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Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:20 pm
by 5DOM
i dont think USOC will apologize. they dont need to, because this "investigation" didnt do anything.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:32 pm
by canoner
5DOM wrote:i dont think USOC will apologize. they dont need to, because this "investigation" didnt do anything.

What do you mean? Additional documents from present and past were provided and checked out. USOC should be ashamed if it was going with only a few posts by bloggers.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:35 pm
by 5DOM
canoner wrote:
5DOM wrote:i dont think USOC will apologize. they dont need to, because this "investigation" didnt do anything.

What do you mean? Additional documents from present and past were provided and checked out. USOC should be ashamed if it was going with only a few posts by bloggers.

the thing is noone can prove the documents are fake. maybe they arent fake, but i have hard time believing so (for the many reasons i've mentioned in other threads)

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:37 pm
by Rich Rane
canoner wrote:
5DOM wrote:i dont think USOC will apologize. they dont need to, because this "investigation" didnt do anything.

What do you mean? Additional documents from present and past were provided and checked out. USOC should be ashamed if it was going with only a few posts by bloggers.

I still don't see why they should apologize. They didn't order the investigation.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:49 pm
by canoner
Guys, you are being ridiculous.

If no one can prove an axiom, then all the logic based on it is garbage? That is what you are saying here. The system is build on what is acceptable evidence and things go from there. If you want to challenge the system by questioning the foundation, the burden is on you to prove it wrong. You cannot simply say that "prove me wrong".

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:51 pm
by canoner
Rich Rane wrote:
canoner wrote:
5DOM wrote:i dont think USOC will apologize. they dont need to, because this "investigation" didnt do anything.

What do you mean? Additional documents from present and past were provided and checked out. USOC should be ashamed if it was going with only a few posts by bloggers.

I still don't see why they should apologize. They didn't order the investigation.

They participated in a witch hunt, and a smear campaign publicly.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:04 pm
by Rich Rane
canoner wrote:They participated in a witch hunt, and a smear campaign publicly.

So did every other media outlet covering the games. Not one Olympic Committee is going to apologize just to check if everyone's playing fair.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:05 pm
by dougthonus
They participated in a witch hunt, and a smear campaign publicly.

A witch hunt makes sense if there actually are witches.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 5:47 pm
by dacher
Rich Rane wrote:
canoner wrote:They participated in a witch hunt, and a smear campaign publicly.

So did every other media outlet covering the games. Not one Olympic Committee is going to apologize just to check if everyone's playing fair.

Only because of Bela Karolyi's crass public bellowing on national TV like some drunk little league parent stirring up media roaches and related vermin. Karolyi's are proxy of US gymnastics and US olympics program, and even USA. If he had issues it should have been taken care of behind closed doors. And it was, as it was already looked into in April who cleared the Chinese. If IOC had guts they'd sanction the Karolyi's or US gymnastics for unsportsman behavior, like they did the Swede wrestler.

I think our US gymnasts where embarrassed by the Karolyi display and the questions. They know what it takes to be excellent in their sport more than any of us.

Be careful what face we show and what we are we teaching the world. China is a quick learner and apt student.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:04 pm
by uweblab
Wow, maybe these girls are forced to lie about their age for the rest of their lives.
What a shame...

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:24 pm
by dougthonus
Only because of Bela Karolyi's crass public bellowing on national TV like some drunk little league parent stirring up media roaches and related vermin. Karolyi's are proxy of US gymnastics and US olympics program, and even USA. If he had issues it should have been taken care of behind closed doors. And it was, as it was already looked into in April who cleared the Chinese. If IOC had guts they'd sanction the Karolyi's or US gymnastics for unsportsman behavior, like they did the Swede wrestler.

Only because of that and you know the small mountain of evidence that implicates them. If the Karolyi's had said this and there wasn't all kinds of documentation supporting it that keeps disappearing then no one would have said anything past possibly fringe people.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:41 pm
by Bullsmaniac
From today's Chicago Tribune...

According to documents, most of which are from Chinese provincial gymnastics registration lists that had been available on the Internet, three gymnasts from the gold-medal Chinese team had ages listed as recently as last fall that indicated they were 13 or 14 and unable reach the age limit for Olympic participation, which is to turn 16 during the Olympic year. The three are He Kexin, Yang Yilin and Jiang Jujuan.

Many of those documents have been removed from public viewing.

Wang Wei of the Chinese Olympic committee maintained proper procedures had been followed.

