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Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:13 pm
by nate33
These numbers are astounding:

When Nene is on the floor, the Wizards outscore their opponents 106.0 to 99.1 per 48 minutes. They are winning games by an average of 7.

When Nene is off the floor, the Wizards are being outscored 106.2 to 91.6! No, that wasn't a misprint. They lose by 15 points per game without Nene on the court!

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:55 pm
by TheKingOfVa360
nate33 wrote:These numbers are astounding:

When Nene is on the floor, the Wizards outscore their opponents 106.0 to 99.1 per 48 minutes. They are winning games by an average of 7.

When Nene is off the floor, the Wizards are being outscored 106.2 to 91.6! No, that wasn't a misprint. They lose by 15 points per game without Nene on the court!

That is amazing! Nene has every right to complain, he didn't sign up for this crap. EG has constructed the worst roster in the NBA by a good margin. He needs to be fired right now, that would be the best Christmas gift ever. How does this bone head continue to get a pass? When we had the big 3 he was never able to put the correct supporting cast around them so we could make a run to the Eastern Conference Finals. Then when he destroyed the big 3 he got zero building block pieces in return for Arenas, Jamison, or Butler. Now he has did nothing to lay the foundation around John Wall.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:59 pm
by hands11
nate33 wrote:These numbers are astounding:

When Nene is on the floor, the Wizards outscore their opponents 106.0 to 99.1 per 48 minutes. They are winning games by an average of 7.

When Nene is off the floor, the Wizards are being outscored 106.2 to 91.6! No, that wasn't a misprint. They lose by 15 points per game without Nene on the court!

When the other options at PF are Kevin S ( inconsistent as hell), Singleton ( inconsistent and undersized), and Vesely ( not a scorer ), are you really that surprised when you compare them to Nene who is a really good PF ?

They have 1 stud front court player. It is Nene. Then you have two young players who are still learning and an old vet in Okafor who is just ok. Some games he brings it if the match ups work. Most he doesn't. Okafor a role player. Nothing like a Nene. Kevin S is the player that can help the most. He needs to get it going again. He need to rebound, get some fouls and get back to his post game. Less outside shooting. Nene needs scoring help in the post. Ves and Okafor are compliment role players. Kevin is the one that has the scoring upside impact potential. But he needs a more rounded game to have the most impact.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:20 pm
by LyricalRico
TheKingOfVa360 wrote:Now he has did nothing to lay the foundation around John Wall.

He traded for Nene. :D

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 7:56 pm
by nate33
hands11 wrote:
nate33 wrote:These numbers are astounding:

When Nene is on the floor, the Wizards outscore their opponents 106.0 to 99.1 per 48 minutes. They are winning games by an average of 7.

When Nene is off the floor, the Wizards are being outscored 106.2 to 91.6! No, that wasn't a misprint. They lose by 15 points per game without Nene on the court!

When the other options at PF are Kevin S ( inconsistent as hell), Singleton ( inconsistent and undersized), and Vesely ( not a scorer ), are you really that surprised when you compare them to Nene who is a really good PF ?

They have 1 stud front court player. It is Nene. Then you have two young players who are still learning and an old vet in Okafor who is just ok. Some games he brings it if the match ups work. Most he doesn't. Okafor a role player. Nothing like a Nene. Kevin S is the player that can help the most. He needs to get it going again. He need to rebound, get some fouls and get back to his post game. Less outside shooting. Nene needs scoring help in the post. Ves and Okafor are compliment role players. Kevin is the one that has the scoring upside impact potential. But he needs a more rounded game to have the most impact.

Yes. I am surprised at how incredibly sucky the rest of the team is. Nene is single-handedly carrying them. The rest of the team is AWFUL!

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 8:56 pm
by The Consiglieri
FAH1223 wrote:

Here's the link from David Aldridge's column.


Jamison said the same thing Nene is saying now. This further shows that the player development department here SUCKS, Grunfeld is horrible, and this organization needs to clean the culture at the top. They've changed the roster so much in 3 seasons.

This is definitively a management thing because every player we drafted, we drafted in part for mental make up after the "dumb, dumber, dumbest" fiasco circa '05-'08. If the problem is cropping up again w/players like Beal, Singleton, Seraphin, Booker etc, all great character guys, that's because the F.O. is reinforcing a club med/don't worry about it mentality. The players didn't get here with that attitude, if they had it, management developed it, massaged it, and instilled it formally over time.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:03 pm
by The Consiglieri
closg00 wrote:Every time I think things could not possibly get worse, it does. Guys, things must be much much worse than we imagine behind the scenes. This is beyond depressing.

