I can't blame Bennett

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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#41 » by Kane2111 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:56 am

wiff wrote:
Kane2111 wrote:I joined the forum to offer my support.

You know what's funny about this? All the regulars think you are a troll. Now that must be one hell of a way to show support.

I guess it's just me who thinks it a little ironic that you happened to join a basketball forum to talk about the Seattle Sonics on the day they were officially moving to OKC.


I'm not sure if I could have made it through this last week and a half without your unbridled support for the fans of the former NBA team known as the Seattle Supersonics.

You have really been a blessing to the forum.

Wiff... they think I'm from OKC, because you're leading the lynch mob. Get a grip man. No offense, but you've been disruptive and disrespectful. Looking at your previous posts, it's just a long stream of manic attacks and outlandish vulgarities. Calling a complete stranger a "jack-ass"... saying that I'm somehow being passive aggressive... telling me to go back with my "toothless buddies". I posted an article about Westbrook with little comment of my own and you claimed I was "smug" and "gloating". I don't mean to be rude, but that's rather paranoid if you ask me. And it's not just to me. May I remind you that the originator of this thread was NOT me. It's an entirely different person who is clearly a Sonics fan (several thousand posts on this board) and whose views mirror my own... yet you wrote him off with a "dude, lay off the meth". Wiff... please calm down. if anyone deserves to be banned, it's you for your horrifyingly repulsive behavior and childish insults. You dont' know anything about me. I'm in Lynnwood. What of it? CALM DOWN man... CALM DOWN. The ridiculous thing is, I haven't said anything negative about Seattle and yet you're trying to lead some internet lynch mob, because you're hyper sensitivity can't take an opinion that differs from your own. It's a forum. It's for good-hearted debate and discussion. Not attacks. Where's the mods right now with this guy? Double standard, if you ask me.

Wiff, I know you're upset about the Sonics. But try not to take your anger out on a complete stranger. That's unbecoming of you. One of your fellow "regulars' has already called you out for your emotional instability. I would like to reiterate that this forum is for discussion about the Seattle SuperSonics... not for lobbying personal attacks against a complete stranger.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#42 » by elbowthrower » Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:01 am

Kane2111 wrote:
Jenn. I'm not personally pointing out anyone. I know that one poster in particular called me a toothless, uneducated OKC and I should "go back to OKC". Another guy just started a thread (that is locked, thankfully) basically cussing me out for no apparent reason. I really don't get it. It seems like there is a lot of pent up frustration and anger and everyone is looking for someone to attack. I just don't appreciate being made a villain for a slightly opposing view to the mob. I'm suffering through this just like everyone else, but I'm taking the moral high ground here. There is a LOT for us to be appreciative for.

I have a short story that I'd like to share with everyone that might make everyone feel a small bit better. It sure as heck has made me feel better about this whole mess. It's along the lines of this thread's spirit so I think it's a relevant to our discussion.

The day after the Boston Celtics absolutely demolished the Lakers in embarrassing fashion, I went out with a bunch of my friends to a bar called "Time Out" in Kirkland (we were on the east side and it was the only place with people in the middle of the week). My friends are all NBA fans. A few of them were wearing Celtic gear. They thought it would be fun to go out to the bar dressed in Celtic gear and gloat about the victory. We bumped into a few Laker fans at the bar which made for some light-hearted fun faux fighting. In the middle of the celebration, some old man came up to my buddy. My buddy happened to be wearing a Paul Pierce jersey and was giddy from the victory.

The old man went right up to my buddy wearing the Boston jersey and said to him, "I still say Cincinnati is better".... my friend looked confused and gave a little courtesy laugh for what he perceived was just a silly/dump nonsensical joke. But the old man had a sly little smirk on his face and repeated it again. "I'm serious. I still say Cincinnati is better than Boston". At this point you could tell my friend was thinking, "haha... crazy old drunk is obviously a fan of the Reds and wants to pretend his favorite baseball team is better than my Celtics". At this point I started laughing too, because I knew what the old man was trying to do. The old man looked at me and said, "Do you know what I'm talking about? Cincinnati is way better". And I says to him, "Of course. I hear you. The Royals would kick the Celtic's butt!" The oldtimer looked shocked that some young whippersnapper actually knew what he was talking about. Next, he looked at me and tested my historical bball knowledge further... "Best point guard ever", he said. I responded with, "Oscar Robertson... guy averaged a triple double. He was like LeBron before LeBron". The old man got a big ol grin on his face, shook my hand and walked away pleased. My young Seattle friend was still dumfounded and confused.

