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Arenas update?

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 8:29 pm
by Shady Franchise
I've heard he is rehabing along better than expected and is riding the stationary bike at home games. Have any of you seen this on TV or at the games? Any updates are welcome. Thanks!

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 8:47 pm
by Donkey McDonkerton
I thought I just heard he was cleared to walk without crutches...saw him with them last night. Also heard he has been doing some stuff in the pool.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 9:19 pm
by long suffrin' boulez fan
I thought I saw him walk from the locker room to the bench a few minutes into the game with crutches and a brace (they only showed the bottom half of this person on CSN)... then, later in the game, they showed him moving around during a time out w/o crutches.

Does anyone have the 411?

When I saw who I thought was Gil walking with crutches and a brace 6 weeks post op I almost lost it.... but then I remembered the track record of the Wiz medical staff and realized that he very well might be walking with crutches if he had sprained his wrist 6 weeks ago.

Seriously though... six weeks post op for an injury like this and he should be well on his way to running and cutting, no?

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 9:25 pm
by Donkey McDonkerton
long suffrin' boulez fan wrote:I thought I saw him walk from the locker room to the bench a few minutes into the game with crutches and a brace (they only showed the bottom half of this person on CSN)... then, later in the game, they showed him moving around during a time out w/o crutches.

Does anyone have the 411?

When I saw who I thought was Gil walking with crutches and a brace 6 weeks post op I almost lost it.... but then I remembered the track record of the Wiz medical staff and realized that he very well might be walking with crutches if he had sprained his wrist 6 weeks ago.

Seriously though... six weeks post op for an injury like this and he should be well on his way to running and cutting, no?

Probably not running and cutting no, but def able to walk without crutches. I also saw him come in with the crutches, but put them down and walk around without them. My best guess (they said he was cleared) is to have the crutches with him when he is doing a lot of walking, but not all the time. Having the brace on (especially) while sitting court side is a smart too. Also, just in general if he is going to take it slow, keep the brace on, no need for an accident.

Posted: Thu Jan 3, 2008 11:59 pm
by FreeBalling
On the DOC Walker show (Sports Talk 980AM), I believe DOC, could be wrong, was saying how Gil might have to skip the year to recover 100%.

From what I've read about this type of injury, 12-16 months off to be 100%, I am unclear about the 2nd injury, not much information was made public.

EDIT --- Being Gils contract year, I worry that he's going to push his rehab back to fast, we don't need another set back.

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 2:49 am
by no D in Hibachi
I'd almost rather have him sit for the rest of the year. If he comes back late this season he'll be favoring his knee because lack of confidence. I don't see him really being healthy enough to make an actual difference. Sadly, if he came back this year I can see him re-aggrivating his knee and jeopordizing next year. Arenas needs to give himself time to heal and come back strong next year.

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 4:43 am
by Donkey McDonkerton
from the post:

Arenas Off Crutches

Arenas is making progress after undergoing surgery to repair a torn left meniscus Nov. 21. Following Wednesday's game, Arenas tossed the crutches he had been using into a trash bin in the locker room.

The team originally established a three-month timetable for Arenas's possible return to basketball-related activity. Arenas, who says he might have overworked the knee after undergoing left knee surgery last April, has said he will return only when the knee is ready.

The Wizards are 12-10 without Arenas, who last played during a Nov. 16 win at Minnesota.

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 7:10 am
by Induveca
I'd say he's done for the year.

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 2:56 pm
by Spence
I saw Gil working on his curveball. I think he sees an open spot in the Nats rotation.

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 4:18 pm
by hands11
Seems like it wasn't that many games ago I saw him court-side hooping around on one leg when he was turning to sit down. There may be some sighting of him without the crutches now but it wouldn't have been very long since he was using them.

So if he is just starting to walk around without them, that is something very new. So we are talking about biking and pool work which are things to do to minimize pounding while letting him start to work the muscles.

I would say they will be shooting for him being ready a week or so before the playoffs. If he isn't ready by them, they will shut him down for the year. As was mentioned, since this is his contract year, I'm sure he wants people to see him in the playoffs as to raise the value of his contract.

What I"m more focused on is when is OP coming back?

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 5:20 pm
by greendale
Spence wrote:I saw Gil working on his curveball. I think he sees an open spot in the Nats rotation.

Nobody in his right mind would give up an All Star career in the NBA in order to play baseball.

