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Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 4:49 pm
by Years90Suns
Hi there, Suns lovers.

How are you all doing there?

Here in Spain we are beginning today our fifth week of total reclussion at home. You cannot go out if it is not for food, to the drug store or to do your job if it is essential. Also you can go and buy tobacco and the paper, which is weird.

I am sick of reading the press and read the scarce available material we can access that contradicts what governments and official agencies are telling us. There are some videos in Youtube, although some of them have been deleted. With so many changes in the big companies and change in policies, one does not know what to expect.

Do you know of interesting web sites to read and watch different information? So called conspiracy theories, which for me at least tend to be the truth?

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 6:34 pm
by Frank Lee
Well, this town (lake Havasu) of 40k now has 16 confirmed w 2 deaths.... sort of bucking the curves but this is an older population. Folks are about 50% wearing masks. it’s finally sunk in to the clan of defiant Trump followers who have toned down their letters to the editor. Crazy how many now are demanding some form of semi martial law, wanting to lock down the town from any outside visitors. Some even suggesting to ‘take matters into their own hands’. There have been accounts of aggressive public shaming. TP still hard to come by, but have received/installed my advised bidet attachments.... strangely(?), my water bill has skyrocketed :eyebrows:

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 6:53 pm
by bigfoot
Frank Lee wrote:Well, this town (lake Havasu) of 40k now has 16 confirmed w 2 deaths.... sort of bucking the curves but this is an older population. Folks are about 50% wearing masks. it’s finally sunk in to the clan of defiant Trump followers who have toned down their letters to the editor. Crazy how many now are demanding some form of semi martial law, wanting to lock down the town from any outside visitors. Some even suggesting to ‘take matters into their own hands’. There have been accounts of aggressive public shaming. TP still hard to come by, but have received/installed my advised bidet attachments.... strangely(?), my water bill has skyrocketed :eyebrows:

Did you install toilet seat bumpers too?

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:20 pm
by sunsbg
Almost 40 yo, Bulgaria. Our government is so scared of the poor healthcare, completely destroyed in past years(because paying billions for 8 US F-something, which are not built yet, is certainly more important than rebuilding all your hospitals), that they applied strict measures early, which has helped with the virus spread. Hope it stays this way during the coming holidays. The one positive that may come from all this **** is countries and people will probably reconsider their priorities. Personally, not affected much, working as a software dev remotely for a few years now, finding even more time for professional development with being blocked at home with no sport to follow on TV(and I don't care at all about NBA 2K tournaments :-D). Praying for all people affected by the virus and having a cure as soon as possible.

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2020 11:25 pm
by Frank Lee
Years90Suns wrote:......

Do you know of interesting web sites to read and watch different information? So called conspiracy theories, which for me at least tend to be the truth?

Yo Years...hope you guys can tough it out through this bad run... same goes for Sunsbg. I as well hope this awakens countries' emphasis on health care. Anyway, I don't put much stock into what we hear from our Gov either, especially the farcical pressers from the Expander in Chief..... but here is some good reading to pass the time if you don't mind slipping into ankle breaking conspiring rabbit holes.... I particularly have been enjoying the Tartarian threads, as well as the mud floods. (yup, Im out there :wink: ) Nothing is surprising anymore.

and here is something to wet yer whistle.... a plan emerging from the dense conspiracy fog into the broad daylight

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 1:37 am
by SlovenianDragon
2020 for me goes broke up with GF, she comes over on my birthday call cops on her and we both go to jail, grandfather passes away, car battery dies, flat tire that was shredded and need to replace, GF got kicked out of her brothers so she tried to come back, I let her stay on the patio for the night while I listened to her cry and knock on the door all night, eventually had the call the cops on her again in the morning, no job, and yeah CoVid…..2020 can suck it

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 5:59 pm
by hollywood6964
GMATCallahan wrote:
cberry78 wrote:I just feel the need to say that that 2% death rate is probably an over inflated number due to the lack of actual tests being administered. I know two separate people (who are unrelated) who have been told, "yeah, you probably have it, just self quarantine and let us know if you get bad."

Unless they test everyone for the antibodies when this is all said and done, we'll never know the true number of infected v. uninfected.

And, no, I'm not trying to downplay this pandemic or the seriousness of the situation (I'm essentially quarantined now for my family's sake), we just have no idea what the real numbers are going to be (probably higher than not), and we have no clue what the long term affects are going to be (ie health wise, socially, economically, etc.)

Sent from my moto e5 play using RealGM mobile app

People who are told that, though, would not be counted in the official death toll unless they ended up being tested at some point. And due to the lack of comprehensive testing that you correctly cite, the running totals for infection and death are surely being undercounted, perhaps by major margins (especially in terms of overall infections).

