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Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Tue Jul 8, 2008 4:27 pm
by SabasRevenge!
jazzarenumber1 wrote:You guys have a 0% percent chance in getting DERON (not Daron)! The only reason why he hasn't signed yet is because he has been on vacation with his family, he just got back so now they are scheduling meetings! Also people on this board are saying he doesn't like Utah then why does he live here year round??? The Jazz are bigger contendors then Portland so why would he leave a stronger team to go to a weaker non proven team???????

Nobody on here is saying it's likely he leaves Utah. I bet he signs a 3-5 year extension for max money this summer.

The part I don't get is how Utah fans are getting so incensed if they really believe Portland has 0% chance of getting him. If that were the case it would make sense for you to just ignore this thread.

Portland isn't a contender right now, but I don't think the Jazz are either. Sure, they're one of the top handful of teams in the NBA, but they're not serious title contenders. Utah's future looks good, but if I were an elite FA I'd give a good look at Portland's stacked roster if I wanted to have the best chance at rings over the next dozen years.

A lot of things would have to go wrong for Utah and a lot of things would have to go right for Portland for Deron to end up leaving, but this will all probably be moot soon.

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Tue Jul 8, 2008 4:30 pm
by Blaze01
The Jazz are bigger contendors then Portland so why would he leave a stronger team to go to a weaker non proven team??????

You wont be saying that in a year or two....

Particularly if Boozer leaves your fine team for greener pastures as rumoured....

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Tue Jul 8, 2008 9:17 pm
by GOBlazers
The Jazz are bigger contendors then Portland so why would he leave a stronger team to go to a weaker non proven team??????

I'm confident that Portland will get more wins than Utah next year. And, will win the season series again!! Maybe even sweep, since our team will be so much better. I got to give Utah credit, though, for ending our 13 game winning streak.


Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Tue Jul 8, 2008 11:38 pm
by BballFanAddict
If any of you fellow Blazer fans are serious about Deron Williams as a Blazer then you would do some minor research as I have done; and, you will find out that Deron indeed likes Utah. He will be offered more money this Summer than anyone else can offer him, and it is guaranteed. Couple that with him being the face of Utah, and the man at Utah, with the new additional information that he likes Utah and lives there year around, and you have the same scenario as CP3. He will sign for the max and be a Jazz player for many years.

Of course he could also force a trade in 2 to 3 years if Boozer leaves and Utah does not recover.

As far as Utah being a contender, at least more than Portland, this is true. How could you say it isnt? They have been to the playoffs and even the Western Conference Championship a little of a year ago. Portland did not even make the playoffs this last season.

Of course we all want to say, "well, we have Oden, Bayless and Rudy coming in this year!" Well, yay for that! I too am very excited about their potential. However, our 3rd youngest team ever of last year just got younger this year, and we clearly do not know how these new young players will not only perform individually but collectively as a team.

Are the chances great that we become a power house in the NW division ? Absolutely. Better than any other young team. But, in my humble opinion, it will not be this next season. Making the 8th seed is a lofty goal in my opinion. Could we do it? Sure. But I am not one to say, well we won 41 games last year and with GO it will be 51. That never makes sense to me. How can it be a given we will win 41 games next year?

Sorry, do not mean to be a bearer of negativity, I just think a lot of people need a reality check. Our team will be very young ad inexperienced again. We need to temper our expectations of GO, Rudy and Bayless.

Finally, to you Utah fans. Your window is closing fast if this Portland team is what everyone seems to expect it to be. Be scared.

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Wed Jul 9, 2008 3:29 am
by GOBlazers
We don't think the Blazers will be a 50+ win team just because of Oden, Rudy and Bayless. It is because the rest of our team is a year older and more experienced also.

Roy, Aldridge, Outlaw, Webster and Frye all improved their games last season. And our 10 man rotation will not be younger than they were last year. I haven't done the math for the whole team, because we don't yet know what the roster will be. (I think you are forgetting that everyone got a year older)

Everyone is better, plus we add Oden and Rudy. We will definitely be vastly improved. The first couple months might be a scare though.

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Wed Jul 9, 2008 4:16 am
by BballFanAddict
GOBlazers wrote:We don't think the Blazers will be a 50+ win team just because of Oden, Rudy and Bayless. It is because the rest of our team is a year older and more experienced also.

Roy, Aldridge, Outlaw, Webster and Frye all improved their games last season. And our 10 man rotation will not be younger than they were last year. I haven't done the math for the whole team, because we don't yet know what the roster will be. (I think you are forgetting that everyone got a year older)

Everyone is better, plus we add Oden and Rudy. We will definitely be vastly improved. The first couple months might be a scare though.

No Jarret Jack. No James Jones. That didn't exactly make us older. I guess Rudy is 23, isn't he? But he has not played a single game in the NBA, so he is essentially a rookie. Bayless is a rookie. And, Oden is a rookie. We just added 3 players to our 8 or 10 man rotation that are all rookies. 3 more than last year. I'd say we got younger.

I am not meaning to split hairs. I for one just do not buy into the whole idea that because we won 41 games last year that its a foregone conclusion we will improve on that number, especially when we remove 3 experienced players (Jack and Jones, plus Pryz from starting) to add 3 rookies.

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Wed Jul 9, 2008 10:22 am
by GOBlazers
Ages listed are for the beginning of the NBA season.

