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Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:59 am
by willbcocks
Dat2U wrote:It's understandable to why Gil decided to plead. His back was up against the wall and if he didn't plead, he could potentially be looking at a long, drawn out legal process and up to 20 years in jail.

By pleading, he gets a quick resolution, apparently avoids jail time and is able to resume his career once his suspension is over.

But pleading to a felony does crack the door open slightly to the Wizards pursuing to void his deal. I don't know if they have much of a leg to stand on with just a possession charge and no real jail time since the bar for voiding a deal is set very high.

Gil no matter how crazy we think he is, is not going to give up $80 million. He may not want to play for the Wizards and would like to get traded, but that's not happening right now. So its going to be incredibly interesting to see how this plays out.

If it's not voided, I wonder how much money Gil would accept to be released?

It would be in the wiz's interest to settle this year so they get under the lux tax, and it would be in gil's interest as well if he's not suspended for the whole year.

How do buyouts work capwise? Does it all count immediately or is it spread out? Let's say they bought him out for 30 million--would that be averaged across the remaining years and create a similar cap-hold?

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:18 am
by eltacoman
wow if we clear up 16 mil in cap we got to trade Wood Miller James Foye Fab and take on some contracts for lotto picks


GIlbert good luck with Lebron & Wade in NEW YORK

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:27 am
by Diop
Arena's is contracted to play basketball, but due to his illegal behaviour he was suspended indefinately by Stern and the NBA, and is unable to fulfill that contract.

Any other contractor I know would have their contracts voided there and then as you cannot meet your side of the agreement.

It seems ludicrous to me that a business could end up having to pay such a massive amount to a person who can't complete his part of the contract because of his own behaviour. When you invest such a large amount of money into a resource, you expect better than to have it wasted like this. Injuries are a calculated risk that can always happen and are hard to prevent, you can accept that, but this type of foolishness cannot be excepted.

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:37 am
by He Hate Me
^ Was Artest voided?

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:50 am
by Dat2U
willbcocks wrote:If it's not voided, I wonder how much money Gil would accept to be released?

It would be in the wiz's interest to settle this year so they get under the lux tax, and it would be in gil's interest as well if he's not suspended for the whole year.

How do buyouts work capwise? Does it all count immediately or is it spread out? Let's say they bought him out for 30 million--would that be averaged across the remaining years and create a similar cap-hold?

If there is a buyout, its spread out over the remaining years of the contract. So then I'd assume if there's a $30 million buyout, over the next 4 years there would $7.5 million per worth of dead cap.

So in essence its like trading Gil for 4 years of Jerome James.

I think I'd rather have Gil. :lol:

Another complication in this is the league's involvement. If Stern wants to help the Pollin family, I could see the NBA taking the lead in trying to void Gilbert's deal and thus protecting the Wizards from criticism amongst the rank & file of the NBA. However, I don't know if Stern is that pissed at Gil or if the league is willing to jump into a protracted war with the players association & various lawyers to void Gil's deal.

The best thing that could have happened to Gil was Stern's suspension. It got the cameras out of Gil's face and let the news cycle finally run its course. The public outrage isn't really there anymore so outside of the DC area, there may not be the impetus there to make a further example out of Gil.

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:42 am
by ErikChowbay023
I still think that Gil will stay a Wizard... He`s not dumb enough to walk from 80 mil... Everything we are hearing right now is speculation in regards to whether or not Gil wants to stay, or even the Wizards will try to void his deal...

Regarding Michael Lee`s twitter...

" Even if Arenas pleads guilty to a felony, I can't imagine he would see jail time. I'm sure he'll do whatever he can to avoid that."

"Wouldn't get overly panicked over GA's felony charge. A plea deal is likely in the works. He surely is looking to plea down to a misdemeanor"

Michael Lee also said on Washington Post Live that only if Gil is convicted of a Felony, and see jail time, would the Wizards be able to void the contract...He said unless that happens, the Wizards have no traction to be able to void his contract, and probably wont even try..

Looks like Gil and the Wizards Organization are gonna have to reconcile..

Now I am 100% behind Gil...Have been from the beginning, but in regards to the whole situation with Gil supposedly being upset with the Wizards Organization is somewhat ridiculous... Now maybe the Wizards should not have cleaned out all images of Gilbert, but maybe they had no choice...Gil must understand, he is looked at as the face of the franchise..but the Wizards Brand Name is bigger than him, its like that with all athletes..LeBron Exempt* and when they cleared everything out of the Arena they were doing that to please all of the upset and misled fans..who were calling Ticket Master to ask if Gilbert was gonna be there, and that if he was there they were not going to come and bring their families and spend all of that money...It always comes down to money..

Gil must also understand he was wrong for bringing the guns their, well maybe not wrong but stupid. He was also very immature to use them as a prop in a joke, not thinking of the consequences that could follow if caught...

But again, as whats being reported by the MEDIA...The Wizards basically cleared themselves of everything Gil, but we dont know whats been going on behind the scenes. Grunfeld came out and said "We are not phasing Gilbert out, we are just focusing on the players who are playing" IMO there isnt anything wrong with that statement... its all about the money and the image...

Maybe they should have come out and said more..or maybe it was best they stayed quiet, and kept the paying customers may be wrong, I feel its wrong..but its how the game is played..