That said, the actual death rate among the infected may indeed be less than the numbers would suggest, because there is a notable percentage of infected people who never develop symptoms or do so belatedly.

But that prospect also helps explain how the virus can spread like wildfire, and there is a good chance that the actual number of infections in the country is already in the millions (although some of those infected people, such as the NBA players who tested positive a few weeks ago, would now be clear of the virus).

The good news is that we basically know what works in terms of minimizing the spread and thus maintaining the functionality of our health care system. We all just have to be team players, and if everyone operates that way, we can render the process as efficient as possible. It will be a long slog either way, though.

Gmatt! Do you know if Kevin Johnson had had the virus? Better check.

How the hell have you been? Been a very long time.

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2020 8:55 pm
by Years90Suns
Coincidentally, after a compannion called Hollywood, I come here to say:

you ought to see this:


Watch on YouTube

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 5:24 am
by MrMiyagi
Frank Lee wrote:Dudes....Dude-ettes....Dude Jrs

Ive known some of you cyberly for quite sometime now. Met a few in flesh. Yall been a source of information and a trove of entertainment. Just feel like we ought to keep abreast of whats going on....with each other. Crazy times. No getting around it. Hard to figure out whats going on... but I'd like to know how things are elsewhere with some of you/whoever if you want to share. Weirdly, I consider a few of you friends, sight unseen. Not much else to talk about is there ?

Frank Lee
Lake Havasu, AZ
50000 people, at least half over 60. 1 hospital, 191 beds. (we could be screwed) Main street has 5 gunshops, 4 barbershops, 3 martial art studios, 2 tatoo parlors, and 1 cupcake store. The golf course I play sports 9 T-Rump flags. Its old and white here. A lot of affluence... retirees, second homes. Snowbirds all have packed up mostly and Canadians have had to scurry home. An estimated 20k visitors any given winter month reside here. General vibe is giddy nervousness, slight anxiety and discussions center more around the political and economic/stock market impacts, with the recent 'get back open for business' sentiment popular... which is expected since I hang around a lot of old Trumpets at the golf course, and we've had no cases. * Nobody wearing masks (of course you cant buy them), very little concern with hand sanitizer. and the social distancing. Kind of a glass bubble effect going on here.

Sort of an isolated town, but currently on round two of the springbreakers. First round estimated 500-1000 students poured into town. Fewer this week. But they are doing their thing, face palming the risks. I cant see how that is a good thing. Most bars, restaurants, businesses still open. Two weekends ago...if you can believe it... a local bar had a defiant Corona party' with over 150 in attendance. Was a run on the stores with, like a lot of places, shortages in some supplies. Preppers/RVers on full bug out as the surrounding desert (BLM land) very occupied...with a large amount you cant see. Ammo is hard to come by.

My pantry is full, bar is stocked, dispensary visited, and I'm reasonably armed. We will be sequestering comfortably. Tending to an 80+ yr old mum + step-pop. Im an old F-er too. Cant see this thing running its course without losing a few of my older buds and may be more...may be me. You can go down fast with this ****, and odds are this board isnt going unscathed.

Still here for now. Rock on and good luck.

* first case reported today. Its on Mofos

Stay safe up there in Havasu, Frank. I can't believe people are flocking up there...

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2020 11:15 pm
by Frank Lee
Thanks Miyag
All good up here. Averaging 1-2 new cases day. No big spike. 1/4 people masking up at stores... but a steady influx of recreating boaters, mostly from Cal....sparking an outcry from the ‘locals’ to keep ‘them’ out. Yet, most of the Cal folks wear their masks and just keep to their family units. Hypocrisy running more rampant than the virus. Townies can’t wait for things to open back up, yet, per constant letters to ed, in disagreement about what restrictions need to be applied. Many doubting the severity of this bug, calling it a little worse than a bad flu. I’m just going to keep the hunker down regardless. Patience seems prudent, but is a request made on deaf ears. The short attention span masses feel they have ‘sacrificed’ enough.

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:20 am
by bwgood77
I hear people are barely masked in least dad even doesn't wear one and he's in his 70s with underlying conditions...not that I can dchange his mind.

In Austin, EVERYONE is now wearing masks..most all stores require it...even people out walking wear them. Not sure about all of TX, I imagine at least the rural areas don't as much, but not sure about Dallas and Houston. I am kind of surprised the TX death rate is one of the lowest though. But it seems like most warmer states are doing better except Lousiana, but they had Mardi Gras and a lot of church services. Even Florida doing better than you'd expect.

I suspect I had it....I had a serious lung inflammation early March, before this was taken THAT seriously, and felt as bad as I think I've ever felt with flu like symptoms, but the worst of it went away after two days. I am still acting as if I haven't had it though, but would like an antibody test when I can get one, even though there isn't a guarantee you can't catch again.

