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Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 6:09 pm
by Stix
NapoleonII wrote:I wish the 06 season was a complete loss, we didn't make the playoffs etc.

Think about it.

We'd have gotten an awesome draft pick.

Diaw wouldn't have been given that bloated contract.

D'Antoni would realize we need to use Stat to win.


When DA gave Banks and Diaw those contract offers, it kinda screwed us over, Pretty much paying 13 mil for the next 4 years for a player who hardly plays and a guy who has become an underproducing undersized big man bench player who plays too many minutes.

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 6:10 pm
by Sun Scorched
NapoleonII wrote:Come on, any half-ass competent coach could win 50+ games every year with Nash/Marion/STAT. Our offense wouldn't be as free-flowing and diverse, but it would be more secure, more consistant, and maybe even more creative.

Come now.

What, Popovich had Duncan, Parker and Ginobili.

Jackson had Jordan, Pippen, Rodman and then Shaq and Kobe.

You could have the greatest coach in the world without the players and it means nothing and visa-versa. Give credit where credit is due.

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 6:19 pm
by enigmatics

Come off it brah. This team has become the very definition of "insanity" ..........aka doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. D'Antoni made this team an exciting squad to watch over the past few regular seasons and some solid playoff series.....but championship material they are clearly not.

It's your right as a fan to feel how you want about the team and the coach......and apparently you're the forever optimistic type as there's always a scapegoat for why the Suns or coach D'Antoni don't deserve criticism......... "Look at all the other coaches" ............ "it's only the regular season" .......... the list goes on and on and it's become sickeningly redundant reading that stuff on the boards.

This team doesn't play championship defense and never will because it doesn't have the mental components and makeup of a team that does, nor does it's coach. Let's not forget team chemistry is at an all-time low. These things reflect badly on the coach.

Personally, whenever I see D'Antoni's face on tv during the games or in interviews - all I see is "denial" .......... I like passion and I like when somebody believes in themselves and what they do.........but D'Antoni is a one-trick pony. You've got to be versatile to make it in this league.

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 6:51 pm
by ClosAZ
phungk wrote:-= original quote snipped =-


When DA gave Banks and Diaw those contract offers, it kinda screwed us over, Pretty much paying 13 mil for the next 4 years for a player who hardly plays and a guy who has become an underproducing undersized big man bench player who plays too many minutes.

Yup. Although as others have mentioned the Suns kind of had to give Diaw a contract due to both the uncertainty of Amare making a solid comeback (which he definitely has) and having lost Joe J in the past due to not signing him up before he became a restricted free agent. Sarver and Dantoni at the time did not want to make the same mistake again and also risk losing Diaw the following year if Amare was not able to come back. So I can understand the Suns and Dantoni's thinking here.

Banks fell into our lap unfortunately because he was the only hand left at the table after John Salmons left us due to his religious awakening in Sacramento.

But you're right these 2 contracts have screwed us over currently because there's not any teams out there willing to take these 2 players on and help us out in areas of deficiency. The only way we get rid of them is packaging them with assets (Barbosa, Atl pick etc) and I hope Steve Kerr has brass balls and does something like this.

Life's tough sometimes, and even though Mike D (as acting GM at the time) had reasons to sign both of these guys it's now hurting us big time. It will be interesting to see how Kerr/Sarver handle this later on if we're not able to make a trade and better ourselves. Let's hope we can so we can all celebrate a championship. I'm in the camp that unless we make a move of some sort that CURRENTLY we don't have the squad to go all the way. The sad thing is I think the current chemisty issues and coaching decisions are bringing us down more than the personnel on the team and are mostly responsible for our recent hicupps on the court...

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 6:52 pm
by Ballings7
More and more are starting to realize what's been going on, and what needs to be addressed :P.

Just legitimacy and the truth.

I hope the management/D'Antoni realizes what has to be done in order to increase the chances of getting over those humps that have been there for you guys. Significantly improving from what's been the short-comings.

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 7:25 pm
by albasuna
WE WANTA FREAKIN CHAMPIONSHIP and D'Antoni needs to get his head out of his ass for us to win one. How have we not won a championship these past 3 years with the line ups we've had... HELL look at Boston I don't even know the name of their coach and they are destroying, poised for a championship.

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 11:34 pm
by Suns_fan_2007
enigmatics wrote:SDU,

Come off it brah. This team has become the very definition of "insanity" ..........aka doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. D'Antoni made this team an exciting squad to watch over the past few regular seasons and some solid playoff series.....but championship material they are clearly not.

It's your right as a fan to feel how you want about the team and the coach......and apparently you're the forever optimistic type as there's always a scapegoat for why the Suns or coach D'Antoni don't deserve criticism......... "Look at all the other coaches" ............ "it's only the regular season" .......... the list goes on and on and it's become sickeningly redundant reading that stuff on the boards.

This team doesn't play championship defense and never will because it doesn't have the mental components and makeup of a team that does, nor does it's coach. Let's not forget team chemistry is at an all-time low. These things reflect badly on the coach.

Personally, whenever I see D'Antoni's face on tv during the games or in interviews - all I see is "denial" .......... I like passion and I like when somebody believes in themselves and what they do.........but D'Antoni is a one-trick pony. You've got to be versatile to make it in this league.
Good post.

I really hope I'm wrong about D'Antoni, but his stubbornness to change when the rest of the league has adapted is frustrating.

Posted: Mon Jan 7, 2008 11:50 pm
by rsavaj
albasuna wrote:WE WANTA FREAKIN CHAMPIONSHIP and D'Antoni needs to get his head out of his ass for us to win one. How have we not won a championship these past 3 years with the line ups we've had... HELL look at Boston I don't even know the name of their coach and they are destroying, poised for a championship.

Just like we were poised for a championship in 04-05, DET in 05-06, and DAL in 06-07....

Don't anoint Boston yet.

Posted: Tue Jan 8, 2008 12:26 am
by -SDU-
boston = overrated