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 5:33 pm
by Ji
gil is done for the year. He wont be back

Posted: Fri Jan 4, 2008 9:04 pm
by cedric76
to ur team it's best for him to take a year off,to my fantasy team it's not lol

Posted: Sat Jan 5, 2008 7:25 pm
by Shady Franchise
well I just read on that:

"Gilbert Arenas-G-Wizards Jan. 5 - 12:55 pm et

Gilbert Arenas, blogging about himself as usual, said he recently was cleared to get on the court for some light shooting for the first time since undergoing surgery on his left knee on November 21st. He also said that he is aiming for March 15th as a possible date for his return to game action. :o :lol: :clap: :pray:
"They say I'll be at 100 percent around February, mid-February, somewhere around the all-star break," wrote Arenas, who hasn't been cleared for any running or jumping yet. "But I'm going to be in extra wait mode, just to be sure." Obviously, Arenas' owners are just going to have to hang in there, and hope that once he does return, he plays at the level we are accustomed to seeing."
Source: Washington Post

Posted: Sun Jan 6, 2008 11:55 am
by cedric76
Shady Franchise wrote:well I just read on that:

"Gilbert Arenas-G-Wizards Jan. 5 - 12:55 pm et

Gilbert Arenas, blogging about himself as usual, said he recently was cleared to get on the court for some light shooting for the first time since undergoing surgery on his left knee on November 21st. He also said that he is aiming for March 15th as a possible date for his return to game action. :o :lol: :clap: :pray:
"They say I'll be at 100 percent around February, mid-February, somewhere around the all-star break," wrote Arenas, who hasn't been cleared for any running or jumping yet. "But I'm going to be in extra wait mode, just to be sure." Obviously, Arenas' owners are just going to have to hang in there, and hope that once he does return, he plays at the level we are accustomed to seeing."
Source: Washington Post

Posted: Sun Jan 6, 2008 2:45 pm
by BigA
It's encouraging to hear that he's feeling better than he did after the earlier surgery.

Reading this has me wondering whether the surgery last spring didn't completely fix things. Maybe Gil did too much too soon. Maybe Eddie played him too many minutes. But maybe it was inevitable that he would re-injure the knee.

Posted: Sun Jan 6, 2008 4:47 pm
by jmrosenth
Where did he say he's feeling better than he did after the earlier surgery? I don't think I've read anything to believe that the first surgery was botched. I think it's clear that something wasn't right with the knee from even before the season started and as has been conjectured before, rehabbing on the blacktops at Barry Farms probably didn't help matters. Regardless of what it is, he should not come back until he feels 100%. Gil, don't listen to your dad, your agent, or your doctors - come back when you feel the knee is where it needs to be for you to Agent Zero.

btw, Happy Birthday Gil! 26 today!

Abe, bring out the cake!


Posted: Sun Jan 6, 2008 4:51 pm
by Rafael122
Does he even have an agent? Didn't he fire his agent last year?

Anyway, at least he's being honest. If the team is sucking, he's not gonna come back and play. To be truthful though, it takes a bold man to only play a handful of games and still expect to get a max contract.

Posted: Sun Jan 6, 2008 5:25 pm
by hands11 ... 02131.html

Arenas Return Still on Hold
On Injured Knee: 'If It's Aching . . . I'll See You Next Year

By Ivan Carter
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, January 6, 2008; Page D15

Washington Wizards guard Gilbert Arenas said yesterday that he has no firm timetable for his return from surgery in his left knee.

Arenas, who last played on Nov. 16, underwent surgery on Nov. 21. If his rehabilitation goes well, it's possible he could be back on the court anytime between mid-February and mid-March, which would be just in time to help the Wizards (16-15) in their push to the playoffs.

"It all depends on how I feel," Arenas said yesterday after watching his teammates go through a light practice at Verizon Center. "I have to protect the rest of my career, too, so I won't jeopardize that for just 15 games if I'm not 100 percent. If it's aching, if I'm out here practicing and it's swelling up then, I'll see you next year."

It was the first time Arenas -- who turns 26 today -- has discussed his condition since immediately after undergoing the surgery in November. He is being more cautious about this comeback compared with the one he made this summer after having surgery to repair torn meniscus in the same knee on April 4.

Once doctors cleared him to train this summer, Arenas attacked his rehabilitation aggressively and feels that he may have overworked the knee with marathon shooting sessions and pickup games.

The November surgery repaired the same left meniscus, but Marc Connell also performed microfracture surgery on a non-weight-bearing bone on the side of the knee.

That particular procedure was not as serious as the microfracture surgeries performed on other NBA stars like Jason Kidd and Amare Stoudemire in recent years, and Arenas said the knee is feeling far better now than it did in the first weeks and months following the original surgery last April.


Posted: Sun Jan 6, 2008 6:46 pm
by Shady Franchise
News: Gilbert Arenas (knee) said Saturday that he has considered not playing at all this season, according to the Washington Times. "It's all about me getting healthy this time," Arenas said. "If I'm not 110 percent, I'm not going to budge. I'm not in a rush."

got this off of my fantasy website AHHHHHHHHHHHH Leaves us back at square one waiting and wishing he comes back healthy :cry: :nonono: :banghead: