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Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:20 pm
by ItsDanger
Betting isn't new, just their direct involvement in promotion. What might be new is the large increase in betting prop options available via these newer platforms. Typically in the past, player props were for the established top end players, not every player on the roster.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:21 pm
by Scase
DelAbbot wrote:
ontnut wrote:
Hero_Panda wrote:What would the worst case scenario be for Jontay Porter?
I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to bringing him back if possible after whatever the league throws at him...

Giving young players second chances would look good on the organization.

Worst case is lifetime ban with possible jail time.

If he's found guilty of ANY involvement in this, there's a 0% chance we bring him back.

The NBA can't afford to have any of this happen in a league that's been heavily promoting sports betting. ESPECIALLY with the Donaghy thing in its history books.

There is 0% of Raptors bringing Porter back even as of right now. There is enough reputational damage already

Debatable I think, it's he's cleared of any suspicions, they might. They didn't get rid of that coach from the Knicks after he was found to be innocent, right? Unless I'm misremembering.

They ditched Davis after he was objectively an idiot, and they signed McDaniels despite admitting to his trash. The FO's record is spotty on this, and seems to be rather opportunistic. That said, Porter isn't really that good and might not be worth the bad press.....but neither is McDaniels lol. Maybe enough had passed for him.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:30 pm
by SFour
Lord_Zedd wrote:
TheAlchemist23 wrote:
Harcore Fenton Mun wrote:It's big, it's basically insider trading.


It's not going to be just a suspension. He's going to get banned if guilty.

Even if he's not guilty Raptors org is known to get rid of players with any controversy surrounding to consider Porter done with the Raptors at the least.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:46 pm
by Tofubeque
It had to be a pretty unsophisticated operation, to have multiple accounts trying to place 10-20K bets when the limit on props was a tenth of that. That’s why I doubt it’s organized crime, or only Jontay’s accounts. You’d only have to make that mistake once.

It looks more like he told his friends and family. Or my pet theory, the crypto bros who were already paying him to be in his “premium” discord.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:49 pm
by mrdressup
He's been removed from the team environment. Sports betting integrity operations know what sudden random high volume is, and they can certainly connect the dots between that and removing one's self in the early stages of a game in two separate games where that was the case. They' ll follow the money now. Links will be made. People will confess to avoid jail time. It's just going to take time. The Raptor are ahead of this, because for this to have been passed on means its serious. The platforms wouldn't sound false alarms and needlessly cause a hit to the perceived integrity of sport betting. It's a big deal for them to catch thee guys, because that means the thing is being policed.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:49 pm
by mrdressup
Can you bet on his guilt?

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:51 pm
by brownbobcat
Lord_Zedd wrote:
TheAlchemist23 wrote:Image

It's not going to be just a suspension. He's going to get banned if guilty.

I'm pretty sure it would be considered a crime as well, it's basically fraud.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:51 pm
by YogurtProducer
DelAbbot wrote:
ontnut wrote:
Hero_Panda wrote:What would the worst case scenario be for Jontay Porter?
I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to bringing him back if possible after whatever the league throws at him...

Giving young players second chances would look good on the organization.

Worst case is lifetime ban with possible jail time.

If he's found guilty of ANY involvement in this, there's a 0% chance we bring him back.

The NBA can't afford to have any of this happen in a league that's been heavily promoting sports betting. ESPECIALLY with the Donaghy thing in its history books.

There is 0% of Raptors bringing Porter back even as of right now. There is enough reputational damage already

If something comes out proving his innocence IDK why we would cut him. IMO the betting is just so stupid I want to believe it was more negligent (mentioned to his buddies he doesn't think he is able to play much tonight) more so than stupidity. It just is dumb to think it wont be setting off alarms betting thousands on Jontay Porter, a guy most people dont know.

Problem is he is going to have everything under a microscope even if he is found innocent. Like if he ever gets hurt there are gonna be a 1000 tweets if its real or not.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:55 pm
by TheAlchemist23
brownbobcat wrote:
Lord_Zedd wrote:
TheAlchemist23 wrote:Image

It's not going to be just a suspension. He's going to get banned if guilty.

I'm pretty sure it would be considered a crime as well, it's basically fraud.

Yep. I was surprised people in here were only talking about suspension vs ban. He's looking at a FBI investigation and possibly prison.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 5:57 pm
by WuTang_OG

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:02 pm
by HangTime
I still don't believe it.

How can a betting sites be upset with the lines they set, on a 2-way, injury prone player?

Big bettors take their chances with props that are offered.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:03 pm
by DelAbbot
YogurtProducer wrote:
DelAbbot wrote:
ontnut wrote:Worst case is lifetime ban with possible jail time.

If he's found guilty of ANY involvement in this, there's a 0% chance we bring him back.

The NBA can't afford to have any of this happen in a league that's been heavily promoting sports betting. ESPECIALLY with the Donaghy thing in its history books.

There is 0% of Raptors bringing Porter back even as of right now. There is enough reputational damage already

If something comes out proving his innocence IDK why we would cut him. IMO the betting is just so stupid I want to believe it was more negligent (mentioned to his buddies he doesn't think he is able to play much tonight) more so than stupidity. It just is dumb to think it wont be setting off alarms betting thousands on Jontay Porter, a guy most people dont know.

