ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread

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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#181 » by Spens1 » Wed Dec 21, 2016 2:39 am

David Lagana and Billy Corgan meeting with ROH

please please PLEASE let this happen. They made the basketcase that is TNA work. Imagine what they could do with ROH.

Also Lagana i am pretty sure worked under Spalosky too so thats a bonus (worst mistake was to get rid of him from booking).

Lagana in as head booker and get rid of Delirious. Also there is guaranteed movement with characters and development at least (maybe Dalton Castle finally moves up the card like he should have this year). With Cole and Lethal more or less gone, they're stuffed, they have exactly 2 main eventers in the company (O'Reilly and Jay Briscoe) so they better start building and fast (and preferrably their own, i like Ospreay but no way in hell would i have him winning the tv or world title over castle, dijak etc). The only thing is that they both need good people around them, ROH has always been more of a straight forward wrestling company whilst TNA has always been the reincarnation of WCW, for better or for worse.

This is a good way to reset, they'd need to sign a few more people to fill out the mid card but at least they can start moving forward after a disaster of a year.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#182 » by Spens1 » Wed Jan 4, 2017 9:49 am

O'Reilly just lost the belt to Cole at WK11 just now. I think that confirms that

1. Cole is probably staying long term (if so thank god, they need him)
2. O'Reilly to NXT or New Japan full time (going with NXT i think, though wouldn't be too thrilled with that, his lack of charisma would be a worry for me, despite him being absolutely fantastic in the ring)

Either way good world title match if not overly long, O'Reilly is always a joy to watch in the ring with his MMA style and Cole is just too damn charismatic (the trash talking from him is too much :lol: )
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#183 » by Spens1 » Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:19 am

Are we going to ignore the fact that YOSHI FREAKING HASHI is getting a ROH world title shot.....

I mean he's improved but the man is still Tacos ffs.

Idk anymore with this company, sometimes it may as well be New Japan West with the way Delirious and ROH have been bending over backwards to appease New Japan.

They couldn't have at least gotten someone half reputable like Tanahashi, Goto or Shibata?

This had better be a relative squash, no way in hell is Yoshi Hashi better than both Briscoes, Lethal and even that upper mid card (Castle, Dijak etc).
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#184 » by Spens1 » Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:22 am

Ok Dalton Castle is getting a title match (mercifully) at Supercard of honor

Put the title on him.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#185 » by Spens1 » Sun Jan 22, 2017 5:39 am

Hardy's and Young Bucks confiremd for supercard of honor (why it isn't on PPV is beyond me but anyway).

Also this company is incapable of keeping talent right now, they just lost Donavan Dijak after they told him he cannot work for Beyond Wrestling at all (yeah his own promotion).

These guys are just straight up idiots. why would you tell a guy that he cannot work for his own promotion.

After 14 years of pretty good management overall, its finally coming to the stage were TNA are a better run company, its an absolute joke how medicore they've become.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#186 » by Spens1 » Fri Feb 3, 2017 12:34 pm

Kevin Kelly has left the company apparently according to pwinsider........

He's been doing everything recently also. Maybe he's coming back to WWE? I mean they do need an actual play-by-play, and whilst he is dull (in my opinion, i mean he isn't bad, just not great either), he gets the job done and with the right combo (i.e. Corino-Kelly) it makes for a good team.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#187 » by Ruzious » Fri Feb 3, 2017 2:58 pm

Spens1 wrote:Kevin Kelly has left the company apparently according to pwinsider........

He's been doing everything recently also. Maybe he's coming back to WWE? I mean they do need an actual play-by-play, and whilst he is dull (in my opinion, i mean he isn't bad, just not great either), he gets the job done and with the right combo (i.e. Corino-Kelly) it makes for a good team.

That hurts - He's seemed to be their glue guy for a long time. I expect they'll miss him in a lot of ways. Hopefully this provides an opportunity for someone else to shine.

Even though ROH has lost some talent, I think they're still very much worth watching and still have a good roster - I'd rather watch them than TNA.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#188 » by Dunthreevy » Fri Feb 3, 2017 3:00 pm

So is ROH dying a slow death? I've heard tons of negative stuff about them recently after basically never hearing any negativity towards them before.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#189 » by Spens1 » Sat Feb 4, 2017 12:58 am

Ruzious wrote:
Spens1 wrote:Kevin Kelly has left the company apparently according to pwinsider........

