David Tepper Defends Panthers\' Decision To Pick Bryce Young

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David Tepper Defends Panthers\' Decision To Pick Bryce Young 

Post#1 » by RealGM Wiretap » Tue Nov 28, 2023 7:02 pm

David Tepper stood by the decision by the Carolina Panthers to draft Bryce Young over C.J. Stroud one day after he fired Frank Reich as head coach. Young has struggled this season as the Panthers have a 1-10 record, while Stoud looks like a potential superstar. 

\"Now, look, everything that\'s right here, everything that\'s wrong here, ultimately it\'s my fault,\'\' he said. \"I\'ve got the final say. But as far as those decisions, whether it\'s Frank Reich or it\'s Bryce Young, those decisions were made.

\"And in the case of Bryce it was almost ... I believe it was a unanimous decision from the coaches and the scouts. And very strong opinions at the time.\"

Tepper added that he was \"totally confident in agreeing with that pick.\"

Via David Newton/ESPN

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Re: David Tepper Defends Panthers\' Decision To Pick Bryce Young 

Post#2 » by 23artest23 » Tue Nov 28, 2023 10:04 pm

It's been suspected that Reich wanted Stroud and frankly, I believe it. The whole thing reeks of the owner meddling in the football when the owner should be sitting back and letting the folks hired do their jobs. And Reich is a former QB and throughout his time in Indy, I personally only remember 1 QB that was decidedly undersized like Bryce and that guy didn't play. Perhaps Bryce had some of the staff onboard as the guy to take at #1 but I have a hard time believing Reich was one of them and frankly, I don't particularly care for the guy.

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