It's great to me, nothing more likely to put a shock into the inertia-ridden mind of Ted than to casually mention that not only does the team suck big time, but it also is ridden through with ill chemistry and a lack of accountability. You know, kinda like how EG can destroy the team twice, and still hang onto a job while numerous coaches are fired, and players are traded for pennies on the dollar.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:19 pm
by hands11
The Consiglieri wrote:
FAH1223 wrote:

Here's the link from David Aldridge's column.


Jamison said the same thing Nene is saying now. This further shows that the player development department here SUCKS, Grunfeld is horrible, and this organization needs to clean the culture at the top. They've changed the roster so much in 3 seasons.

This is definitively a management thing because every player we drafted, we drafted in part for mental make up after the "dumb, dumber, dumbest" fiasco circa '05-'08. If the problem is cropping up again w/players like Beal, Singleton, Seraphin, Booker etc, all great character guys, that's because the F.O. is reinforcing a club med/don't worry about it mentality. The players didn't get here with that attitude, if they had it, management developed it, massaged it, and instilled it formally over time.

Right. They sent a memo.

It is possible this is a lot of over reacting to Nene blowing off some steam. I have watched many interview of the players.. Nene included.. and they to a man seem unified. Only player that seemed outside the fold to me where Livingston and maybe Okafor. Neither seems to fit in and Okafor strikes me as the type that will never fit in anywhere. Seems like this is just a job to him. He doesn't seem like a baller. The guy is to in his head and not enough in his heart. I could see him saying something stupid.

Webster has totally bought in. Crawford seems always focused on what they need to do next and moving forward. Never say die attitude. Kevin is just a kid who seems like he is trying to learn. Nene has been on board all except that one interview. Ves isn't rocking any boats. Trevor A is the quiet type. Beal is a good egg and a;ways tries and learn from his mistakes. Martin is also a quiet type. Singleton seems like he could get disgruntled but he is another quiet type. Some with Booker.

Wall and Nene need to lead this team. Healthy or not they are the leaders. Webster is a 2nd lt. They should use him to help the younger players. I just don't see any cancer on this team. I have no idea what that source was referring to. Again. Only Okafor and Livingston seem out of place but I see neither as a cancer. They may have undermined some stuff but not a cancer. They aren't leading anyone.

Its mostly a melo group. If anything, they need a little fire. I'm glad Nene opened his mouth. Wall, Nene and Webster are the other three that have stronger outgoing personalities.

To me, this falls on Randy. If he has gotten together with Wall and Nene and gotten on the same page with them about how they are all going to work together to lead this team, then he has totally failed. And clearly he has given what Nene is saying. Webster seems to be more in tune with Randy then Nene does. How is that ?

Actually, the timing of Nene saying this stuff is terrible. He got his first start and played like ass missing bunny shots and turning the ball over. Maybe that was actually part of the problem. He is frustrated with his injury and the pain but he is still trying and he sees playing like maybe Ves not working on his game enough.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Ves wasn't the target of his shoot. I could see Ves not feeling overly pressed thinking, no biggy. I am a hero back home. I can always go play there again. F these these guy sitting me on the bench all those games. I could see that.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:31 pm
by Chocolate City Jordanaire
nate33 wrote:These numbers are astounding:

When Nene is on the floor, the Wizards outscore their opponents 106.0 to 99.1 per 48 minutes. They are winning games by an average of 7.

When Nene is off the floor, the Wizards are being outscored 106.2 to 91.6! No, that wasn't a misprint. They lose by 15 points per game without Nene on the court!

The focus should be maximizing the minutes Nene plays. The more he's on the court the better.

How can he become as healthy or, how can he stay on that court even if he's hurting? Washington is good when Nene is on the court and that would make the first trade (McGee for Nene) a great one -- WHEN NENE PLAYS.

I see the glass half full. At least they are good when he's on the court.

FINALLY, if playing is jeopardizing Nene's career, then before shutting him down let us make sure he knows how good the team is with him on the court. Tank and get him healed.

If the Wizards shut Nene down and get his feet right, they could end up like the Spurs the year after David Robinson was hurt. They got Duncan in the draft. Losing right now could be a BLESSING next season. Nene needs to become a positive role model, the man of faith that he professes, and to see that sometimes you take a step back to move forward.

Is Wall a young guy that Nene likes and respects? Are they both on the same page? If they both are the future they both need to be of the same accord.

How can he be on the court more consistently?

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 9:37 pm
by Chocolate City Jordanaire
hands11 wrote:Wall and Nene need to lead this team. Healthy or not they are the leaders. Webster is a 2nd lt. They should use him to help the younger players. I just don't see any cancer on this team. I have no idea what that source was referring to. Again. Only Okafor and Livingston seem out of place but I see neither as a cancer. They may have undermined some stuff but not a cancer. They aren't leading anyone.