He's been doing everything recently also. Maybe he's coming back to WWE? I mean they do need an actual play-by-play, and whilst he is dull (in my opinion, i mean he isn't bad, just not great either), he gets the job done and with the right combo (i.e. Corino-Kelly) it makes for a good team.

That hurts - He's seemed to be their glue guy for a long time. I expect they'll miss him in a lot of ways. Hopefully this provides an opportunity for someone else to shine.

Even though ROH has lost some talent, I think they're still very much worth watching and still have a good roster - I'd rather watch them than TNA.

Yeah he really was that one consistent factor. There was something about an attempted coup at the top apparently that didn't work. There has been a lot of issues with Delirious and his handling of the company so it may have something to do with that.

Either way they'll miss him a lot. He did so much for them and was doing so many roles.

Dunthreevy wrote:So is ROH dying a slow death? I've heard tons of negative stuff about them recently after basically never hearing any negativity towards them before.

It honestly feels that way, maybe it isn't dying but it sure as hell is going backwards pretty quickly. Talent is unhappy and leaving in droves and so are the staff now. They've gone from the #2 promotion in the United States to probably a distant 3rd and is on its way to no longer being national.

With New Japan starting their American promotion next year, i wouldn't be surprised if between New Japan and WWE, they won't just pick apart the company for talent.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#190 » by Spens1 » Sun Apr 2, 2017 4:47 am

Supercard of Honor just happened. Actually kind of disappointing from a world title perspective. Too much comedy i thought. TV title match was great as was the main event.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#191 » by iMoreland » Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:37 am

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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#192 » by Spens1 » Sun Jun 25, 2017 3:18 am

iMoreland wrote:
Read on Twitter

Sinclair better save their pennies for the right to final countdown.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#193 » by Spens1 » Sun Jun 25, 2017 3:33 am

Also Cody Rhodes won the ROH Title last night in what was a pretty mehish match (it was alright, not the greatest). ROH fans continued the long history of turning on the champ as they turned on Daniels in this match (smh).

Idk this show pretty much was like ROH this year. They're losing their own unique identity and are becoming a super-indy/feeder company to CMLL and New Japan.

Kingdom losing against two old CMLL guys (they're legends yes, but they're Old) is not good. Taven should be pushed somewhat, they need guys in that mid card/tv title picture and he is one of those guys they could use there.

Kaz beating Hangman Page makes sense given the main event result but didn't like it still. That match was fairly brutal also.

Some random multi man tag was there which was alright i guess (will always be a fan of MCMG, Jay White looks to be a future star also)

Lethal and Young had a good match but the shenanigans at the end i thought were unnecessary. Lethal won but Young got his heat back

Dalton Castle beating The Briscoces and Bully was a good call. Castle looked a million bucks here. I still don't like Bully Ray in ROH to be honest, let him go back to TNA please, anyway looks like Jay is turning heel slowly. Mark deserves more love though, he needs a single's run (he's deserved it for some time) he is arguably the most consistently over face over the last 3 years and a fan favourite, plus he is a great wrestler. He deserves a world title run to be honest.

Kushida retained against Scurll was good to see, however i think Kushida should drop it (i'd say to either to Taven or Young, just a ROH full time guy).

The Young Bucks beat War Machine and the impromptu Chucky T & Trent Baretta team who decided they wanted in :lol: i always have time for Chucky T. This was a fun match which was non stop from start to finish.

Overall not bad but i'm not a fan of the direction the company is going and haven't been for some time. The company feels like its lost its way and has forgotten what made it so special in the first place. Its because of long term storytelling and the build up of its guys. Sure they always are late for the most part but now the local guys aren't getting a chance and its just New Japan and CMLL guys getting showcased.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#194 » by Spens1 » Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:28 am

Death Before Dishonour card is out and its alright i guess.

