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MLB Umpires Wear White Wristbands In Protest Of Treatment

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 10:35 pm
by RealGM Wiretap

Major League Baseball are wearing white wristbands Saturday, a show of solidarity after Ian Kinsler was fined and not suspended for harsh criticism of Angel Hernandez.

"This week, a player publicly and harshly impugned the character and integrity of Angel Hernandez -- a veteran umpire who has dedicated his career to baseball and the community," the World Umpires Association (WUA) said in a statement. "The verbal attack on Angel denigrated the entire MLB umpiring staff and is unacceptable."

Hernandez has been an umpire for nearly 25 years.

"Major league umpires hold themselves to high standards," the WUA said. "We are held accountable for our performance at every game. Our most important duty is to protect the integrity of the game, and we will continue to do that job every day. But the Office of the Commissioner must protect our integrity when we are unfairly attacked simply for doing our jobs.

"Enough is enough. Umpires will wear the wristbands until our concerns are taken seriously by [the] Office of the Commissioner."


Re: MLB Umpires Wear White Wristbands In Protest Of Treatment

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 12:48 am
by 76ersfan
Imagine if the players did this to protest umps..... We'd never hear the end of it: lack of repspect, arrogant players, etc. but umps get a pass no surprise.