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Re: Teams are prepping scenarios where the cap is 10-15% lower due to the NBA situation with China

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:31 pm
by Edrees
Every NBA team should get an exception to go over the cap without luxury tax, by the amount this China thing caused the cap to lower. Don't let them win.

Re: Teams are prepping scenarios where the cap is 10-15% lower due to the NBA situation with China

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:34 pm
by scrabbarista
Vader wrote:
scrabbarista wrote:"Hong Kong police deliberately murder." From a protest yesterday. I wonder if any Americans who've spoken up about police violence in the US will take any notice, do any research, or have the courage to comment.


Cop killings happen about 1000 times per year in the us, should not Americans save their energy for commenting their own cop killing instead of an unknown case in a place at the other end of the world ?


Over 90% of those 1,000 are people who are armed at the time.

To answer your question, Americans have enough energy to comment on two aspects of an issue. I was just wondering out loud whether or not they will.

Re: Teams are prepping scenarios where the cap is 10-15% lower due to the NBA situation with China

Posted: Fri Oct 11, 2019 10:40 pm
by scrabbarista
Vader wrote:
scrabbarista wrote:"Most people condemn the actions of Adolf Hitler and his National Socialist government, and the atrocities they committed before and during World War II, yet it is important to remember that those actions did not occur in a vacuum.

Many leading businesspeople and government officials were willing to ignore what was happening in Germany before the war, because they believed that business or sports could be separated from politics, even though the Nazis established their first concentration camps just weeks after Hitler became chancellor and began rounding up political opponents.

The camps were a way to indefinitely incarcerate those the regime considered a security threat, as well as eliminate individuals or groups away from public or judicial purview or exploit them as forced labor.

The CCP has followed the Nazi playbook since the founding of the People’s Republic of China’s (PRC), much as the Soviet Union did with its gulag system.

To stay silent is to be complicit, as Beijing well knows. That is why it reacts so aggressively to those who criticize the CCP’s policies and what it views as its national mandate."

Do not trust a single word from CNN when issues are related with China or you will embarrass yourself by being a tool.

The source of the 2016 report is not CNN. Neither was the video. Here's a separate report from 2019. The link is NBC, but the source of the report is not. I suggest you attempt to discredit the sources of the original reports, because if you don't I'll just keep posting links from every major media outlet on the planet. They've all reported on the findings of these studies.

Re: Teams are prepping scenarios where the cap is 10-15% lower due to the NBA situation with China

Posted: Sun Oct 13, 2019 4:36 pm
by ShadyMoney
I want the nba to fall so lebron can create his own league.

We don’t need them.