Its mostly a melo group. If anything, they need a little fire. I'm glad Nene opened his mouth. Wall, Nene and Webster are the other three that have stronger outgoing personalities.


Despite how I reacted and even if I directed some stuff right at Nene, I'm glad he sounded off and I'm not mad at him. He feels the way he feels. Move forward from there.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:00 pm
by hands11
Chocolate City Jordanaire wrote:
hands11 wrote:Wall and Nene need to lead this team. Healthy or not they are the leaders. Webster is a 2nd lt. They should use him to help the younger players. I just don't see any cancer on this team. I have no idea what that source was referring to. Again. Only Okafor and Livingston seem out of place but I see neither as a cancer. They may have undermined some stuff but not a cancer. They aren't leading anyone.

Its mostly a melo group. If anything, they need a little fire. I'm glad Nene opened his mouth. Wall, Nene and Webster are the other three that have stronger outgoing personalities.


Despite how I reacted and even if I directed some stuff right at Nene, I'm glad he sounded off and I'm not mad at him. He feels the way he feels. Move forward from there.

They simply can not go on a full blown tank with Nene playing. He is going to get to pissed off. If they are committed to tanking, they need to rest Nene next game. They have a big tank date with Cleveland coming up. He is not going to be happy if they lose that with him on the court.

They might need to sit him out for that game for actions detrimental to the teams future. The guy wants to win to badly. They can let him come back to battle against the likes of Miami, Indy, and Brooklyn where he can at least except losing to a better team.

If we want in on one of the bigs this next draft, we have to be careful. Charlotte, NO, and Cleveland are truly terrible so far.

Cleveland - Mop head is getting ready to return so hopefully they start winning more.
Charlotte - They are just truly bad. They don't have the injury excuse we do.
NO - Another truly horrible team. They have Davis back and they still suck. Hey U Roger. Eric Gordon looking to start his part time career again soon. Maybe they can win a few with him.

Once we get past this Cleveland game, we should have some room to start winning some games. But they need to store up the loses early in the year because they will start getting more healthy soon.

Its not easy tanking in this league with the likes of Cleveland, Charlotte and NO around.

I don't think the Wizards planned on tanking this bad when the year started but once Nene was not ready and Wall was pushed back, and all the other injuries happened, I think Ted gave into the tank. Why not get one more nice asset on the cheap before making the final push.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:14 pm
by The Consiglieri
Nivek wrote:I'd trade him, no problem. I didn't like it when they traded for him -- thought he was the wrong guy to bring in for a rebuild considering age, contract, overall production and health. I'm not saying "you're rich, suck it up" -- I'm pointing out the hypocrisy of his criticism.

I think the best thing for the team would be to trade him. They shouldn't have brought him to DC in the first place.

Agreed and i said as much during last march. Washington D.C. teams just seem allergic to reality beyond the Caps and the Shannyskins.

When the Caps imploded after the Jagr signing they sold off all assets, never traded for veterans to artificially pump up the W-L record, and stunk out loud from basically '03-'07. Along the way they got Ovy, Backs, and Alzner with their top draft picks, and numerous steals in the late first and early 2nd round once they were competitive.

When Shanny arrived I am positive he told snyder, "hands off, don't touch anything, Im gonna get a stop gap vet QB, so I can evaluate the playmakers we do have, and figure out who can stay and who can't, while I gut the team and build a team with chemistry work ethics, and intelligence". He botched the vet QB acquisition (and said as much at the time, I freaking hated the McNabb deal, and pointed to his decline from '05-'08 as evidence that he was falling apart due to being an athletic QB who took too many hits, his value artificially went up when the eagles FO finally landed him the playmakers he needed but years too late (McCoy, Jackson, Celek, and Maclin), and so his stats perked up briefly, before the roof caved in when we landed him at age 32ish or 33 and by then we had neither the playmakers to camouflage his decline, nor the QB the eagles had in his prime), but he stuck with his plan, gutting the team of all cancers, picking up a handful of picks for Jason Campbell, McNabb, and Haynesworth, and slowly acquiring Shanny players. With his top picks, much like GMGM, he nailed it, first silverback, passing on a costly trade up for Bradford, passing on QB's he gave bad grades (Gabbert, and Ponder), and landing Kerrigan as the defensive piece, and this year RG3.

