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Two Rings or Less Draft : Round 1 - lilroddyb vs Square*

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 1:45 am
by Laimbeer
Here is a quick list of what you need in your writeup.

1. Specific years for each player on your team
2. Rotations and minutes for each player
3. Reasoning as to why your team will win and/or why people should vote for you.

Do not vote in this thread until both managers have submitted their writeups.

If writeups aren't posted within 24 hours, we will vote solely based on the players they have drafted (and any rotations they have posted on their roster page).

**First to 3 votes advances**

lilroddyb wrote:...

Square wrote:...

Re: Two Rings or Less Draft : Round 1 - lilroddyb vs Square

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 2:40 am
by Square
Team Square

G Jason Kidd '10: 10/6/9/2, 43% 3P% on 5 3PA/G, +4 BPM, 11th in All-D voting, All-Star
G/F Terance Mann '23: 14/5/4/1 per 36, 52/39/78 shooting, 62 TS%
G/F Tracy McGrady '03: 32/7/6, 46/39/79 shooting, +11 BPM (led league), All-NBA 1st, 4th in MVP
F Joe Ingles '16: 39% from three on 6 3PA/36, 10/4/3/2 per 36
F PJ Tucker '18: 6/6, 37% 3P%, (Playoffs: 9/7 with 2 3PM/G at 47 3P%), +6 on-off on a 65-win team
F Kevin Garnett '05: 22/14/6/2/1, +10 BPM (led league), All-D 1st, All-NBA 2nd
C Shaquille O'Neal '95: 29/11/3/3, 58 FG%, All-NBA 2nd, 2nd in MVP
C Marcin Gortat '09: 11/13/2 per 36, 57% FG%

Picks and FGA:
Round 1: Garnett (MIN, 16.6)
Round 2: Shaq (ORL, 20.2)
Round 3: McGrady (ORL, 24.2)
Round 4: Kidd (DAL, 8.4)
Round 5: Tucker (HOU, 5.4)
Round 6: Mann (LAC, 6.5)
Round 7: Ingles (UTA, 3.6)
Round 8: Gortat (ORL, 3.0)
Total FGA: 87.9

G Kidd 36 / Mann 12
G McGrady 40 / Mann 8
F Tucker 26 / Ingles 16 / Mann 6
F Garnett 40 / Tucker 8
C Shaq 40 / Gortat 8

About Team Square:
It starts with the Big 3: an elite perimeter #1 who handles and shoots, a dominant interior #1, and one of the greatest defenders of all time who also happens to be a perfect offensive complement. All three are MVP-level and fit perfectly together.

Getting Kidd as the 4th piece was crucial for me. This season in Dallas, he was an all-star and led a 55-win Mavs team in BPM and DBPM. As always, he was a great defender across multiple positions and one of the most creative passers of all time. He had also fixed his jumper by this point and was a high-level three point shooter (43% on over 5 attempts a game).

Our complementary wings – Tucker, Mann, Ingles – bring tough defense and outside shooting, with Mann also proving some north-south dynamism and playmaking off the bench.

Overall, I really want to highlight our rebounding and physicality. Shaq is one of the great offensive rebounders and physical presences of all time. KG is one of the great defensive rebounders and shut-down defenders of all time. Kidd is one of the greatest rebounding guards ever. TMac is huge at 6’9” playing the 2, and Tucker is a brick wall who gets big clutch rebounds every year deep into the playoffs. We’re going to have a massive physical edge on the floor and especially on the glass every night.

Offensively, this team is tough to stop because of the combination of interior dominance, outside shooting (5 players over 37 3P%), and playmaking. The TMac/KG two-man game is not switchable because KG punishes smalls. It’s not trappable, because KG in space is too dangerous in the mid-range, getting to the rim, or throwing lobs to Shaq. You can’t play it straight up because TMac cooks you. You can’t send a third defender off a shooter or off Shaq, because that’s an instant open three or alley-oop. Not a lot to do there.

There’s also no good way to bottle up Shaq here, because between TMac, Kidd, KG, Mann, and Ingles, we have creative passers all over the floor. We can always swing the ball until we find an easy entry pass, a crack behind a fronting defender, or the right angle for the lob.

Defensively, KG probably offers the greatest ever combination of switchability and rim protection. He never got to play with an athletic force like young Shaq at the 5, who makes things even easier on him. Between Tucker, Kidd, and Mann, we also have good options to make life difficult on perimeter players of any size.

vs. lilroddyb:
Roddy has a nice team, but I think we match up well.

One main advantage I see is that I think our offense is just more explosive. Roddy has no offensive talent on the level of either Shaq or TMac to create easy shots. George, Roy, and Porter are all fine offensive players, but not really lead playmakers or offensive centerpieces of the same caliber. This puts a lot of pressure on his bigs to generate offense, when they are both going against (in some sense) superior versions of themselves on my squad.

