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What if OJ Mayo went to the D-League?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 7:31 pm
by wiff
So I'm curious about what would have happened if OJ Mayo would have gone to the D-League instead of USC? I know the NBA has a relatively new rule saying you need to be 19 years old, or you can't enter the NBA draft the same month you graduate from High school.

OJ Mayo was 19 when he graduated from high school. This past November he turned 20.

Say OJ Mayo simply didn't want to go to college for whatever the case may be. Maybe the guy just wants to focus hoops and not worry about the schools side of things.

Does the rule state that you need to play an entire year in the D-League before a team can offer you a contract?

Also remember Danny Ferry? He simply refused to play for the Clippers and went to Europe until they traded his rights to Cleveland.

What if OJ Mayo doesn't want to play for a crappy team?

Could he go to the D-League put up some huge numbers and pick and choose through the offers? I imagine with the guys undeniable talent that teams would be willing to take a flyer on the kid just like half the teams have done with High school kids in the past.

If he skipped USC and went to the D-League could he be looking at contract offers today, from Dallas, Phoenix, or where ever he would prefer to go play like Orlando?

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2008 10:03 pm
by FGump
Mayo would be ineligible for the NBA until he has gone through the "NBA Entry Draft." The title of the draft is not a coincidence. Going through the draft process at least one* time (whether you get drafted or not) is what makes you then eligible to be signed by an NBA team and play in the NBA.

* In virtually every case it's only once, but there are circumstances specified in the rules where a player would have to go through the draft more than once.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 12:02 am
by wiff
Thank you! That makes sense, I just wanted to get an informed opinion on it.