Both GMGM, and Shanny were genius, committing to blowing it up properly, sticking with the strategy for the long term good of the franchise, and getting ownership backing to do so. Unfortunately in DC, EG pulled the wool over Ted's, eyes, or they're just both idiots, while GMGM isn't. Not sure the scenario but EG's moves have consistently built built around chronic short cuts to inflate the W-L record and disguise the rot at the core of the franchise, whether it was stupid resignings, horrible trades, or horrible draft day decisions, he managed the triple crown of incompetent management, failing to address reality with smart fiscal and long term decisions (vet resignings and '09 draft trade), horrible draft day decisionmaking (obsessing with Vesely when elite difference makers were available in a trade up '11), and horrendous rebuild trades, a speciality of Norv in DC, in which the incompetent GM makes trades to disguise his own ineptitude by artificially improving the record with vets (Nene, Okariza acquisitions).

He litteraly covered every base of incompetent general management from 2009-2012. That's how screwed this team was. Stupid signings (Antawn, DBrick, Arenas and his one knee), stupid picks (Vesely, Singleton over Faried, 'Satoransky), stupid trades to artificially inflate W-L record for antzy owner-'09 Rubio and Curry aren't any good compared to Mike Miller deal, then because once wasn't enough, the Nene deal, and just in case the homers didn't notice, the grand mal stupidity of the Okariza trade.

GM's would usually get fired for one of those trades, EG did three of them in 3 years, 3 horrible contracts, and multiple horrible picks AND HE'S STILL HERE?!?!?!?!

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:19 pm
by The Consiglieri
Chocolate City Jordanaire wrote:
Nivek wrote:Maybe I'm just hard-hearted, but I can't generate that much sympathy for Nene. He's getting $13 million this season -- and he'll get it for 3 more years after this one. And, he can grouse about his teammates all he wants, but he was the guy who played in the Olympics despite plantar fasciitis -- a decision that affected his ability to be ready for the season. His decision not to rest over the summer is a reason his foot is still "sore," which is why he's on a minutes limit, which is one of the reasons the team is as bad as it is.

So...too bad. He's as culpable for the team's bad record as the teammates he's ripping.

You're nice, Nivek. I try my best and pray and do all the church I can but the only thing I can think of as that dude needs to STFU.

Nene is rich. Nene is a very good to great player. I wish he would accept that he is hurt and that is part of the problem. Wall is hurt. Some of the veterans playing are not as good as the young guys who are not playing. Some of the young guys may be just as unprofessional and unconcerned as he thinks, but calling them out is to be holier than thou. EVERYBODY is part of the problem.

I can't stand Nene right now.

AFM, I feel you. I am sure he would rather be sipping the coffee and watching the zoomies fly T-38s or whatever the AF Academy trains on in Colorado Springs. There are some picturesque mountains, hiking trails, etc. Nice place. Much better situation than what EG and Ted goat roped him into.

What makes this owner think somebody wants to be traded to the Wizards if he admitted he thought nobody wants to play for him? Nene has been a real good soldier until those comments. Maybe the two straight losses to Detroit took him over the edge. I can understand him thinking young guys should be disgusted losing the way they've been losing.

Still, AFM, I'm totally with Nivek. I am not feeling Nene's pain. (No pun intended.) If he has nothing good to say for a while he should not say much of anything. (I loved Eddie Jordan post game interviews after a loss. Also, EG is really good for never admitting negativity or failure on his part). I believe he grew up poor and I truly believe he is a man of faith. Nene needs to sleep in his car one night just to remember what it is like to be without. Him complaining is worse to me than anything Andray Blatche said or did.

In fairness to Nene, and people need to remember this, who after fielding offers, signs with the local team, perhaps out of some sense of loyalty and comradeship and money (of course), expects to be kicked to the curb in a deal to a rat hole a few months later? Move your family, leave your friends, and go to a dumpster fire. This is why players should demand no trade clauses always. Just look at the scheming, evil crook Jeffrey Loria, who sold his marlins and the city of Miami a pile of b.s., stole their money, and then kicked everybody in the nuts for good measure. He's the same guy partially responsible for handing over to us a completely depleted pile of crap nats team in '05. It was his ownership of the expos that finished once and for all gutting the team for cash money, and then fled to steal money from miami, and wreck their franchise.

I tend to side w/the players because in the end, the design of the sport demands absolute loyalty of the players, by the fans, and yet ownership is backed when they have loyalty neither to the fans, nor the players, and fans always seem to focus their wrath on the players, rather than the same root cause of the problem. A team that is perpetually bad isn't bad because of the players. We all should know that having been fans of Jim Bowden's Nats, Synder's redskins, and Pollin, and Ted's Boulez/Wiz.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 10:48 pm
by Dat2U
nate33 wrote:These numbers are astounding:

When Nene is on the floor, the Wizards outscore their opponents 106.0 to 99.1 per 48 minutes. They are winning games by an average of 7.