I've felt better about the Sonic's situation ever since. The point is, the Seattle SuperSonics may be effectively as dead as the Cincinnati Royals, but they will continue to live on in our hearts and memories. They might cease to exist... that team in Oklahoma might own the identity as much as the Sacramento Kings currently own the identity of the "The Big O"'s former team, but that will not kill those memories. 30-40 years from now we can stumble drunkenly into a bar after a Chicago Bulls title, walk up to some young whippersnapper and tell him, "I still say Seattle is better. Best defensive point guard ever". They might look at us with perplexed looks, but we'll know.... SuperSonics. Gary Payton. 1996 will live on forever. We can look up at the sky with a big ol grin and wink at the stars. We know the real deal. The franchise might be dead, but not to us. And that's all that really matters. I'll always cherish my time at Key Arena in the mid 90s. I still have a Squatch poster somewhere in my closet. .

Clever anecdote, you lying little ****.

I'm surprised you haven't been banned yet you festering ****.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#43 » by Kane2111 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:16 am

elbowthrower. Woah woah woah woah... that's unnecessary. I read your charming thread. I implore you to slow your roll. I'm terrified of your behavior.

Lying? About what exactly? So random.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#44 » by jenn_gp » Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:35 am

Ugh. Can we just lock this thread? The original topic was dumb anyways.

I don't want anyone to be banned (Wiff, elbowthrower) because of what's happening. Where's the ignore button when you need it?
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#45 » by elbowthrower » Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:38 am

I bet you don't even live around here you lying little c*sucker. Otherwise, tell us some things that only a resident would know.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#46 » by Kane2111 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:42 am

elbowthrower wrote:I bet you don't even live around here you lying little c*sucker. Otherwise, tell us some things that only a resident would know.

... I already have... several times. If you weren't too busy running your mouth you'd see. Again, I implore you to slow said roll... it's petrifying. Show some class and keep the topic on the Seattle SuperSonics. These outlandish attacks are stupifying and downright filthy. These comments have no business on this forum. Lets stay the course.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#47 » by jenn_gp » Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:53 am

UGH! As the legendary Chef Gordon Ramsey would say:


Elbowthrower, we don't want to see you get banned bud. Please stop and think about how you post your thoughts. Trust me, I feel angry about what's happening as well. Kane's not going to get banned for the way he's behaving, I think that's pretty clear. The zero tolerance policy only seems to hold true for the OKC board.

BTW...have any of you guys been over there at all lately? What a bunch of ignorant @ssholes...I went over there last night just to peek in, and I was upset for the rest of the night. They were discussing whether or not they want OUR history. I've promised myself not to go over there again, it will only ruin my mood.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#48 » by elbowthrower » Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:55 am

Kane2111 wrote:
elbowthrower wrote:I bet you don't even live around here you lying little c*sucker. Otherwise, tell us some things that only a resident would know.

... I already have... several times. If you weren't too busy running your mouth you'd see. Again, I implore you to slow said roll... it's petrifying. Show some class and keep the topic on the Seattle SuperSonics. These outlandish attacks are stupifying and downright filthy. These comments have no business on this forum. Lets stay the course.

Show me the links then.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#49 » by OzSonic » Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:57 am

That thesaurus is getting a real work out
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#50 » by jenn_gp » Tue Jul 15, 2008 6:59 am

^That was funny!

But seriously, let's stop guys. I don't want to see you get banned over some troll, whether they're from Washington or not.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#51 » by elbowthrower » Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:02 am

jenn_gp wrote:UGH! As the legendary Chef Gordon Ramsey would say:


Elbowthrower, we don't want to see you get banned bud. Please stop and think about how you post your thoughts. Trust me, I feel angry about what's happening as well. Kane's not going to get banned for the way he's behaving, I think that's pretty clear. The zero tolerance policy only seems to hold true for the OKC board.

BTW...have any of you guys been over there at all lately? What a bunch of ignorant @ssholes...I went over there last night just to peek in, and I was upset for the rest of the night. They were discussing whether or not they want OUR history. I've promised myself not to go over there again, it will only ruin my mood.

