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Re: Howard Schultz drops lawsuit

Posted: Tue Sep 9, 2008 12:44 pm
by jenn_gp
Sweezo wrote:Perhaps I am getting ahead of myself I think the plan is to close this before the season starts, then have the forum moved as a 'sub-forum' of the M's/Boards. I suppose we could leave this open until the season starts, but I'd prefer doing the transition sooner rather than later.

I'm okay with that. As long as this forum will still be open so I can see you guys. This is really the only place I come to..that and the media section. I can't seem to get into the Seahawks or Mariners..I think I am just fed up with Seattle sports in general and will be for awhile.

But like I said, as long as this place will still be around and you guys will still pop in, I'm fine with making the switch. It might even get rid of some of the trolling that's been happening since they left. I'd just like to know in advance whether or not it's going to happen.

And we should give a big Thank You to the admins for being so accomodating to us. They could have just shut us down the moment it was official, but didn't.

Re: Howard Schultz drops lawsuit

Posted: Tue Sep 9, 2008 9:26 pm
by Hiphophead101
Basketball is dead in seattle. This forum is dead.

Re: Howard Schultz drops lawsuit

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 6:22 pm
by Dick Tate
Mariners? Wow, there really is nothing left to talk about.

Mariners Execute Suicide Squeeze To Pull Within 9

SEATTLE--The Seattle Mariners utilized some good old-fashioned small ball on Tuesday, when shortstop Yuniesky Betancourt executed a suicide squeeze to bring home runner Jose Lopez in a game against the Rangers. The perfectly executed play brought the Mariners to within nine runs.
“That right there is an example of good old fashioned small ball,” said manager Jim Riggleman. “We’ve been working real hard on situational hitting, and in that situation we really needed to get the run across. That’s the kind of play that puts pressure on the defense. I think that’s why they were laughing at us so much. They couldn’t believe how much pressure we were putting on them.”
The Mariners ended up losing the game 14-2. Betancourt was awarded the game ball by Riggleman for his selfless play.

Re: Howard Schultz drops lawsuit

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 7:01 pm
by Det the Threat
Downtown wrote: But I'm not going to dwell on it day after day. I moved on a long time ago and although I will still watch the NBA since I do love the game, I probably will never have loyalty or support for any one team. I've been following the Grizzlies closely and have taken a little interest in them. I'm a Baron Davis fan and I'm hoping that the Clippers have a good season. I've always been a big fan of the Hornets and since they did so well last season I think they'll be on TV more. And being from Canada and subscribing to Raptors TV I'll see just about every game they play although I don't feel that much of an attachment to them and really could care less about the Eastern Conference.

At first i thought i could move on and maybe adopt another team(Clippers), as my team, but more and more i realize, that it's just not the same and that there's no special team i solely support.
So i'm quite like you right now, as i still follow the NBA, but just not as a fan of a single team and more as someone that just wants to watch some ball.

Maybe there'll be another team i fully support(quite possibly a team from Seattle, if there'll ever be another one), but right now, i doubt that.

BenjaminH wrote:We will play fantasy basketball together and should leave this board open for discussions, which, in turn, will probably lead to a lot of discussions about other teams and players.

That's a good idea Ben.
I just read that yahoo's fantasy basketball will be on sometime this month.
I'll let you guys know when leagues can be created.

Who else is interested in playing some fantasy basketball this upcoming season?

Re: Howard Schultz drops lawsuit

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:02 pm
by Downtown
If I read it correctly Sweezo is saying that the administrators of realgm, whoever they are, wish to eventually wrap up the Sonics forum since the team doesn't exsist anymore. It sounds like it's a little out of the moderators control and the admins are being kind with giving us some time to close it out. So if it is possible to somehow move things into a sub forum branched from either the Mariners or Seahawks then I think that's about as much as you could ask for.

I only wonder how much activity it could muster and would that too eventually die out, like the painful, slow death I see this forum suffering? Fantasy basketball just to keep a few of the undying forever loyalists in touch? Sure, why the heck not if it's possible. I've never played before but I might give it a try.

Re: Howard Schultz drops lawsuit

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:13 pm
by Det the Threat
Yahoo's Fantasy Basketball is now up.

Who's interested?

Re: Howard Schultz drops lawsuit

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:40 pm
by BenjaminH
I am.

The German Sonics are going to lose again!

(Perhaps we should start a new thread for Fantasy Basketball; I almost didn't check this one. Also, does anybody, by chance, have the email list from last year. It would be great to invite all of the same players - even those who probably won't check this board, like Blackery and Farmer Man.)