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Re: (Poll) "They're Right There!" Tracker

Posted: Tue Apr 2, 2024 1:57 pm
by Scase
DelAbbot wrote:I remember Chuck Swirsky was also very protective of the team when he was here. Anyone remember if he was more or less homerific than Matt Devlin?

I would say less, Chuck always seemed like genuine enthusiasm/hope, Matt feels more like a hype man. No hate on Devlin but, it feels like it's just his job, Swirsky was like he would've done it for free. Not sure if that was love of the game, the raps, or both.

Re: (Poll) "They're Right There!" Tracker

Posted: Tue Apr 2, 2024 3:12 pm
by OakleyDokely
I don't mind Devlin, but I wish we had the option to turn off the commentary completely and just listen to sneakers squeak, the ball bouncing, the crowd roaring, the players yacking. That's one of the best parts of the live experience that's completely drowned out by all the announcer chit chat.

Re: (Poll)

Posted: Tue Apr 2, 2024 4:07 pm
by And1Skip
Mr Funk wrote:So many don't realize that when Devlin (and plenty of other play-by-play announcers in general) do this, they're catering to ultra-casuals such as the Tangerine Fan Angle kids and parents, who are featured when the game returns from a commercial break, in order to keep them tuned in

Its bringing Devlin back to when he first started play calling for the Raps and they were terrible then. Already out of playoff contention early in the season, BC goes and acquires Rudy Gay and I remember Devlin calls out "the Rudy Gay ERA has begun!" and him and the entire broadcast made it so convincing that even I went out and bought a Rudy Gay jersey. If we look back on that "era", it really wasn't good basketball. BC was good at the marketing too telling the media about how Gay and DeRozan each like a side on offence and said "opponents, go pick your poison" LOL