Besides the registration lists that indicated He was born in 1994, there was an Associated Press report picked up by the Chinese Xinhua news service in which a Chinese federation official mentioned a 13-year-old He as a strong candidate for the 2012 Olympics.

Yet when the Chinese gymnastics federation turned in passports to the international federation, He was listed as 16. On the documents, Yang and Jiang also had varying birthdays. ... 9870.story

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 8:45 pm
by canoner
"documents"? The screenshots posted on blogs that nobody can verify the authenticity of the files, or who uploaded them.

I see that US media is filled with sore losers. Everyone is just feasting on rumors and quoting same source. Nobody is doing new work and providing new insight. That is the way of journalism nowadays: copy from other website.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:00 pm
by Posey H8er
canoner wrote:"documents"? The screenshots posted on blogs that nobody can verify the authenticity of the files, or who uploaded them.

I see that US media is filled with sore losers. Everyone is just feasting on rumors and quoting same source. Nobody is doing new work and providing new insight. That is the way of journalism nowadays: copy from other website.

Everyone can tell that the gymnasts are underage. The US media are not sore losers, they are questioning the ages because if the Chinese gymnasts are underage then they violated the rules. Thus they would be considered CHEATERS. It doesn't seem that anyone had a problem with Marian Jones getting her golds taken away for HGH. She was caught and the correct actions were taken.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2008 9:12 pm
by canoner
Posey H8er wrote:
canoner wrote:"documents"? The screenshots posted on blogs that nobody can verify the authenticity of the files, or who uploaded them.

I see that US media is filled with sore losers. Everyone is just feasting on rumors and quoting same source. Nobody is doing new work and providing new insight. That is the way of journalism nowadays: copy from other website.

Everyone can tell that the gymnasts are underage. The US media are not sore losers, they are questioning the ages because if the Chinese gymnasts are underage then they violated the rules. Thus they would be considered CHEATERS. It doesn't seem that anyone had a problem with Marian Jones getting her golds taken away for HGH. She was caught and the correct actions were taken.

Marion Jones was not caught. US T&F team successfully defended her. It was her own conscience that forced her to admit doping later on. US T&F team was caught covering up.

And everyone can be a sore loser by speculating, that doesn't make him not a sore loser.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:46 am
by dougthonus
And everyone can be a sore loser by speculating, that doesn't make him not a sore loser.

Most people get sore about losing to cheaters. Losing fairly doesn't upset people quite so much.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 1:56 am
by canoner
Here is another example of sore loser. NBC just used like 5 minutes of prime time to report that IOC ordered an investigation. That is hours after IOC came out with the latest update:

“We believe the matter will be put to rest and there’s no question ... on the eligibility,” Davies said. “The information we have received seems satisfactory in terms of the correct documentation — including birth certificates.”

Is that not a sore loser media catering the taste of sore loser audience? When media report news, pay some respect to the news itself.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:21 pm
by Bullsmaniac
Well I hope they find out the truth.

Canoner, if the situation was reversed and there's questions about the U.S. girls gymnastic team's age(s) and the US took the team gold and other gold medals away from the Chinese team, will you be also as adamant about calling the Chinese fans "sore losers"?

I have to wonder.

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:30 pm
by manun
So USA is competing to be the fattest, most uneducated modern country with the biggest cry babies ever? U say Marion Jones? She cheated and the whole american sport society tried to make her shut up but she came out by herself, imagine how many other cheaters there are out there in US that have no conscience of stripping another hard working athelete of their medal?
Also have china whined? Cant u freakin see china cheer for team america in basketball and we have yet to say or called anyone cheaters or gone to any commite and told them ey phelps must be on drugs?
Be honest can u compare someone taking drugs knowing that shes cheating while a young girl is hard working and doing it because she wants to win.
Stealin a toy by accident is a crime but murder knowing it is also a crime, now u say which one is the biggest crime?
Even the swedish news papers are calling americans losers..... that shows u how much influence USA is showing the world of being desperate when dollar and everything fell hard T_T

Re: IOC orders investigation into He Kexin's age

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2008 5:39 pm
by Posey H8er
Meh. Using performance enhancing drugs is cheating. So is violating the rules, and everyone (not just people in the United States) believe the Chinese gymnasts are underage. Thus, they did not win fairly under the Olympic rules. It's that simple.

These attacks against the American public here are pretty funny actually. Since nobody can defend these gymnasts legitimately all they turn to is insulting others.