My work is still work from home through the 18th of May and I suspect longer, so no big deal. I still go in being essential but there are few people there and I can get more done.

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Sat May 2, 2020 12:09 am
by WeekapaugGroove
bwgood77 wrote:I hear people are barely masked in least dad even doesn't wear one and he's in his 70s with underlying conditions...not that I can dchange his mind.

In Austin, EVERYONE is now wearing masks..most all stores require it...even people out walking wear them. Not sure about all of TX, I imagine at least the rural areas don't as much, but not sure about Dallas and Houston. I am kind of surprised the TX death rate is one of the lowest though. But it seems like most warmer states are doing better except Lousiana, but they had Mardi Gras and a lot of church services. Even Florida doing better than you'd expect.

I suspect I had it....I had a serious lung inflammation early March, before this was taken THAT seriously, and felt as bad as I think I've ever felt with flu like symptoms, but the worst of it went away after two days. I am still acting as if I haven't had it though, but would like an antibody test when I can get one, even though there isn't a guarantee you can't catch again.

My work is still work from home through the 18th of May and I suspect longer, so no big deal. I still go in being essential but there are few people there and I can get more done.
I'd say it's like 50/50 when I go to stores here in Chandler.

The aversion to masks is weird to me, it's a super simple thing you can do to both help protect yourself and others so why not just do it. Selfishly as someone whos job is dependent on the economy picking back up I wish people would do it so we have less chance of a big outbreak and more severe shutdowns.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using RealGM mobile app

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Sat May 2, 2020 12:34 am
by bwgood77
WeekapaugGroove wrote:
bwgood77 wrote:I hear people are barely masked in least dad even doesn't wear one and he's in his 70s with underlying conditions...not that I can dchange his mind.

In Austin, EVERYONE is now wearing masks..most all stores require it...even people out walking wear them. Not sure about all of TX, I imagine at least the rural areas don't as much, but not sure about Dallas and Houston. I am kind of surprised the TX death rate is one of the lowest though. But it seems like most warmer states are doing better except Lousiana, but they had Mardi Gras and a lot of church services. Even Florida doing better than you'd expect.

I suspect I had it....I had a serious lung inflammation early March, before this was taken THAT seriously, and felt as bad as I think I've ever felt with flu like symptoms, but the worst of it went away after two days. I am still acting as if I haven't had it though, but would like an antibody test when I can get one, even though there isn't a guarantee you can't catch again.

My work is still work from home through the 18th of May and I suspect longer, so no big deal. I still go in being essential but there are few people there and I can get more done.
I'd say it's like 50/50 when I go to stores here in Chandler.

The aversion to masks is weird to me, it's a super simple thing you can do to both help protect yourself and others so why not just do it. Selfishly as someone whos job is dependent on the economy picking back up I wish people would do it so we have less chance of a big outbreak and more severe shutdowns.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using RealGM mobile app

Yes, and it seems like aversion to masks is from same people who want all businesses to open. Well more businesses would open and likely stay open if everyone wore masks.

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Sat May 2, 2020 12:50 pm
by Revived
I know coronavirus tests are now mostly free (for those with insurance) but I wish antibody tests would be as well.

It costs about $185 where I live.

And there’s reportedly a lot more of these available than the actual coronavirus tests as well.

Unless they plan on shutting down businesses till mid 2021 (est vaccine release date), this is pretty much the only we can start opening up the economy in its entirety.

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Sat May 2, 2020 3:25 pm
by Fo-Real
bwgood77 wrote:
WeekapaugGroove wrote:
bwgood77 wrote:I hear people are barely masked in least dad even doesn't wear one and he's in his 70s with underlying conditions...not that I can dchange his mind.

In Austin, EVERYONE is now wearing masks..most all stores require it...even people out walking wear them. Not sure about all of TX, I imagine at least the rural areas don't as much, but not sure about Dallas and Houston. I am kind of surprised the TX death rate is one of the lowest though. But it seems like most warmer states are doing better except Lousiana, but they had Mardi Gras and a lot of church services. Even Florida doing better than you'd expect.

I suspect I had it....I had a serious lung inflammation early March, before this was taken THAT seriously, and felt as bad as I think I've ever felt with flu like symptoms, but the worst of it went away after two days. I am still acting as if I haven't had it though, but would like an antibody test when I can get one, even though there isn't a guarantee you can't catch again.

My work is still work from home through the 18th of May and I suspect longer, so no big deal. I still go in being essential but there are few people there and I can get more done.
I'd say it's like 50/50 when I go to stores here in Chandler.

The aversion to masks is weird to me, it's a super simple thing you can do to both help protect yourself and others so why not just do it. Selfishly as someone whos job is dependent on the economy picking back up I wish people would do it so we have less chance of a big outbreak and more severe shutdowns.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using RealGM mobile app

Yes, and it seems like aversion to masks is from same people who want all businesses to open. Well more businesses would open and likely stay open if everyone wore masks.