Problem is he is going to have everything under a microscope even if he is found innocent. Like if he ever gets hurt there are gonna be a 1000 tweets if its real or not.

I think this is just the tip of the iceberg of the Pete Rose / Black Sox of the NBA. So anything related to it will be negative publicity. Not worth carrying a 15th man "prospect" for it.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:07 pm
by ForeverTFC
Tofubeque wrote:It had to be a pretty unsophisticated operation, to have multiple accounts trying to place 10-20K bets when the limit on props was a tenth of that. That’s why I doubt it’s organized crime, or only Jontay’s accounts. You’d only have to make that mistake once.

It looks more like he told his friends and family. Or my pet theory, the crypto bros who were already paying him to be in his “premium” discord.

If he is involved, this is the most plausible scenario. Would explain why so many accounts were trying to put money on him. It would be pretty hard for him to do by himself/with an associate as they'd have to create way too many accounts to make the money worth it given the max bet and no sophisticated operation is going to wase their time on something that is so easily discoverable with such limited upside.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:11 pm
by DelAbbot
TheAlchemist23 wrote:
brownbobcat wrote:
Lord_Zedd wrote:
It's not going to be just a suspension. He's going to get banned if guilty.

I'm pretty sure it would be considered a crime as well, it's basically fraud.

Yep. I was surprised people in here were only talking about suspension vs ban. He's looking at a FBI investigation and possibly prison.

prison for insider trading?

don't be ridiculous

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:14 pm
by DelAbbot
Tofubeque wrote:It had to be a pretty unsophisticated operation, to have multiple accounts trying to place 10-20K bets when the limit on props was a tenth of that. That’s why I doubt it’s organized crime, or only Jontay’s accounts. You’d only have to make that mistake once.

It looks more like he told his friends and family. Or my pet theory, the crypto bros who were already paying him to be in his “premium” discord.

This is very good guess.

Porter wanted social media clout and gave his followers a freebie


Re: Jontay Porter Suspended Pending Gambling Allegations

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:34 pm
by agkagk
YogurtProducer wrote:How does a guy who does not even know if he will check in on a given night even do this

Bet the under. Simple.

Hes being accused of intentionally suckIng.

Anyway you slice it: this cant be good for the old self esteem lol

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:34 pm
by tdotrep2

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:49 pm
by ill-Will03
Scase wrote:
ill-Will03 wrote:
Los_29 wrote:
It’s not about people not being able to take a joke, it’s more the fact it was you that was making it given your bizarre and frankly, unhealthy obsession with Masai.

When I clicked on this thread I was expecting it to be about Jontay Porter. I did not expect someone to try and turn it into a Masai thread.

Exactly… most of his posts are hating on Masai, and somehow we’re just supposed to know that this one is a joke lol

See this is the problem for folks like you, you can't separate criticism for the moves, from the person.

I have no hate or love for Masai, I don't know him on any level outside of him in media and being the Raps president. I have criticism for his work, not him as a person. I'm not on these boards like some are talking about his african infatuation or anything personal. I discuss his moves both good and bad.

Once your little gaggle of Masai defenders grasp that, it might be a little easier to have discussions. You see every criticism like it's a personal attack on him, therefore you assume people have it out for him on a personal level. Masai has made some great moves, and some terrible moves, neither of which have any bearing on my opinion on him as a person.

Hate/Love or anything on that spectrum is reserved for people I actually know, maybe you guys are different, who knows. I don't hate the man, I hate a lot of his recent moves. I loved some of his older moves, and like one of his most recent ones.

Learn to separate the art, from the artist, it'll make this place much less combative when trying to discuss things as individual moves. Or, keep circle jerking with the same 4 posters about how "Scase bad, he hate daddy Masai", your choice :dontknow:

bro its really not that serious. If you were truly joking about that comment, I misunderstood and take accountability for that, but I'm sure you can understand why some of us didn't know you were joking based on some of your past comments about Masai. You have to admit, it's pretty ironic that you of all people made that comment on a thread which has nothing to do with Masai.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 6:51 pm
by Johnny Bball
TheAlchemist23 wrote:
brownbobcat wrote:
Lord_Zedd wrote:
It's not going to be just a suspension. He's going to get banned if guilty.

I'm pretty sure it would be considered a crime as well, it's basically fraud.

Yep. I was surprised people in here were only talking about suspension vs ban. He's looking at a FBI investigation and possibly prison.

Well, the last time the NBA made it public so the FBI had to give up its investigation. I'm pretty sure they have done the same here and this news is straight from the NBA to Woj. He's under investigation by the NBA, not the FBI so far publicly.

So... I expect the NBA to bury this deep down and we never hear the full story.

His locker is cleared out and neither the NBA, Raptors or Porter has said why... because they told him to. But they don't even bother to say that.

Both games were in Toronto, Toronto police arent even looking at it.

Re: Porter under investigation for prop betting involving himself

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2024 7:12 pm
by Badonkadonk
This sucks. I really like his game and thought he had long term rotational potential as a back-up 4 who could fit nicely in small-ball lineups at the 5 from time to time. Passing, rebounding, D and some legit range.

What a waste.