ROH World Championship
Minoru Suzuki vs. Cody Rhodes

Last Man Standing
Jay Lethal vs. Silas Young

Street Fight
Jay White vs. Punishment Martinez

ROH TV Championship
Kenny King vs. Kushida

Chuck Taylor vs. Marty Scurll

ROH World Tag Team Championship
The Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Young Bucks

ROH 6 Man Tag Team Championship #1 Contendership Match
Bully Ray & The Bricoes vs. The Kingdom

ROH 6 Man Tag Team Championship
Bully Ray & The Briscoes or The Kingdom vs. The Young Bucks and Adam “Hangman” Page

If Young goes over, i really, REALLY hope he is being set up to take the title off of Cody (this company has failed to really grow any home grown talent in over a year to that upper echelon, whoever wins out of Castle and Young, that guy has to drop it to the other).

Bit irritated that Rhodes is defending against Suzuki, as great of a match as that is, their is legit no story to it, why does Suzuki get a shot at the World title exactly? He's not a full time talent (i'm all for New Japan guys on the card, but if you aren't a full time guy surely you shouldn't be shoe horned into a top title placement). Also if this turns into the average suzuki-gun match i will be pissed. I'm already angry enough over the trash that was served at the last New japan show cause of that nonsense, don't do this again. Castle was meant to be the guy in this match but i suspect they'll save it for Final Battle (its about time he wins it).

How the blue hell did King get a TV title shot, how. I know he was on a reality show but come on is that the best you can do. I grumbled about Kushida before, but at least he's at the level you want. Also he's been on most ROH tv shows at least.

Bucks doing double duty makes sense, i fully expect them to lose on, if not both of their titles (Kingdom i think will do it).

I always got love for Chucky T but poor Scurll, after losing the TV title, he has done nothing.

I really hope this is a good ppv (cause the card on paper is, the build hasn't) and actually builds some people because recently ROH has been nothing but a glorified super-indy, subsidiary of New Japan that barely has storylines anymore, nor have they built up anyone (something that, up until 18 months ago, i'd say was their bread and butter).
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#195 » by Spens1 » Sat Sep 23, 2017 8:57 am

Another PPV, another disappointing main event, so short. rest of it was good, though :lol: at King as TV champ, still he is roh grown.

cody's run, wow, really not a good run tbh. though delirious is a bad booker.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#196 » by Spens1 » Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:58 am

Yoshi-Hashi vs Omega for the IWGP title at Global Wars.........

New Japan treats CMLL better than ROH at this stage, what a bad matchup.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#197 » by Spens1 » Sun Apr 8, 2018 5:25 am

Well that was supercard of honor.....

Glad Silas Young won, i mean Young vs Aries is better than pretty much any world title match ROH can put on currently.

speaking of which, the ROH title match was dead, it shows what most people care about nowadays, ROH is the wrestling extension of Being the Elite and booking is the main factor in that, no one could care less really about ROH wrestling. The last two matches where very heavily BTE influenced and after Kenny vs Cody, no one could give a stuff.

I like Dalton also (a lot, he's probably my favourite ROH wrestler) but you can't just get up and no sell the beating you just got like that.

Ibushi vs Page was very good, Ibushi, seriously, if he signs a full time New Japan deal would be world champ within 18 months.

Anyway the show was way too long, i turned on halfway pretty much (cause takeover) and it was only halfway through the show pretty much. 5 and a half hours for a ROH show and it wasn't even final battle, are they mad?

Anyway, there where very good matches on this show but not the greatest either.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#198 » by improper » Sun Apr 8, 2018 7:17 am

Pretty good example of why the main title shouldn't always go on last. The crowd wanted Omega/Cody, and it was easily the biggest match on the card. Like with Gargano and Ciampa, it should have main evented despite not being for the gold.
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#199 » by studcrackers » Sun Apr 8, 2018 7:33 am

We watched the last hour and change and idk what's all going on. I will say I laughed so hard at the ref spot with the fingers being broken
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Re: ROH (Ring of Honor) Thread 

Post#200 » by Spens1 » Mon Apr 9, 2018 2:40 am

improper wrote:Pretty good example of why the main title shouldn't always go on last. The crowd wanted Omega/Cody, and it was easily the biggest match on the card. Like with Gargano and Ciampa, it should have main evented despite not being for the gold.

Yeah i think so, especially given the advertising and all that was about Kenny and Cody.

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