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Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 10:25 pm
by DaRealHibachi
Gil not playing...??? Any reason...???

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 10:35 pm
by xJUICEx25
anyone know if Nick is playing...i saw him take a spill last game

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 10:37 pm
by DaRealHibachi
Nicky will be playing...

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 10:41 pm
by hands11
LyricalRico wrote:
closg00 wrote:We are overdue for a beat-down at the hands of the Cavs, so that's what I'm expecting. The X-factor here is Gilbert, does he play and if-so, he's due for a hot shooting night.

Not sure how we can be due for "hot shooting" from Gil AND a "beat-down" from CLE (which I assume means double figure loss) in the same game. It's going to be one or the other and I'm picking Gil. I think he goes for 30+ and the Wiz shock the Cavs in their own building.

I think this team is anxious to prove that EG didn't make a mistake by keeping them together. And if they can win tonight, I might get excited enough to start believing that myself.

I agree. We have a ton to play for. This is our two game playoff series. We are 1-0 and heading back to Cleveland. And like you said, it goes to avenging EGs decisions of resigning AJ and Gil.

We also get to see if our players will man up in a tough environment. A win tonight not only have a lot of ramification for the Cavs this year but it does a lot for our future.

We get to see how far the young guns have come and how they can contribute with Haywood, AJ, CB and Gil on the floor.

Gil wants revenge for The Queen FT classless move and for the crap he even pulled last game by getting them to call a time out while Gil was at the line because his nibble thumb was bleeding.

We get to help bump LeQueen and Crabilier who bumped up with that crap refs stuff in their back pockets. Lets not forget DSong getting ejected and suspended for a game when we played them so tough short handed that the refs had to call it for them.

A win tonight would have a huge affect on their confidence heading into the playoffs and would put us back in the press. Instead of the story being just about LaQueen for MVP and the Cavs winning it all, the story will be about ... how good we would have been if healthy. LaQueen may even loose a couple of MVP votes over this.

We need to crush these fools.

We have everything to play for and they have everything to loose.

Lets not forget. Z is Haywood's bitch. CB is a different player when he has other starters out there with him. We just need Gil to keep up his 10 assist game and hopefully he find his 3 ball.

One game to erase the pain.
One game to put LeBron to shame


Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 10:53 pm
by hands11
miller31time wrote:
MJG wrote:It's simple: assume Arenas isn't playing until you see him on the court. I mean, why do people continue to expect him to play in game X or Y?

Because he explicitly said he would.

If he doesn't play, I'm going to have to start rethinking if he has matured at all.

This is the crap that I hated about Gil and why I wanted to trade him before. I really was banking on this crap being behind us. Even if he does play tonight, it's still not a good sign. Makes me sick. Come on Gil. Just communicated clearly what your going to do. Fans have a right to know when they dish out the money that pays for your contract.

Who would want to coach a star player that is such a flake?

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 10:53 pm
by DaRealHibachi
Yo hands... Gil aint playing...

Edit: Guess you already found out lol...

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 10:59 pm
by hands11
Is there a chat room for this one ?

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 11:06 pm
by FreeBalling
quote="Manny Phresh"]
DaRealHibachi wrote:Dude, we´re reacting to what you guys are saying on yall forum... Like pushin people down an escalator and stuff...

Hmmmm... I wonder why we would start a flame war with you guys... I have no clue...

Manny I like your persistence, did it ever cross your mind that our MODS are way cooler than on the Cavs site.

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 11:16 pm
by DaRealHibachi
Guys where´s the chat????

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 11:18 pm
by hands11

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 11:19 pm
by DaRealHibachi

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 11:23 pm
by closg00
Gotta love the Sideshow vs D-Mac mismatch that Tap is giving the Cavs

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 11:26 pm
by MOrgil
OMG... every call is going against the Wiz this time

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 11:35 pm
by yungal07
that beeyatch lebron is on the ground again like the pansy that he is...

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Wed Apr 8, 2009 11:38 pm
by MOrgil
Jamison should have broken LaQueen's nose =)

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2009 12:06 am
by CaPtaiN eYeSaNo
MOrgil wrote:Jamison should have broken LaQueen's nose =)

but then stern wouldn't let us win the lottery for sure... :lol:

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2009 12:07 am
by DaRealHibachi
We aint gettin sh*t done today... I smell a blowout...

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2009 12:53 am
by fishercob
I'm a little surprised at all the righteous indignation over Gil 's sitting tonight, and these faux-bold pronouncements about him breaking down and the like. People, if we've learned anything -- anything -- about Gil over the years, it's to take basically everything he says with a grain of salt. Mike Lee reminded us of as much in a post on Insider this afternoon.

Yes, Gil originally said he was playing in Cleveland in Boston. Did Ernie say that? Did Tap? No. They've seen what they need to see to show them Gil's going to be the old Gil -- or at least a very very good player -- when he's back in game shape next year. They've said they want him playing at home for the fans that have endured this year. Yeah it would have been nice to have beaten the Cavs, but we got 'em last week and pissed them and their fans off plenty.

So relax, go watch some Gil highlights on the youtubes and plan some sacrifices to the basketball gods to get us Blake Griffin.

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2009 1:02 am
by mg
No actually Cavs fans aren't pissed off. By the looks of this thread the Wiz fans are the angry ones.

Re: 4/8: A parting shot -- Wiz @ mistake by the lake

Posted: Thu Apr 9, 2009 1:22 am
by nate33
I can't get a game feed. I'm curious. Jamison has only 7 points. More surprisingly, he has only taken 4 shots. Is it because of Joe Smith, the "Jamison Stopper"?