Incoming Players
Diogu 25
rudy 23
Bayless 20
(batum kopponen or someone else may still be added)

Outgoing Players
Jack 25
Von Wafer 23
McRoberts 21
Jones 28

Basically, we lost Jones age. Everyone else is a year older. I see what you are saying though. We are adding 3 rookies to our roster. IMO, these are 3 rookies that can contribute immediately though, despite their limitations

Rudy has experience, but no size
Oden and Bayless have size, but no experience.

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:40 am
by Yadadimean
So no contract for Deron Williams yet, huh?

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 4:40 am
by BballFanAddict
Yadadimean wrote:So no contract for Deron Williams yet, huh?

:) i was thinking the same thing. i fully expect to see the story about him signing for the max on espn or on here, like every day. i am sure it will happen soon. i mean, really, who wouldnt sign for guaranteed money?

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:00 am
by Yadadimean
^^^People on a sinking ship who would rather get guaranteed money and win multiple championships by forcing a sign n trade to the Blazers? :)

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 5:07 am
by BballFanAddict
Yadadimean wrote:^^^People on a sinking ship who would rather get guaranteed money and win multiple championships by forcing a sign n trade to the Blazers? :)

I like your thinking! Please text it to Deron. ehe. It may be a pipe dream, but I am holding onto it until I see the article about him signing. :D

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:45 pm
by Yadadimean
So no contract for Deron Williams yet, huh?

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:50 pm
by The Sebastian Express
You know, karma has a way of coming back to bite people in the ass so I wouldn't be making fun of Utah for not immediately getting Deron signed to an extension.

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 8:55 pm
by Mr Odd
Yadadimean wrote:So no contract for Deron Williams yet, huh?

lol, Lots of time still.. .

We wuv you Deron!

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:20 pm
by Yadadimean
The Sebastian Express wrote:You know, karma has a way of coming back to bite people in the ass so I wouldn't be making fun of Utah for not immediately getting Deron signed to an extension.

Who is making fun of Utah (based on Deron's contract status)? What I'm doing is holding out hope!

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:16 am
by BballFanAddict
Here is the latest....

After meeting Wednesday with Jazz GM Kevin O'Connor, Deron Williams came away hopeful a contract extension could be finalized in the coming days, although Williams did express some concerns about the Jazz going forward.
"Things went well," Williams said. "It's not a done deal yet, but some things just got to be ironed out, some things we're going back and forth on, so hopefully it can keep progressing from there."

Williams mentioned the possibility that Carlos Boozer, Mehmet Okur and Kyle Korver all could opt out of their contracts next summer, as well as the uncertainty surrounding Jerry Sloan's future as Jazz coach beyond this season.

"So it could be a whole different scenario in the next couple years," Williams said, "and I just want to make sure that things are going the right way because I'm about winning. I don't care about stats, I don't care about any of that. I care about winning." -- The Salt Lake Tribune

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:24 am
by Butter
BballFanAddict wrote:Here is the latest....

After meeting Wednesday with Jazz GM Kevin O'Connor, Deron Williams came away hopeful a contract extension could be finalized in the coming days, although Williams did express some concerns about the Jazz going forward.
"Things went well," Williams said. "It's not a done deal yet, but some things just got to be ironed out, some things we're going back and forth on, so hopefully it can keep progressing from there."

Williams mentioned the possibility that Carlos Boozer, Mehmet Okur and Kyle Korver all could opt out of their contracts next summer, as well as the uncertainty surrounding Jerry Sloan's future as Jazz coach beyond this season.

"So it could be a whole different scenario in the next couple years," Williams said, "and I just want to make sure that things are going the right way because I'm about winning. I don't care about stats, I don't care about any of that. I care about winning." -- The Salt Lake Tribune

You can win in Portland 8-)

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 3:49 am
by BballFanAddict
I bet he opts to sign a deal just like CP3. It makes the most sense. He is still young and can get a ring after getting his first sizable pay check. And, it gives him the option to leave after 3 more seasons if he wants to, plus allows him to re negotiate a higher paying extension under a potentially better collective bargaining agreement.

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:43 pm
by carrottop12
BballFanAddict wrote:I bet he opts to sign a deal just like CP3. It makes the most sense. He is still young and can get a ring after getting his first sizable pay check. And, it gives him the option to leave after 3 more seasons if he wants to, plus allows him to re negotiate a higher paying extension under a potentially better collective bargaining agreement.

Rumors say he wants to sign a longer contract based on the fact that the current CBA will end and the next one could keep him from making as much money.

Re: Quick on Daron Williams

Posted: Sat Jul 12, 2008 9:47 pm
by BballFanAddict
Batronuj wrote:
BballFanAddict wrote:I bet he opts to sign a deal just like CP3. It makes the most sense. He is still young and can get a ring after getting his first sizable pay check. And, it gives him the option to leave after 3 more seasons if he wants to, plus allows him to re negotiate a higher paying extension under a potentially better collective bargaining agreement.

Rumors say he wants to sign a longer contract based on the fact that the current CBA will end and the next one could keep him from making as much money.

Ah, I thought it would be the opposite. I was under the impression that each CBA increases the pay scale.

Good luck to the Jazz. As much as I would love him on our team, I know its not a reality, and I hate seeing any fans lose their best player(s). Lord knows we will be in the same position in a number of years and we will not want to lose our guys.