So I’m not worried about playing through our Big 3 as usual on offense. We can also attack a weaker defender in Roy by putting him in screening actions with TMac (even when he’s not the primary defender), whereas we don’t have the same problem on the other end.

On the defensive end, we have pretty straightforward matchups. Shaq on Dwight pretty much neutralizes most of Dwight’s offensive package, by putting someone both bigger and more athletic on him. KG on AD is probably the best defender ever to snuff out the screen and dive game that was young AD’s bread and butter; the facts that Dwight/Chandler crowds the paint and roddy has no elite pnr ball-handler both help us with that. Tucker on George makes life tough for Paul. Kidd on Roy and TMac on Porter are both fine matchups for us.

On a more reductive level, your mileage may vary, but I do kind of think it’s arguable that we have the three best players in the series, which is something a team can rarely say in these games. Anyway, take it away roddy, and good luck.

Re: Two Rings or Less Draft : Round 1 - lilroddyb vs Square

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:28 pm
by lilroddyb
C: Dwight Howard 38 min / Tyson Chandler 10 min
Pf: Anthony Davis 38 min / Thabo Sefolosha 10 min
Sf: Paul George 38 min / Thabo Sefolosha 10 min
Sg: Brandon Roy 38 min / Tyus Jones 10 min
Pg: Terry Porter 38 min / Tyus Jones 10 min

2015 Anthony Davis 17.6
2014 Paul George 17
2010 Dwight Howard 10.2
1991 Terry Porter 11.7
2012 Thabo Sefolosha 3.7
2009 Brandon Roy 16.9
2011 Tyson Chandler 5.5
2018 Tyus Jones 4


I think the fit is really good overall with great offball players in AD, George and to a certain extend Dwight. Terry Porter worked well with another ball dominant wing player so I think he could do fine with Brandon Roy. Brandon Roy in the chosen season anchored one of the best offenses at the time and with way better offball players I think the offense should be elite still.

defensive matchup

Dwight/ Tyson Chandler on Shaq
AD on KG
Paul George on TMac
Brandon Roy on Tucker
Terry Porter on Kidd


Square has the strongest trio in the tournament and great fit around his trio. No weakness so to speak. My team fits great as well imo but I think my team is more talented overall despite the awesome trio. Peak Terry Porter is better than Older Kidd and Brandon Roy is way better than Tucker

Best of luck Square big fan of your team

Re: Two Rings or Less Draft : Round 1 - lilroddyb vs Square

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:03 pm
by Laimbeer
Yeah, I'm not seeing the firepower for roddy to keep up. He has an advantage further down the lineup but that doesn't bridge the advantage of this big three.

Vote - Square

Re: Two Rings or Less Draft : Round 1 - lilroddyb vs Square

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:11 pm
by uberhikari
McGrady, KG, and Shaq are an insane trio but this is probably Square's worst possible matchup. Dwight has the strength and athleticism to guard young Shaq. On this team, KG is the 3rd option on offense and AD has the perfect physical tools to stymie him. Similarly, PG13 is a great defensive matchup for McGrady. That just leaves the complementary pieces, and PJ Tucker and older Kidd is stretching it against peak Terry Porter and Brandon Roy. lilroddyb just has the more balanced team, especially on offense. Vote: lilroddyb

Re: Two Rings or Less Draft : Round 1 - lilroddyb vs Square

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:28 pm
by Dr Positivity
Too much talent for Square for roddy or probably anyone to compete with here and the depth advantage is pretty marginal, and Davis downgrade hurts.

Vote Square

Re: Two Rings or Less Draft : Round 1 - lilroddyb vs Square

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:32 pm
by flaco
Agreed with Laimbeer and Dr P that Square has a decisive advantage in terms of talent. It's not just the big 3. Kidd is an all-time great in his own right. He was past his athletic prime in 2010, but he had developed a reliable 3pt shot, hence he was better suited in a supportive role. Needless to say, he was still an amazing facilitator. Shaq would thrive feeding off Kidd's entry passes. I'd argue Square also has a slight advantage in terms of fit cause Dwight/AD clog the paint for each other. Neither KG nor 2015 AD has 3pt range, but I consider KG a better mid-range shooter.

Vote: Square

Re: Two Rings or Less Draft : Round 1 - lilroddyb vs Square

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:33 pm
by Snakebites
I actually think Roddy has a great front court that can challenge but not exceed Square. The depth advantage isn’t huge but Roddy has a sizable advantage on the perimeter. Don’t love PJ Tucker as a starter at the 3 here.

Vote Roddy

Re: Two Rings or Less Draft : Round 1 - lilroddyb vs Square

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2024 12:53 am
by Laimbeer
Square advances.