Cleveland?

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 5:51 am
by maverick_41
Shock Defeat wrote:
maverick_41 wrote:
HabsAndDubs wrote:If you play your entire career in France it’s like trying to claim that you’re the best basketball player of all time but you played your entire career in spain, dominating everyone except NBA competition

He’ll be soccer Arvydas Sabonis

Agree. He is on a pace of having 4 competitive games per season counting all PSG competitions.

It makes it 20 games in 5 years. Salah plays more in a year.
and how many competitive games does Real Madrid or Barcelona have in a year? Bayern Munich?

The only “competitive” league is the premier league but even then, City are so much richer than all the other clubs.

French league could use a second team with unlimited money though, to give PSG a challenge.

At least La Liga has former multiple times Europa cup winner, current Champions League semi finalist and Quarter finalist and FC Barcelona.

German clubs were in the news last week as well ;)

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 6:02 am
by LAL1947
GSP wrote:Havent read through the thread but whats the Nba equivalent of this? Twitter was flooded with this and i dont even follow or look for soccer posts. Was it like Bron decisioning Cleveland?

This might help explain the soap opera from an NBA perspective. :P

LAL1947 wrote:It's very complicated. Imagine young Lebron (Mbappe) being drafted at 16 by the Raptors (Monaco) and developed by them in the G-League. The Nets (PSG) are bought by Arab oligarchs (the country of Qatar's investment group, instead of billionaire Joseph Tsai), to whom money is no object. The Nets trade for Lebron at 19, when he is ready to play in the league, sending a huge $40M TPE to the Raptors... but the Raptors can't use the TPE since nobody wants to go to Canada (France) and fade into irrelevance. :P

The Nets do not win the title (Champions League) despite signing Kyrie (Neymar) and other quality depth to play with Lebron. So then they also sign Curry (Messi) + AD (Sergio Ramos), but they still don't win the title. All this while they are paying everyone top dollar, which puts them way over the salary cap. Now they've got to sell Lebron to go back under the salary cap... and the Lakers (Real Madrid) have the salary cap to sign him. Lebron is now entering his prime at 23, decides to leave Brooklyn because they haven't won, and agrees to a trade with the Lakers... but then suddenly the Nets announce that they've re-signed Lebron to a new contract that will make him the highest paid in all sports and they will figure out the salary cap "anomalies" in court if the salary cap is enforced.

That's about where this seems to be at, lol.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 9:24 am
by UcanUwill
GSP wrote:Havent read through the thread but whats the Nba equivalent of this? Twitter was flooded with this and i dont even follow or look for soccer posts. Was it like Bron decisioning Cleveland?

I am not very educated on France or Spain leagues, but I imagine it is something like if Luka for 2 years said he is leaving Dallas for lets say Lakers, but then at the end he resigned with Dallas.

Re: OT: Mbappe Snubs Real Madrid

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 9:27 am
by Gusto1903
The thing is, there is no way, no chance in hell, that this Contract is obliging the financial fairplay rules.