Thanks but I don't really care if I get banned. I will give Kane credit for being extremely clever in the way that he/she is trolling. I've spent time on a lot of boards and his/her troll job is masterful. I just can't sit idly by without calling it out.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#52 » by Kane2111 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:11 am

elbowthrower wrote:
jenn_gp wrote:UGH! As the legendary Chef Gordon Ramsey would say:


Elbowthrower, we don't want to see you get banned bud. Please stop and think about how you post your thoughts. Trust me, I feel angry about what's happening as well. Kane's not going to get banned for the way he's behaving, I think that's pretty clear. The zero tolerance policy only seems to hold true for the OKC board.

BTW...have any of you guys been over there at all lately? What a bunch of ignorant @ssholes...I went over there last night just to peek in, and I was upset for the rest of the night. They were discussing whether or not they want OUR history. I've promised myself not to go over there again, it will only ruin my mood.

Thanks but I don't really care if I get banned. I will give Kane credit for being extremely clever in the way that he/she is trolling. I've spent time on a lot of boards and his/her troll job is masterful. I just can't sit idly by without calling it out.

lol man that cracks me up. I'm completely baffled. Dumfounded and bewildered by your accusations. These enigmatic insults are inexplicably perplexing and mortifying to me. I am NOT a troll. Nor am I a gnome, goblin, gremlin, hobgoblin, ogre, or a measly sprite. I'm just Kane.

It's funny that you ask me to link you to my "proof of Seattle-ship" comments. I'd just as well like you to link me to these supposed "troll-esque" Oklahoman-alliance comments that seems to have everyone up in arms.

To reiterate what I've already explained in several posts. I live in Lynnwood. I've been a fan of the Sonics since I moved to this state in the early 90s. Back in 96 I practically had season tickets, because I'd skip school to wait in line for "Family fun pack" tickets with my dad. For 7 bucks you got a ticket to the game, a hot dog and a coke. I got to see Jordan that year, Barkley, Stockton/Malone... even Magic Johnson's cameo as "Buff Johnson". It was an amazing experience and I'll remember it for the rest of my days. Key Arena was a different beast back then. These were the days of "Refuse to Lose" mariner posters and "In To Win" yellow Sonic cardboard cutouts. I still have the Seattle PI mini posters, Squatch game giveaway poster and Gary Payton memorabilia. I've followed the team since then, but I'll chose to remember the squad as it was in it's peak... 1996. Also if you read my "clever anecdote", you'd see mentions of going to Time Out in Kirkland... the day after the Celtic championship.... this is silly. I can't believe I'm defending my residence to an anonymous internet forum poster. Good grief.

I'll give it to you though... you sure are a bunch of passionate fans. It's a darn shame I couldn't have met you under more cheerful circumstances.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#53 » by OzSonic » Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:20 am

Kane2111 wrote:I'm completely baffled. Dumfounded and bewildered by your accusations.

Here is a few more you could use, keep them for future reference.

clueless, confused, flabbergasted, in a pickle, mystified, perplexed, puzzled, staggered, stumped.
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Re: I can't blame Bennett 

Post#54 » by Kane2111 » Tue Jul 15, 2008 7:28 am

OzSonic wrote:
Kane2111 wrote:I'm completely baffled. Dumfounded and bewildered by your accusations.

Here is a few more you could use keep them for future reference.

clueless, confused, flabbergasted, in a pickle, mystified, perplexed, puzzled, staggered, stumped.

I've actually already used a few of those, OzSonic, but I appreciate the sentiment. But in general I fully agree with you. It's been an exhausting and telling few days. The negativity is taking a toll on my spirit. And this heat... this godforsaken heat... crumbled up in my apartment soaking in negativity and heat. I'm so tired... so.... tired.

This is why I think we should keep it on the topic of the Seattle SuperSonics. Lets not bicker and argue. Lets not fight. I have no quarrel with you kind folks. You are all my brothers and sisters sharing in the pain of this lost franchise. I dare not squabble with you... this dispute is foolish. This tiff has left me severely deflated and dejected. Lets put an end to this nonsense in share in some light-hearted commentary on the Seattle SuperSonics.

Getting back on topic...

To the original poster: I think I understand what you mean. As far as "can't blame Bennett"... it's an interesting topic. If some local (Balmer?) decided to go out and buy a franchise like Memphis... would you applaud him for his relentless efforts in bringing the Grizz to Seattle? It's actually an interesting and relevant question. Would we celebrate Balmer? And if so... can we really blame Bennett for what he did? Damn good question. It's a really interesting commentary on perspective... in one instance we are appalled by Bennett, but in the other instance we applaud Balmer. Can we be appalled and yet applaud mirror images of the same appalling character worthy of applause? I... don't know.

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