The ones who bother me are the ones WITH masks on, but the thing is dangling from their ear or covering just mouth with nose hanging over the top or just the nose and the whole mouth is out? IF YOU ARE GONNA WEAR IT, WEAR IT YA MOUTH BREATHER!!!

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Sun May 3, 2020 12:02 pm
by sunsbum
So anyways, this whole thing is a scam.

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Mon May 4, 2020 10:15 pm
by Moochthemonkey
Fo-Real wrote:
bwgood77 wrote:
WeekapaugGroove wrote:I'd say it's like 50/50 when I go to stores here in Chandler.

The aversion to masks is weird to me, it's a super simple thing you can do to both help protect yourself and others so why not just do it. Selfishly as someone whos job is dependent on the economy picking back up I wish people would do it so we have less chance of a big outbreak and more severe shutdowns.

Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using RealGM mobile app

Yes, and it seems like aversion to masks is from same people who want all businesses to open. Well more businesses would open and likely stay open if everyone wore masks.

The ones who bother me are the ones WITH masks on, but the thing is dangling from their ear or covering just mouth with nose hanging over the top or just the nose and the whole mouth is out? IF YOU ARE GONNA WEAR IT, WEAR IT YA MOUTH BREATHER!!!

I blame Steph Curry for being a bad influence


Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Tue May 5, 2020 1:27 pm
by NavLDO
Hello, all...I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. My deepest condolences go out to those who have been severely affected by this virus, be it losing your job, and source of income, to having friends and family who have succumbed to this most terrible illness...

I currently reside in Indianapolis--Retired Navy, after 23+ years Active Duty (15+ as Enlisted/8 as an Officer; forced to retire earlier than planned due to medical issues in 2017. That said, I am fortunate to have both my Active Duty Pension, as well as, my VA Disability compensation. My wife is still able to work from home, thankfully, and still has her job...

Unfortunately, both my daughters were 'kicked off' their respective university campuses, and are back home. just when we finally get them out...their back! LOL!! I kid, of course. It's nice to have them home.

Luckily, we are all safe and sound, so far...

EDIT: Oh...sorry. I'll play fair as well...I'm the last of my siblings to still be in the oldest sister just turned 60, so I like to think that I and two decades younger than her...but that will all change when I turn 50 in the coming months...back to only being just one decade younger, darn it, hahal!!

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Tue May 5, 2020 2:39 pm
by NavLDO
DroughtsOverPHX wrote:Chandler, here. I'm a 62 yr old school teacher retiring this year and have had plenty of time to fill out my retirement paperwork. I really had not expected that when I said bye to kids before spring break that I would not see them in my classroom again. Of course there are people who believe school will resume in Arizona but I cannot see any time soon where people will be comfortable with classrooms of 30+ kids, cafeterias with 300+, sports events, graduation ceremonies etc. There would have to be hand sanitizer in every classroom, we'd have to lysol down the desks between classes -- life as we know it won't be the same for awhile. So, in my opinion, plan on your kids being home for at least the remainder of this year. Whomever has stock in Zoom or other online meeting platforms will make bank.

I'm fine though. My wife takes care of elderly so we need to be. We've got plenty, didn't feel compelled to hoard, have bidet's on both toilets, food and medical supplies. As much as I may have griped over the years about teacher pay in AZ, I am very lucky/blessed compared to many who are struggling now. Stay well and be patient. This could be a very useful reboot for our country.

Almost 6 weeks since your pretty much nailed it with the school I'd mentioned, both my daughters were kicked out of their colleges/dorms, and 'Zoom'd their way to finals week, haha.

Congrats on your pending retirement; thank you for your educational/teaching service! Very noble profession that does not get enough recognition for what teachers do for our youth, be it private or public, pre-K or graduate professor!

And @ ATTL, please thank your wife, and to any other teachers, or educational support personnel out there... :clap:

Re: CoVid Check in / update..... or 'Where is Paul Panks?'

Posted: Tue May 5, 2020 4:39 pm
by Frank Lee
Well, the flood gates will reopen in AZ soon, so the general public of Lake Havasu is in full force of not practicing any of the recommended guidelines. Its weird... a few weeks back, masks were quite common, often running towards 50%. Went to the store last night and it was 1 of 7-8 may be... I guess the Trumpet's and anti-vaxer's message is settling in. 36 cases here now (doubled in 10 days or so) 4 deaths. No public testing. This past weekend the lake was packed, boat ramps filled to capacity. What virus???? :o
Still lucky to be here,tho freedom could extract a price shortly.

Odd note, The Exaggerator in Chief is in Phoenix today... no reason stated. Chumming with McSally at a refitted mask factory. Wonder if he'll sneak a round in?