When Nene is off the floor, the Wizards are being outscored 106.2 to 91.6! No, that wasn't a misprint. They lose by 15 points per game without Nene on the court!


In the immortal words of hands11, "DAME!!!"

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 11:33 pm
by hands11
Dat2U wrote:
nate33 wrote:These numbers are astounding:

When Nene is on the floor, the Wizards outscore their opponents 106.0 to 99.1 per 48 minutes. They are winning games by an average of 7.

When Nene is off the floor, the Wizards are being outscored 106.2 to 91.6! No, that wasn't a misprint. They lose by 15 points per game without Nene on the court!


In the immortal words of hands11, "DAMN!!!"

So if that is the case, who would Nene be most frustrated by ? I would think it would be other front court players that are not pulling their weight when he is not on the floor.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:14 am
by gambitx777
how could he not be pissed. you know i just keep thinking back, what if. what if we had just drafted better. we could have a very nice team right now. maybe we should trade NENE, just start over. BUT if we do that, before we do that we need to clean out the front office and start over there.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:21 am
by MikeTheKid
gambitx777 wrote:how could he not be pissed. you know i just keep thinking back, what if. what if we had just drafted better. we could have a very nice team right now. maybe we should trade NENE, just start over. BUT if we do that, before we do that we need to clean out the front office and start over there.

Honestly nothing should be done until the toxic that is the FO is completely Lysol free of EG and his band of circus clowns Milt Newman and Tommy Sheppard. I'd give Nene a few more games than shut him down and rest him.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 5:46 am
by hands11
Ted will clearly be evaluating this option once the season ends. He only gave EG a two year deal. Eating one of the two years wouldn't be the end of the world.

Those thinking he will do it before the end of the session are fooling themselves. I suggest either sitting back and watching this play out or just toon out until the season is over and go watch the competent team or teams of your choice. We will still be here when you get back. :wink:

Next up is getting to watching Mack 2.0 Should be fun to see how much swag he added. Mostly I think it will come in the form of a more confident outside shot which the team really needs from its back up PG.

While this isn't a block buster move, I think it will bear some fruit for this team because they haven't had two competent PG at the same time all year. And Mack now that he refined him game in the DL could give them that. That should also allow them to play Crawford a few less minutes so he isn't dragging on back to backs.

Time for Kevin to get back in grove. I can deal with the loses but I'm looking forward to them playing more competitive ball and watching some of these younger players show improvement.

Wow, just saw Cleveland picked up Livingston. Good luck with that.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:22 pm
hands11 wrote:Ted will clearly be evaluating this option once the season ends. He only gave EG a two year deal. Eating one of the two years wouldn't be the end of the world.

Those thinking he will do it before the end of the session are fooling themselves. I suggest either sitting back and watching this play out or just toon out until the season is over and go watch the competent team or teams of your choice. We will still be here when you get back. :wink:

Next up is getting to watching Mack 2.0 Should be fun to see how much swag he added. Mostly I think it will come in the form of a more confident outside shot which the team really needs from its back up PG.

While this isn't a block buster move, I think it will bear some fruit for this team because they haven't had two competent PG at the same time all year. Add Mack now that he refined him game in the DL could give them that. That should also allow them to play Crawford a few less minutes so he isn't dragging on back to backs.

Time for Kevin to get back in grove. I can deal with the loses but I'm looking forward to them playing more competitive ball and watching some of these younger players show improvement.

Wow, just saw Cleveland picked up Livingston. Good luck with that.

You let Grunfeld pull off one more lopsided trade for the Wizards and then drop the axe at season's end. That's the way I think it should be done.

You don't know if Mack's refined anything, can only hope. Mack's biggest strength as I always saw it was his ability to slow the game down and play under control. I thought he was the perfect complement to Wall's fast-paced play that would result in turnovers many times in the past. His D-League scoring stats look more like what he produced at Butler, let's hope it carries over when he faces the big boys the second time around.

Re: Nene - coming?

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:43 pm
by Dark Faze
This is why we suck.

Why in the world would you keep Ernie another second? The potential for him to waste another terrible season for us on a bust is simply not even within the realm of possibility, or at least shouldn't be for this team.

And if he's not going to do that (which he shouldn't), then you need to understand that successful teams don't make decisions a week before the draft, but for the entire season. Our GM will need to evaluate our needs, make moves and evaluate what our draft board is going to look like in June. If you bring him in with just a month to go, then he won't be making a well informed decision unless the #1 overall falls into our laps.

**** you Leonsis.