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 6:45 am
by sixerbond
If Gil's contract is voided by Washington, and it holds up, even though Washington would not have to pay his remaining contract, his salary numbers would still, absolutely count against Washington's cap.
However, if an agreed upon buyout is done, then yes, it averages out the remianing years he had left, say 4 years, and say the buy out is 40 million, then it's 10 million a season on the cap. But Washington
would actually have to pay Gil 40 million to basically be a free agent. As where the totally voided deal would still mean Gil's original salary numbers would still be on the Cap,,,but no actual money to Gil.

And THAT'S the way it is :evil:

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:33 am
by Awoooga
If he avoids jail time there is little to no chance his contract gets voided. Even if he serves some time voiding a 80M contract is a huge long shot.

If you want Arenas out, your best shot is to buy him out. He is absolutely untradeable. I doubt he would accept a 30M dollar buyout. If you really want him gone, your going to need to pay at least 75 percent on the dollar for what he is owed. That would make a buyout 60M which might be to pricey for you guys.

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:43 am
by eltacoman
GIlbert was the Face of the organization he scored for schools and was like a little kid in Neverland that never wanted to grow up and that made him looked up by and watched by millions of kids.... thats Part of the reason he got paid mad money even when he was injured ..... if the Wizards just give him a slap on the wrist and let him play for the wizards again... its like saying HEY KID FOOL AROUND WIT GUNS GILBERT THINKS ITS OK and that is not right.... you all have to understand and see the Wizards as a Business holding on to GIl is a marketing killer = Organization killer

if thay can VOID that FOOL

:( sorry Gilbert but your going to have to grow up and take it like a Man

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:05 am
by willbcocks
Dat2U wrote:
If there is a buyout, its spread out over the remaining years of the contract. So then I'd assume if there's a $30 million buyout, over the next 4 years there would $7.5 million per worth of dead cap.

So in essence its like trading Gil for 4 years of Jerome James.

I think I'd rather have Gil. :lol:

Gil doesn't seem like the forgiving type for big things like this though. I can't see him ever wanting to play again in Washington. This will just become motivation for him.

As a result, I expect a buyout agreement if the contract isn't canceled outright. I think Gil values his career too much, especially after 2 years sitting out with injuries, to refuse to compromise. Exactly how far both sides would compromise is anyone's guess.

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:10 am
by Diop
sixerbond wrote:If Gil's contract is voided by Washington, and it holds up, even though Washington would not have to pay his remaining contract, his salary numbers would still, absolutely count against Washington's cap.
However, if an agreed upon buyout is done, then yes, it averages out the remianing years he had left, say 4 years, and say the buy out is 40 million, then it's 10 million a season on the cap. But Washington
would actually have to pay Gil 40 million to basically be a free agent. As where the totally voided deal would still mean Gil's original salary numbers would still be on the Cap,,,but no actual money to Gil.

And THAT'S the way it is :evil:

Man that is beyond stupid, especially seeing how difficult it is to void a contract. Its not like every team is voiding contracts to gain some cap room.

I guess it adds some more protection for the players.

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 9:21 am
by Hoopalotta
I don't know, it's hard to speak with any certainty as to what any of this means at this point.

The point Dat' raised on Stern possibly taking the torch in the 'Void mission' is interesting and something I have been wondering about.

Sixerbond, I've never heard anyone say that if the Deal was voided the cap numbers would still hold. I think the consensus is quite otherwise.

About the only thing certain is that Gil and the Wizards are really an untenable union now with all the rotten eggs rolling around in the picnic basket. MAYBE if Ted comes in an cleans house with the front office and reaches out to Gil after some period of time has lapsed, something could give.

At this point if I had to GUESS what will happen, I could see a Jamal Tinsley 'Mexican-standoff' situation play out for a while and then maybe a buyout.

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:09 pm
by TheSecretWeapon
sixerbond wrote:If Gil's contract is voided by Washington, and it holds up, even though Washington would not have to pay his remaining contract, his salary numbers would still, absolutely count against Washington's cap.
However, if an agreed upon buyout is done, then yes, it averages out the remianing years he had left, say 4 years, and say the buy out is 40 million, then it's 10 million a season on the cap. But Washington
would actually have to pay Gil 40 million to basically be a free agent. As where the totally voided deal would still mean Gil's original salary numbers would still be on the Cap,,,but no actual money to Gil.

And THAT'S the way it is :evil:

What's your source on this?

What you're suggesting may be possible, but doesn't make any sense logically. Under this scenario, say Big Star signs a maximum contract with his team, then two days later murders his wife and gets sent to prison for the rest of his life. The team would void his deal, but then the player's cap figure would sit on their books for the next 6 years? It doesn't make any sense. They'd be hindered in their efforts to make roster moves through no fault of their own. Plus, with 25-30% of their cap being consumed in this manner, they wouldn't be able to pay as much for other players -- their REAL team salary would be artificially reduced. That would bring into question issues like the salary floor and luxury tax.

So, what's your source?

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 4:21 pm
by TheSecretWeapon
Okay, sixerbond is full of what Arenas left in Blatche's shoe.

I checked with CBA expert Larry Coon. According to Larry, a voided contract is just that -- the contract ceases to exist. The team gets back the cap space.

Larry provides an example -- When Minnesota cheated to sign Joe Smith, the league voided Smith's contract. When that happened, the T-Wolves regained that cap space.

Re: Arenas charged in gun case

Posted: Fri Jan 15, 2010 5:22 pm
by MF23
Seriously, the NBA would be foolish to have that rule. Teams would go bankrupt trying to compete in Kevin's scenario. No team in any professional sport should have to pay for a player going to prison. Forget that, no business should have to pay for an employee going to prison.